Sales and Security: The EASy Bottle Plan!

I can not believe that just a few years ago we actually thought the best strategy for liquor bottle security would be to take all of our liquor bottle inventory and lock it up to protect it from theft. That decision brought our business precariously close to going belly up. My problem was that before I started my own business I was in the Loss Prevention industry for about fifteen years. My initial thoughts were not to maximize sales via marketing, no no no, I looked at the product and shivered at the thought of how easy the thefts could occur. Having the product out live when we first opened resulted in some heavy duty shrink as well some over zealous shoplifter apprehensions by me and my staff. Our liquor bottle security plan was failing miserably. So being up against the wall with a faltering package store business bleeding product and losing sales I needed to get help fast. My knee jerk reaction was to lock all the product up and have an extra person on the floor to open the lockable cases when a customer wanted a particular item. This hurt me on payroll as well as backing up the register area with lines due to the slowness of the product coming from the cases. Something had to change otherwise our business would become another lost business statistic.

I found a company called Alpha Security which offered a variety of bottle locks, yes, I said bottle locks. The main product for bottle security is called the EASy Bottle lock it is an alarmed bottle lock that slides over the top of the bottle snugly. The bottle lock can not be removed without the detacher that Alpha Security provides. The bottle locks will sound an alarm if tampered with and if further attempts are made to remove the bottle lock it will render the product in consumable. I was totally amazed by the bottle lock. They are lean and aesthetically pleasing. The EASy bottle locks are clearly marked as to what they are and what they do, however, they are not overbearing or gaudy. The really cool thing about it was that I could get rid of those awful lockable cases and pack the shelves with the product. The bottle locks are lean enough so as to not affect storage or marketing of the merchandise while still offering excellent bottle security. This was another plus since I was now able to utilize my vendors marketing materials which really helped our sales to pick up. I can not thank Alpha Security enough for developing the EASy Bottle lock. This liquor bottle security strategy truly saved our business. I am glad I took the time to research the issue instead of staying with a bottle security plan that was dooming my business. Now that sales are up and my customer base has increased I have been able to hire more employees at a time when the economy is really not doing that well.

The holidays are here and I actually thought maybe I should gear back on the amount of bottle locks I have on the sales floor. You see business has been so busy I thought I could save time by just processing the liquor bottle shipment on the floor and put the un tagged liquor bottles on the shelves. I gave it some serious thought and fortunately my former loss prevention experience screamed inside of me..”What are you Crazy???” Having the EASy bottle locks employed during this busy season is like having an extra employee on the floor. I realized taking the extra time to install the bottle locks would pay off come inventory time.  I strongly recommend this product to anyone selling wine or liquor bottles .

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase EASy Bottle bottle locks by Alpha Security.

For more information on Alpha Security , Bottle Lock , Bottle locks , Bottle Security , liquor bottle security or EASy Bottle contact us or call 1.770.426.0547