Shoplifters come in all shapes and sizes. They are male, female, old, young, single or married. They work alone, in pairs, or in large groups. And as I’ve discovered after working in the loss prevention field, they can be skilled at what they do. They also try to stay one step ahead of being caught.
If you operate a business that sells clothing, clothing security needs to be a consideration in order to increase your bottom line and reduce losses due to shrink. Security tags on clothes are a useful tool in the fight to keep your clothing available for those who wish to purchase it, instead of allowing it to walk out your doors at the hands of a shoplifter.
Shoplifters may stuff clothing in their bags, inside of other items or under their own clothing. They may also be bold enough to just grab a handful of clothing and walk out of your business. However they choose to steal, by having clothing security tags, alarms will sound if they try to go past your doors without paying for your merchandise.
When shoplifters are deciding whether or not to steal from you, they look for security measures such as alarms at the doors or security tags on clothes. It is much easier to steal unsecured clothing than it is to worry about activating a clothing alarm.
Shoplifters have to have anonymity in order to get away with the crime, and activating a clothing alarm makes anonymity difficult. They do not want to get your attention – they just want to get your merchandise.
The clothing security tags displayed on your high theft merchandise allow for increased sales instead of increased theft. That is a minimal investment with a substantial return in profit.
For more information about clothing security tags or clothing security or security tags on clothes contact us at clothing alarm or call 1.770.426.0547.
You can also visit our Retail Loss Prevention Store.