Stopping theft with clothing security

I have helped work cases in which the shoplifter goes to a quiet corner of the business, and then pulls out some sacks and bags up the clothing she has selected.  Then the shoplifter simply walks out of the doors of the business, having the appearance of having paid for the merchandise they are carrying.

This is a common way to shoplift, especially with the increasing popularity of reusable shopping bags that the customer can bring into the store.  However, if your business has security tags on clothes , then this type of theft can be deterred.

A shoplifter wants to be able to quickly remove a tag, or not even have to remove anything off of the clothes that he or she wishes to steal.  So by having clothing security tags , you can proactively combat not only this common shoplifting trend, but any type of theft trick a shoplifter may have up his sleeve.

When investing in clothing security tags , a business owner can take into consideration the amount of investment, which is minimal, compared to the profits saved and merchandise protected.  When a shoplifter knows that there is a clothing alarm in your business, he or she will move on to the next, unprotected business. That is exactly what you want to happen.

Word then spreads that your business has clothing security , and therefore is not the appealing target to shoplifters that other businesses may be.  So the shoplifters go to the unprotected businesses, and the honest customers come to you.

No matter how a shoplifter chooses to steal, clothing security tags can be a great deterrent and a worthwhile investment. A shoplifter needs to opportunity to steal from you, and without that opportunity, the theft cannot occur. Clothing security takes away that opportunity, and protects your merchandise at the same time.

For more information about clothing security or clothing security tags or  clothing alarm contact us security tags on clothes or call 1.770.426.0547.