Now They Are Stealing The Less Expensive Stuff?!? How Should I Adjust My Liquor Bottle Security Program?

In the liquor bottle security world we find that as we fix one problem another may pop up. We get reports from time to time from clients that they have protected the “good” stuff but now the shoplifters are stealing the less expensive liquor and wine.

This is normal and a part of fixing the overall problem. Think about it, the shoplifter is accustom to stealing from you. They expect it and have come to depend on the free stuff they get from you. Now that you have a liquor bottle security program in place and are beginning to squeeze them out of your life they are not happy about it. Some will simply go to your unprotected competitor. Some will change to stealing product that is not protected with a bottle lock.

This is actually good as it is telling you that your efforts are working. Now let’s fine tune the solution. You have bottle locks on the good stuff like Grey Goose. But there has been an increase in the theft of the less expensive stuff. Maybe the “travelers” (vodka in pocket size flasks) are disappearing. What do you do?

You have several options. You can do nothing and absorb the losses. But that still means that you will be losing money. What you need though is an option that is cost effective. You could place a bottle lock on $5.99 vodka and that may work especially because the bottle locks are reusable.

But another solution could be to put a Checkpoint label on the bottle and deactivate it at the time of checkout. Checkpoint labels are very inexpensive.

Though these solutions are great and inexpensive they won’t ever replace the best anti shoplifting program you have, Customer Service!!! Remember, customer service is key in preventing shoplifting even with a bottle security program. You and your staff must greet customers when they walk in. If someone is acting suspicious they need and deserve “extra” customer service. Effective bottle security requires a combined effort and even an Alpha Security EASy Bottle lock has limitations. If you are not sure how to proceed call us. We will help you fix the problem once and for all!

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase EASy Bottle bottle locks by Alpha Security.

For more information on Alpha Security , Bottle Lock , Bottle locks , Bottle Security, liquor bottle security or EASy Bottle contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

Alpha Security Products Helped Me Save My Profits


Can you say the same thing? Alpha Security products have helped many retailers, but there are even more that continue to sell merchandise without any protection.

Alpha security has a long list of merchandise security products designed to help the retailer protect their assets and boost their profits. One particular line of security devices I ensure my teams use daily is EASy bottle locks. Many of my stores have strong liquor sales and can attribute these sales to as much as 30% of overall store sales. EASy bottle locks protect liquor bottles by simply popping this top onto the top of the bottle. Using the bottle top prevents the customer from “sampling” the merchandise and keeps thieves at bay. Liquor Bottle security should be the priority of any liquor retailer. With such a high potential for profits it’s a no brainer to protect.

A manager told me a story once when he first started using bottle locks. His store went from selling high-end liquor items behind the counter to displaying them openly on the sales floor. He said he had always been extremely nervous about putting the items out and felt that if the high-end items were freely merchandised people were simply going to rush in and steal everything. With the new liquor bottle security system each item going out on the sales floor had a bottle lock, yet he was so used to theft in his store that he was still unsettled. Liquor bottle security was new to him, but he was willing to give it a shot. Another store of his was doing the same kind of roll out, so there was a lot of communication between the two. They shared their concerns with each other on the new bottle security measures and told their strategies of each. They both agreed that the bottle lock would help their liquor sales and theft problems.

To this day, this 2 store chain has grown to 7 stores. The manager/owners agree that bottle security played a huge part in their success.

Visit the Retail Loss Prevention Store to purchase bottle locks.

For more information on bottle lock, bottle locks, bottle security, EASy bottle or liquor bottle security contact us at Alpha Security or call 1.770.426.0547

Bottle Locks Make Cheaper Thieves

Using bottle locks by Alpha Security has the desired benefit of providing liquor bottle security through its application, saving expensive brands from pilferage and unauthorized pouring, and deterring shoplifters by increasing the risk of detection.  The deterrent factor of the bottle lock generally forces the shoplifter who is determined to steal a particular brand to visit an easier target, one that uses no bottle security.

But the use of liquor bottle security by the retailer can have the less desirable result of “directing” the shoplifter to a cheaper brand, one that is not protected by an Alpha Security bottle lock.  Although the value of the stolen item is less than the original target, a loss might still occur.

Does this mean that the retailer should give up and not use a bottle lock at all?  Hardly.  The retailer has the option of protecting more of even his second tier merchandise with Alpha Security products.

The EASy bottle bottle lock fits over the top of the bottle and prevents the top from being removed, as well as providing EAS technology to detect the item being carried out of the store.  Some liquor retailers refer to these as “toppers”.

Another type of liquor bottle security is offered by the Steel Guard, which incorporates EAS technology into a band that is locked around the neck of the bottle, but allows the top to be removed.  These are called “neckers” by some of the retail users.

Using a complete EAS system like the ones available from Checkpoint Security Systems allows the liquor retailer to protect not only the high end products, but also the less expensive alternatives that are attractive to thieves.  High theft accessories like flasks and bar tools can be protected through the use of Checkpoint tags and labels which cause an alarm to sound when the item is being removed from the premises, just like the EASy bottle protection.

Alpha Security makes specialty anti theft protection for many other hard to tag items as well as the latest in liquor bottle security and bottle locks.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase EASy Bottle bottle locks by Alpha Security.

For more information on Alpha Security , Bottle Lock , Bottle locks , Bottle Security , liquor bottle security or EASy Bottle contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

React to Theft with Bottle Security

Some folks that aren’t in the business of selling wines and liquors might not think that such items are considered high theft.  When you think about a shoplifter, and what shoplifters like to steal, liquor might not come to mind.  But for the business owner that is losing his inventory to shoplifters, he or she knows full well the impact such crimes can have on business.

Bottle security does exist, and can be utilized in order to help reduce some of those losses due to theft.  Bottle locks, such as the EASy Bottle cap from Alpha Security, can be placed over the cap of your liquors and wines.  The bottle lock is removed with a key by your employees at the time of purchase.  It is then reusable on the next bottle of wine or liquor that you choose to display.

Liquors and wines can be stolen in a variety of ways, just like other merchandise.  Some bold thieves will just load up a shopping cart full of booze and walk out of your business, while others will make an effort to conceal in bags or purses before making their escape.  Others will just help themselves to a quick drink, or an entire bottle, right inside your business.  No matter how the thief chooses to steal, bottle locks are an effective deterrent.

The thieves that want to steal from you do not want to have to take the time to try and figure out how to open a bottle with a bottle lock.  Liquor bottle security can be daunting to the would-be thief – which is exactly what you want.

Liquor stores can be victims of shoplifting just like other businesses.  But how the business owner reacts to the loss of profit can make the most impact on business.  Responding to theft with bottle security can stop the loss and increase the profits.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase liquor bottle security such as EASy Bottle bottle locks by Alpha Security.

For more information on Alpha Security , Bottle Lock , Bottle locks , Bottle Security, liquor bottle security or EASy Bottle contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

Alpha Security Products Protect Inventory Loss

When I first heard of Alpha security products, I was a little unsure if these security features like bottle locks would actually prevent theft and boost profits for my company. I listened to the salesmen and did some research on my own.

Eventually, I agreed to EASy bottle locks in my stores and wanted to see what and how they truly impact sales, whether positive or negative.

A little background on my stores… they are roughly 15,000 square feet of selling space, and have general merchandise and liquor. Liquor accounts for roughly 30% of my overall sales. Currently I have no bottle locks and have seen a spike missing liquor bottles, half empty bottles and “staged” bottles or bottles that appear to be set up for a later theft. Visiting other large retailers, I didn’t like what bottle security they had going, and refused to lock up any of my merchandise behind a counter or in a cage. It just wasn’t customer friendly. I needed something like a bottle lock that would enable my merchandise to be left on open sell; yet provide me the bottle security I needed.

I made a deal with Alpha security and had a bottle lock put on every bottle in my store. I stuck to the directions, as simple as they were and made sure that made bottles and profits were protected. In the past liquor bottle security was something I never really thought of and actually assumed it was more expensive than it was worth. Sure it took an initial investment, but in the end… I’m very happy.

Since going with Alpha Security and using EASy bottle locks on my merchandise, I have seen a dramatic decrease in the instances of missing bottles, half opened or consumed bottles. In fact I have gone almost 3 weeks now, and have found no opened or half empty bottles. I can definitely say that liquor bottle security in my store is working and Alpha security products, like EASy bottle locks definitely have done their job.

Visit the Retail Loss Prevention Store.

For more information on bottle lock, bottle security, EASy bottle, liquor bottle security or bottle locks contact us at Alpha Security or call 1.770.426.0547

Grocery Store In Need of A Bottle Lock

A small chain of specialty grocery stores was looking for bottle security. They contacted me and asked about solutions. A manager explained to me that recently, the stores had noticed an increase in theft of liquor. Liquor bottle security was something the stores had not considered in the past.

I went to the store and did a walk of the liquor department. Liquor accounted for a large part of the sales in each store. Walking down the first liquor aisle, I immediately noticed the holes on the shelves. I asked if the store was out of stock. They told me that in order to control the loss of liquor the store would keep the more expensive liquor in the manager’s office and wait for a customer to ask for it. This was no bottle security. I then went on to the next stores and aisles and realized a couple common misconceptions this store had on controlling liquor loss.

The stores need bottle locks. Locking merchandise up in a manager’s office and waiting for the customer to ask for it is not good for sales. I told the manager about Alpha security products that would increase liquor bottle security and allow him to stock the shelves. I explained how a simple bottle lock would prevent customers from “sampling” the merchandise while in the stores, and would deter the would-be thieves. Alpha security gave me a couple of test models to show the managers, and let them see how easy it was to install a bottle lock. I went on to recommend EASy bottle locks and gave them a little information on other retailers that use EASy bottle locks to protect their merchandise.

Over the next several weeks and after installing bottle locks, the stores monitored the liquor department closely. Each saw an increase in sales, one store saw as much as a 15% increase in liquor sales.

Visit the Retail Loss Prevention Store.

For more information on Alpha Security, bottle security, bottle locks, EASy bottle or liquor bottle security contact us at bottle lock or call 1.770.426.0547


Bottle Locks Stop Loss and Boost Profits

Bottle locks have been around for a few years now. Yet there are many liquor retailers that still prefer to sell their merchandise without any sort of liquor bottle security. Many still believe their customers are not stealing or are not “sampling” the merchandise.

A store manager I had recently spoken with was that sort of manager. He didn’t really believe his customers were stealing merchandise, or tasting what was on the shelf. We talked about his merchandise and more importantly what he thought was causing the loss. Bottle security was the least of his assumptions. He was more certain that the vendor was cheating him, or that the bottles were either damaged or lost during transit versus the customers actually taking them from his store.

I knew exactly what was happening in his store and the shrink numbers were proof of that. All of his beliefs were true, vendors do cause loss, bottles do get damaged during transportation, but even more relevant is shoplifting.  Bottle security and bottle locks certainly would help to stop any sort of customer theft, but the manager would have to be sold on the process of using a bottle lock.

After a more in depth discussion about bottle locks, the store manager was willing to bottle security.

Alpha security is solid provider of bottle security and other products designed to prevent loss from occurring in your stores. As a professional, I make daily recommendations on how stores can better stop loss and proactively prevent loss from occurring. In stores with liquor, there is never any doubt in recommending Alpha security products like EASy bottle tops, and other forms of liquor bottle security.

Here is a tip. If you are a business owner or manager looking to provide a bottle lock in your stores, check out EASy bottle locks from Alpha security. EASy bottle locks, in my opinion, are one of the most effective tools to help deter theft in your stores.

Visit the Retail Loss Prevention Store.

For more information Alpha security, bottle lock, bottle security, liquor bottle security or EASy bottle, contact us at bottle locks or call 1.770.426.0547

Lazy Shoplifters and Bottle Locks

Why do bottle locks cause lazy shoplifters to leave one liquor and wine store empty handed and go to an easier target to steal?

Shoplifters are inherently lazy.  They had rather steal merchandise than work for the money to buy it.  If they are not lazy, at least they tend to take the easiest route in order to get their “free” stuff.  So is the goal of the retailer to stop shoplifting altogether, or to help the shoplifter go somewhere else to commit his crimes.  The most efficient way for the retailer to fight the shoplifter war is to “uninvited” him from the store and to visit a competitor.

Bottle locks are a great deterrent to any shoplifter, especially the lazy ones.  These are designed by their manufacturer, Alpha Security, to prevent shoplifting on several fronts.

The first bottle lock, EASy Bottle, makes the product unusable to a thief by preventing the bottle from being opened.  This type of bottle security denies the benefit of the contents of the bottle because the bottle can only be opened by breaking it.  The cap is held on tightly by the Easy Bottle bottle security.  An employee can only open the bottle lock with a key that cannot be duplicated.  Removing the contents from a broken bottle is work a shoplifter had rather not do.  This type of liquor bottle security also contains a detection device that can be sensed by an EAS (Electronic Article Surveillance) System at the exit.  The EAS System will emit an audible alarm as the bottle lack passes through the field.  Shoplifters recognize this and because they want to avoid detection, they proceed to an easier target retailer.

The steel grip liquor bottle security by Alpha Security fits tightly around the neck of the bottle and contains the detection device that will alert the sensors, and has a different look from the EASy bottle locks and lacks the product denial feature, but is an effective deterrent as well.

Using bottle locks will force your lazy shoplifters to exercise – by walking past your store to an easier theft target.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to see EASy Bottle and Steel Grip bottle security products and more.

For more information on Alpha Security , Bottle Lock , Bottle locks , Bottle Security , liquor bottle security or EASy Bottle contact us or call 1.770.426.0547.

Stick a Cork in It – Bottle Locks Stop Theft in Atlanta Georgia

Before bottle locks, spirits retailers were limited in the ways that they could safely display top shelf liquors and expensive wines because of the risk of theft and the accompanying frustration of losing profits to thieves. The liquor bottle security defense was to display the merchandise behind the counter or in a locking display.  Either way hurt sales, because customers who can’t find the product they are looking for tend to go somewhere where the merchandise is more accessible.

The bottle lock changed bottle security by allowing the retailer to openly merchandise some of his potentially most popular and profitable merchandise where it could be touched and examined by customers interested in buying.

When a shoplifter enters a store that uses bottle locks to protect its merchandise, the first thought is, “How can I get this off the bottle?” when he notices the bottle security being used.  The answer is that without a key, the bottle lock is going to be very difficult to remove.  As a matter of fact, the only way to remove Alpha Security bottle locks without a key is to break the bottle, not a good way to sample the product.  Alpha Security manufactures several types of bottle security, including the EASy Bottle that fits over the top of the bottle of wine or spirits so that the bottle can’t be opened even to taste or sample unless an employee has removed the bottle security with the special key.

With bottle locks, customers won’t have to ask if you carry a particular brand, they will be able to see it openly displayed, but kept safe by a simple to use EASy Bottle bottle lock.  The bottle lock also contains an RF or AM device that is compatible with most EAS systems, so that even if a shoplifter decides to steal a protected bottle, an alarm will sound as the merchandise passes through the detection field at the exit.

Retailers save time, money, and aggravations with liquor bottle security by Alpha Security.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to see and purchase liquor bottle security.

For more information on Alpha Security , Bottle Lock , Bottle locks , Bottle Security , liquor bottle security or EASy Bottle contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

EASy Bottle Security Keeps Merchandise Safe

EASy Bottle bottle locks by Alpha Security work to protect your liquor profits 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Nothing drives me crazier than having no control over my liquor departments.

As a former store manager, I was on top of liquor bottle security. I knew the importance of protecting the merchandise to boost profits and how important liquor bottle security was for the customers. As a loss prevention professional, I make recommendations daily to clients, managers, and business owners about EASy Bottle bottle locks and how they work. I like to use real life examples as I feel it gives an honest picture of merchandise protection.

Working in a large city with high incidents of crime, especially theft I am more aware of the importance of bottle security. A company I have, refused in years past to use EASy Bottle bottle locks or any type of bottle lock for that matter. They assumed that if a thief wants to steal the merchandise, he’ll steal the merchandise. In some cases, this is true. However, thieves like this don’t want to be recognized, they want to get in and out of the stores with little hassle. Placing a bottle lock on your liquor items takes out the possibility of getting in and out of your stores unnoticed.

Another issue I sometimes hear, usually from new managers, is that EASy bottle bottle locks take too long to put on the merchandise, or that putting a bottle lock on each liquor item will eat into payroll. I laugh when I hear this because these managers leave themselves so exposed. Instantly, this tells me that the managers have NEVER put a bottle cap on merchandise nor have yet learned the true value of these types of bottle security. Typically and to call their bluff, I’ll ask the manager to show me how to install the EASy bottle lock. I get the same answer each time… “I’m busy!”

A bottle lock will provide the bottle security your business needs.

Visit the Retail Loss Prevention Store to by bottle locks by Alpha Security.

For more information on Alpha Security , liquor bottle security , or bottle security contact us at Bottle Lock  or call 1.770.426.0547