Stop shoplifting and start profiting with Checkpoint systems

Business owners need an option to manage their shrink.  If shrink is allowed to run rampant, then profit becomes non-existent.  Retail theft prevention is necessary to keep shrink at bay.

Anti shoplifting devices are reliable options for protecting the merchandise you wish to have available for your customers.  Shoplifters try to be one step ahead of our efforts, but with options like Checkpoint security systems available, business owners can win the war against shrinkage and theft, and help stop shoplifting within their business.

Recently I was told about an attempted theft at my employer in which a lady tried to walk out with an expensive craft machine.  There was no concealing in her purse, or hiding merchandise in her jacket.  She was simply going to walk out of the door.  An alert employee noticed her and was able to prevent this theft before it happened.

An employee was able to prevent that theft, but what if all of the employees were busy helping other customers?  A similar theft in your business could go unnoticed if employees happened to be busy.  As much as we’d like to have plenty of employee coverage in order to prevent this type of theft, this is not realistic retail theft prevention.  But if you use Checkpoint labels or Checkpoint tags, you can have that coverage to help protect your merchandise.

Checkpoint security systems alert employees when merchandise heads out the doors without being paid for.  Checkpoint labels and checkpoint tags can act as those extra employees that you wish you had, preventing the shoplifting that you know is there.  Retail theft prevention such as Checkpoint security systems is well worth the investment in order to stop shoplifting in your business.

An anti shoplifting will put money on your bottom line not the shoplifters!

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For more information about retail theft prevention or anti shoplifting or checkpoint security systems or stop shoplifting or checkpoint labels or contact us at checkpoint tags or call 1.770.426.0547.

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