Shoplifters are becoming more aggressive

These are desperate times and with desperate times come desperate measures as a great man once said.  However that phrase doesn’t always apply in a positive manner.  Shoplifters, specifically the ones who are new to ‘the game’ are becoming more desperate in their methods and behaviors.  This of course makes clothing security a more dangerous game for those of us in the Loss Prevention field.

The other day we had a pair of women on camera that gathered a large bundle of clothing and then proceeded to cut off the clothing security tags using tin snips and a fish gutting knife.  They moved in such erratic and nervous patterns that my team knew right away that police intervention would be needed.  When the women had stashed their stolen goods in their bags and dumped the clothing security tags all over the floor they made for the store entrance where they were greeted by one of my teammates and three members of the local police department.

Neither woman went without putting up a fight.

In the end they were cuffed and taken away for shoplifting, resisting arrest, and attempted assault of a police officer with a deadly weapon.  Lucky for them no one suffered any injuries, but still, it could’ve been a much bloodier ordeal.  As things become more and more hopeless I am certain we will hear more stories with much more tragic endings.

But of course when things get bad it’s us, the people in loss prevention that see some of the worst of it.  As I said before, clothing security is becoming a dangerous game.  All we can do is keep our heads and not do anything stupid.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase a clothing alarm or clothing security tags.

For more information on Checkpoint tags, clothing security, clothing alarm, or clothing security tags contact us at security tags on clothes or call 1.770.426.0547