Return fraud can be stopped with Clothing Security

One scenario that I have seen in the retail theft prevention world is a “buy one get one free” type of scam. The customer comes into the business and buys items that he or she wants. Then the customer leaves and later returns to your business. He or she steals the exact items that they had previously purchased. Assuming that the shoplifter gets out of the store without being caught, the shoplifter can then return again with the stolen merchandise and return it for cash, since they have a “receipt.”

Businesses using clothing security can make this type of fraud more difficult for shoplifters. Clothing security tags, a great deterrent for thieves, and this type of scam is no exception. A shoplifter that is considering this return fraud is not going to want to have to figure out how to get around security tags on clothes just to return the stolen merchandise.

Return fraud of clothing is an easy way to earn some quick money. Clothing is easy to steal, especially if the business does not use clothing security. Returning the clothing to the business for cash, the shoplifter gets 100% profit with no monetary investment. Shoplifters can receive a pretty hefty payout for only a few minutes of work, so no wonder this type of scam is tempting.

You do not have to allow this to happen in your store. Security tags on clothes will be a worthwhile investment against shoplifters wanting to profit off of your loss. Shoplifters know that they cannot return merchandise that has these clothing security tags, also most do not want to even attempt the theft, knowing the risk of activating the clothing alarm. A quick buck isn’t worth the risk if you use clothing security. And when the thief can move on to the next unprotected business, why risk it?.

To purchase clothing security tags or a clothing alarm please visit our website!

For more information on clothing security , clothing security tags, security tags on clothes , clothing alarm and other forms of retail theft prevention contact us or call 1.770.426.0547.