Bottle Security With Spiders?

We have a customer that was having problems with the theft of liquor that is boxed, such as Crown Royal. The bottle locks that they have will work but they do not want to open the box to put the bottle lock on and then close up the box again. This poses a unique problem with bottle security but one that is clearly solvable.

Alpha Security has a product line called Spider Wraps. You have probably seen these in electronics’ and computer stores. A Spider Wrap is a small hockey puck shaped device with thin wires that go to a base. The wires wrap around all four sides of the box the hockey puck device can be on top or a side. The wires tighten around the box. If a shoplifter pulls to hard on the wires or cuts them the built in sounder starts screaming a very loud alarm tone.

One of the great advantages of this type of bottle lock is that it also is reusable. The cashier simply uses an S3 key to release the spider wrap and it is ready to be reused. The big advantage of any type of bottle lock is that in the liquor bottle security world it get the high theft merchandise back out on the sales floor from behind the counter.

Alpha Security produces Spider Wraps in a number of types and sizes. There are one alarm”, two alarm or three alarm types. A one alarm used as a bottle lock will trigger your EAS system at the door. A two alarm will do that and self-alarm if the cable is cut or the housing is tampered with. A three alarm Spider Wrap used for bottle security will do all that plus it will self alarm and continue to alarm for 10 minutes after the shoplifter has left the store.

This is a big jump from the beginning with EASy Bottle, bottle locks. You have the tools available to take back your store from the shoplifters. Prior to EASy Bottle coming onto the market Retailers were very limited in their liquor bottle security choices.

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For more information on Alpha security, Bottle lock, Bottle locks, Bottle security, EASy Bottle or Liquor bottle security contact us or call 1.770.426.2

Is a Bottle Lock Really the Solution To Liquor & Wine Theft?

If you own a liquor store you know all about shoplifting. But you may not know about all the liquor bottle security and bottle locks available. During good times or bad shoplifters will steal from you. Liquor stores also have another problem related to shoplifting. There are individuals that will enter the store, open a bottle of you best, drink some then put it back on the shelf. This issue is really no better that when a thief removes the merchandise from the store.

There are several things you should consider to combat these thefts. This is a multi stage solution.

First is greeting the customers when they enter the store. Well-established studies have shown that if impulse and some amateur shoplifters are greeted when they enter the store they won’t shoplift during that visit. This is because in their mind, they have been seen and no longer blend into the crowd. I believe that if possible they should be asked if you could assist them in finding something. This adds more interaction and clearly establishes that they have been noticed. Remember customers love attention shoplifters hate it.

Next we all know that you can be routinely in situations where you do not have a good employee to In this case you need items that physically secure your product. If you have a Checkpoint system at your doors then you have most of the problem solved. However, this may not be the best environment for just using Checkpoint labels

This is where the EASy Bottle bottle lock from Alpha Security comes in. This is one of the best forms of liquor bottle security available. It is a bottle lock that fits over the cap of the bottle and locks it down. There is a Checkpoint Tag built in. The bottle cannot be opened with this bottle lock on it. The EASy Bottle bottle lock is clear acrylic and black and does not take away from your merchandising standards. The EASy Bottle bottle locks can only be removed by store employees with the special S3 key.

To purchase EASy Bottle bottle locks from Alpha Security Visit our website.

You can also learn more about EASy Bottle, Alpha Security, Liquor Bottle Security, and Bottle Locks, contact us at  bottle lock or call 1.770.426.0547

Alpha Security EASy Bottle Anti Shoplifting Bottle Lock

If your liquor store is experiencing shoplifting and “customers” opening and taking a drink then you need some bottle security. For example one of the most popular targets of the shoplifting public is Grey Goose vodka. Put an EASy Bottle bottle lock on the top of your Grey Goose bottle caps and the shoplifter will go elsewhere.

Alpha Security is a division of Checkpoint Systems.

Alpha Security makes anti theft devices that fit over the top of the bottle and encase the cap and upper bottleneck in a very tough hard plastic. The top of the EASy Bottle bottle locks are clear so you can see Tax ID stamps.

The slim clear top allows for a much cleaner looking display. In will not interfere with your customers shopping experience. Besides being an anti shoplifting device the EASy Bottle bottle locks will prevent customers from opening the bottle until it has been purchased.

These liquor bottle security devices come in different sizes to insure a snug fit that provides maximum protection. They are easy to use and can only be removed by your staff with an S3 key.

The EASy Bottle bottle lock from Alpha Security comes with either a RF or AM tag embedded inside. This non-deactivatable tag cannot be reached or damaged. The bottle lock has the word “alarm” printed on the front to let the shoplifter know that they are playing with fire.

The new S3 EASy Bottle bottle locks combine the highest level of bottle security with optimal merchandise aesthetics. This sleek design is perfect for high-end displays and maximum merchandising.

To purchase the EASy Bottle bottle lock liquor bottle security devices from Alpha Security Visit Our Website!

For more information about Alpha Security, bottle security, liquor bottle security, EASy Bottle, or bottle locks contact us at bottle lock or call 1.770.426.0547

So What’s Your Problem?!? Bottle Security To The Rescue

Shoplifters cleaning your liquor and wine out like its spring-cleaning or something? Are you loosing so much money or sanity that you wonder if it is worth it? Can’t hire any more people because your already thin margin will take too much of a hit?

First we need to figure out what your problem is. What type of shoplifting problem do you have? What is occurring in your store? Is your merchandise just disappearing? Is it being opened on site and consumed or poured off into another container? There are three levels of bottle security you should look at fully before you make your decisions that will fix the problems.

Bottle security using Checkpoint labels. Once you have a Checkpoint system in place at the doors you can consider this solution. You or your staff places a Checkpoint label on the bottles that are experiencing theft. If that bottle is concealed and the shoplifter tries to take it out of your store the Checkpoint system will detect it and alarm. Checkpoint labels come in many sizes and shapes. They are plain, have fake barcodes, are black and come in many sizes that can be printed on directly with the printer you already use to print pricing labels.

Bottle locks are the next step. The first one to consider is Steal Grip by Alpha Security. This hard tag wraps around the neck of the bottle and locks in place with a special locking mechanism. If the shoplifter attempts to steal the bottle the Checkpoint system at the doors goes into alarm. However, once a paying customer purchases the bottle the cashier simply removes the bottle lock with a special key. Bottle locks are then reused over and over.

The next level in Bottle locks is the EASy Bottle, EASy Guard and Crystal Guard also by Alpha Security. Let me also state that Alpha Security is the undisputed leader in liquor bottle security, bar none! These products such as EASy Bottle go over the top of the liquor or wine bottle. The bottle lock is locked into place and at that point a thief cannot open the bottle or steal it. If they attempt to take it out the door the Checkpoint system will also alarm. The difference between them is that EASy Bottle is the first generation. It is solid black. Crystal Guard comes in four sizes and has a clear acrylic top. You can see the cap and tax stamp. EASy Guard is the latest and greatest. It also has a clear top but its locking mechanism is even better for applying and removing. Both Crystal Guard and EASy Guard us her new S3 Detacher key from Alpha Security. This is great stuff!

Visit the Loss Prevention Store for the best in Liquor Bottle Security

For more information on Alpha security, Bottle lock, Bottle locks, Bottle security, EASy Bottle or Liquor bottle security contact us or call 1.770.426.0547

Protecting liquor with bottle locks “Buy me” ,“Don’t Steal Me!”

Merchandise that is in demand, such as liquor or wine, can be considered high theft, just like other in-demand merchandise at other retail outlets.  Liquor stores are not exempt from “the shoplifting factor” of lost inventory.  If you operate a liquor store and are experiencing loss of inventory, there are many bottle security options available.

One of these bottle security options is EASy Bottle bottle locks from Alpha Security . These bottle locks can secure your high theft wine and liquor by making the cap on the bottle difficult to remove without using a key.  The merchandise can still be on display, but you do not have to stress about whether it walks out of the door or is “tasted” by a thirsty customer.  When the bottle is purchased, the clerk easily uses a key at the register to remove the EASy bottle bottle lock .

Many states allow liquor and wine sales within grocery stores, and often these large businesses do not have the employee coverage to closely monitor high theft items such as liquor or wine.  By using the bottle lock, like the EASy Bottle bottle locks, the liquor and wine can be protected.  A would-be shoplifter looking to steal does not want to have to deal with trying to figure out how to get around bottle security.

Theft is not just someone else’s responsibility if you own a store that sells liquor and wine.  Even the most attentive employee can become busy or distracted and miss a clue that a customer may be stealing.  If your inventory isn’t quite matching your books, invest in some bottle security.  Trust us, Alpha Security and their EASy Bottle bottle lock will recover that loss to shoplifted liquor and wine and pay for itself in no time.

 Visit the Retail Loss Prevention Store.

For more information on bottle locks , bottle security , EASy bottle , or Alpha Security please contact us at bottle lock or call 1.770.426.0547.

Display your wine and spirits openly and safely with bottle locks

Your customers want to be able to browse through your wine and spirits collection, handling the bottles and reading the labels.  But can you afford to allow this luxury to your customers, when theft and consumption in your store is such a problem?

You can display these items on your sales floor for all to view if you use liquor bottle security.  EASy Bottle Bottle locks from Alpha Security will prevent theft by being both a physical and visual deterrent.  When using  bottle security, bottles cannot be opened unless a key is used.  All shoplifters want the quick getaway and easy access to the merchandise.  They do not want to steal a bottle of wine or liquor that they have to spend hours figuring out how to open.

Businesses that sell wine and spirits also struggle with individuals consuming product within the business.  These people may need the product, but can’t afford to purchase it.  Some may just choose not to pay for it.  Either way, with EASy Bottle bottle security by Alpha Security your alcohol can be safely displayed and you can be assured that they are secure and available to be sold to your honest customers and not taken by your dishonest shoplifters.

Bottle locks can be a great a visual deterrent, and would-be thieves are deterred by the sight of the locks.  Sales are not lost, because the bottle locks are only on the cap of the bottle.  The presentation of the product is not altered, and sales can be increased because items you once may have displayed behind your counter or in a locked case can now be out where the customers are browsing.

If wine and liquor are items that you sell in your business, consider boosting your profits and decreasing your shrink by investing in new liquor bottle security for your store.

Visit the Retail Loss Prevention Store!

For more information on  bottle security , bottle locks , EASy Bottle or Alpha Security contact us at liquor bottle security or call 1.770.426.0547.

Easy Come EASy Stay – Bottle Security

Liquor bottle security has its challenges when retailers of alcoholic beverages try to stop customers from tasting, sampling, tampering or outright stealing of their products.

Retailers have tried limiting the amount of particular product’s exposure on display, locking the product in a display cabinet, and displaying it behind the counter.  Using these methods of liquor bottle security, sales suffer and liquor theft continues.

Alpha Security, an innovator in the field of merchandise security, has designed a line of bottle locks aimed at keeping merchandise in the store and intact until it’s paid for, and allowing customers to hold, touch, feel, and inspect the merchandise before purchasing – a definite plus for sales.  All are made using EAS technology and when used in conjunction with Checkpoint Security Systems equipment, will alert when the bottle lock passes out the door.  EASy Bottle locks fit over the cap of the bottle and can’t be removed without a special key that only the cashier can access.

In addition to the deterrent factor of EAS technology, the bottle lock is made so that it is almost impossible to remove without actually breaking the bottle, ruining its value for the shoplifter as it denies access to the contents inside or outside the store.

Liquor retailers and grocers who sell spirits find that the bottle lock bottle security by Alpha Security answers their liquor bottle security dilemma.  The EASy bottle allows product to be openly merchandised and accessible to the customer and still protects the merchandise from theft.  The EASy Bottle locks can be used over and over because they are removed at the point of sale and go straight to the stockroom to be used on new stock.

Spirits retailers can rest EASy knowing that bottle locks by Alpha Security are protecting their valuable merchandise.

Visit our Online Retail Loss Prevention Store

For more information about Alpha Security , bottle locks , bottle security , EASy bottle or liquor bottle security contact us or call 1.770.426.0547.

Keep the shoplifters away with bottle security

Out of all of the customers that frequent your business – how many are shoplifters?  How many are after your liquors and wines, but do not want to pay for them?

Shoplifters do not wear a sign that says “I am a shoplifter.”  A shoplifter can be anyone, and businesses that sell wine and liquor know that they are targeted just like any other business.  Instead of just letting the shoplifting run rampant, there are options such as EASy Bottle bottle security available through Alpha Security.

It would be nice to be able to put a sales person on every aisle in your business in order to help prevent shoplifting, but that is just not practical or affordable.  Luckily, there are now alternatives to this for business owners worried about the liquor and wine stock. Bottle locks, like the EASy Bottle locking cap from Alpha Security, are able to protect your high end wines and liquors from shoplifters  who want to “test” your products before they purchase them.  The bottle lock easily fits on the end of the liquor bottle and prevents unauthorized people from opening up the bottle before it is purchased.  Once the bottle is purchased, the clerk can easily remove the bottle lock with a key at the register.  Once removed from bottles the bottle locks can be reused.

Liquor bottle security will be a worthwhile investment for deterring shoplifters.  Shoplifters that you can’t pick out of the crowd, or don’t happen to notice trying to hide your products in their coat or inside their purse.  With a bottle lock your product is both easily shopable and protected.

Bottle security such as a bottle locks is like having those employees on every aisle, protecting the merchandise.  They go far in protecting your assets and increasing your profits, all for minimal investment. When there is a simple and inexpensive form of liquor bottle security available, why wouldn’t you use it?

Buy bottle locks at our website.

For more information about Alpha security , bottle security , bottle lock , EASy bottle , liquor bottle security or contact us at bottle locks or call 1.770.426.0547.

Bottle Security, It’s definately worth the investment.

“A Shoplifter Only Stole A $25 Bottle From Me. I Don’t Need Bottle Security.” Guess What…He Got Much More!

That $25 bottle actually cost you a lot more in real dollars that liquor bottle security would have prevented. If your store operates on a typical 2% profit margin. That’s the margin after payroll, tax, insurance, the light bill, and any other overhead you will have to sell and additional $1,250 JUST TO BREAK EVEN ($25/.02). That’s right, the next $1250 goes for making up for the $25 bottle the shoplifter stole. The simple solution is bottle security for your sales floor.

Alpha Security has the best bottle lock products on the market. They are high quality and very easy to use. One push of a button and the bottle security is in place. The bottle lock is low profile, light and tough. It requires a special Alpha Security key to unlock them. The bottle lock is also reusable. The cashier simply removes it and drops it into a basket under the cash wrap to be used again on another bottle.

If you lose $500 a week in shoplifting losses that is $26,000 per year in theft that translates to $1.3 million dollars a year in actual losses to you. No company can make money in that environment.

One of the first liquor bottle security devices that Alpha Security created is called EASy Bottle (Electronic Article Surveillance). EASy Bottle is a solid black bottle lock that comes in several sizes. It not only prevents the bottle from being opened in the store but the bottle lock also sets off the Checkpoint System at the doors. Now newer versions such as Crystal Guard and EASy Guarde are available. Those bottle locks have clear acrylic tops and are a much lower profile. They fit on the shelf better and have a much smaller over all footprint. EASy Bottle bottle locks are so effective that they’re still available.

Visit the Retail Loss Prevention Store for your liquor bottle security needs.

For more information about bottle security or bottle locks contact us or call 1.770.426.0547

Summer Profits instead of Loss with Bottle Security

Summer time is almost here.  More people will have vacation and time off of work to enjoy themselves at the beach, lake, or even in their own back yard.  If you are a business that sells liquor and wines, this is a time to look forward to as it should provide an increase in sales of your products.

An increase in customers and sales may also mean an increase in loss due to theft.  Bottle security, such as the EASy Bottle cap from Alpha Security, can provide protection of your merchandise during this increase in customer flow. EASy bottle bottle locks are applied to your high end liquors and wines, and are removed only when the customer wishes to purchase the product.  The Alpha Security bottle lock is then reusable, so you can help ensure instock for your customers while reducing the risk of your products being stolen.

You as a business owner can also display all of your wines and liquors for your customers to browse if you have liquor bottle security.  The bottle lock fits over the cap and makes the bottle virtually impossible to open without a key.  There is little point to stealing a bottle of liquor if it is going to be impossible to open anyway.  The honest customers have the ability to see your full selection, instead of empty shelves where product is supposed to be sitting.  The dishonest customers see your bottle locks and bottle security and decide that yours is not a business from which they are interested in stealing.

We are all ready for summer fun, and that can include the wines and liquors that you sell to paying customers, instead of providing free of charge to those wishing to steal.  Bottle security such as bottle locks improves your summer by increasing your profit and reducing your loss due to theft.

Visit the Retail Loss Prevention Store

 For more information about Alpha security or bottle security or bottle locks or EASy bottle or liquor bottle security or contact us at bottle lock or call 1.770.426.0547.