Stay a step ahead of shoplifters with clothing security

Want to make a quick buck?  Some people do by stealing merchandise from businesses, then trying to return the merchandise for cash.  This type of theft can be deterred by requiring a receipt for refunds, but even then some thieves will just steal what they have on a receipt already, or even create a fake receipt.

It sometimes seems that the thieves are always one step ahead – but that does not have to be case.  If your business sells clothing, utilizing clothing security can be something that you can do to reduce your losses.  Clothing is simple to steal, and it is often targeted for those seeking to make a profit by committing return fraud.  By having security tags on clothes, you can reduce the appeal of your clothing to shoplifters without reducing its appeal to your honest and paying customers.

You will not find very many shoplifters that want to risk the clothing alarm sounding off in order to steal your merchandise.  Also, clothing security tags are a visual deterrent, which once seen scare some shoplifters enough to not even want to try to steal the clothing in your business.  That’s a good situation to create.

Your paying customers will not mind your using clothing security tags.  The security tags on clothes don’t take away from the visual appeal of your merchandise, and your customers can still handle the clothing and try it on as they would if it was unsecured.  What using clothing security will allow for is peace of mind for you, the business owner.

Using clothing security is going to make your business one step ahead of the shoplifters, instead of the other way around.

To purchase clothing security tags and a clothing alarm visit our website!

For more information on clothing security , security tags on clothes , clothing alarm or clothing security tags contact us or call 1.770.426.0547.