Shoplifting And Pond Scum – Both can be controlled!

Shoplifting is just a fact of retail life, kind of like the “worlds oldest profession”. It is not going to go away. And if you are naïve enough to think that it will not happen to you then don’t read any further since you won’t be in business much longer.  But if you are a retailer you understand that shoplifters are like pond scum, it stinks and is a distraction from the beautiful environment you have created.

The key to preventing shoplifting is no different than any other business problem. You have to control it and minimize the distraction so you can stay focused on what is really important, selling and making a profit. This can be achieved by using an Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) system. And as huge coincidence we happen to be able to sell you a checkpoint security system.

But getting back to the issue. An EAS system is a proactive system. Many retailers are under the impression that if they put a camera system (OK, we sell those also) in that this will deter shoplifters. Camera systems are passive. Unless you are watching it live all the time it will not be effective. In addition the cost to cover every place in the store where a shoplifter may hit you is in most cases cost prohibitive.

Merchandise is tagged or labeled when the shoplifter attempts to steal the item they trip the sensors at the front of the store alerting store staff. The product stays tagged at all times until your people remove or deactivate it. Its proactive, 24/7. No video to watch or review. Shoplifters know what the systems look like and how they work. In most cases they just simply go elsewhere (like your competitor who isn’t protected).

Again, the key is to do this in the most profitable way possible. You have enough to do every day. I guess you can sum it up this way; a checkpoint security system is like having shoplifting prevention on autopilot.

For more information: checkpoint security system or call 1.770.426.0547

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