Protection with retail anti theft devices

Sometimes it takes a few losses to realize how desirable a particular item has become to the shoplifter. We cannot predict which items will be the next hot theft item or which merchandise will need our focus to prevent shoplifting.

The best strategy is to protect our most expensive merchandise with Spider Wrap, Jewel Lok, Shark Tag, or one of the many other retail anti-theft devices that are available on the market before theft can becomes noticeable.

My typical strategy after assessing price points is to focus on things that are easy to steal and easy to sell when determining which items require spider wrap. Any high dollar item with packaging that has a handle accelerates straight to the top of the spider wrap list. Expensive, small, or easy-to-conceal items are typically first on a spider wrap roster as well. Browsing local resale shops or online resale websites also helps to identify which merchandise is being targeted.

When determining the list of merchandise to shark tag, I will typically tag merchandise seasonally. I also notice the return trends for used items on specific types of merchandise. School dance seasons such as prom or homecoming are the most common times that we utilize Jewel Lok and Shark Tag.  

The Jewel Lok or Shark Tag affixed to all high dollar items deters customers from purchasing and wearing the item to their big event and then returning afterward.  Leather coats also merit shark tag to prevent seasonal wearers from purchasing an expensive coat at the beginning of the season and returning it when the cold season has ended.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase retail anti-theft devices to prevent shoplifting and increase your profits.

For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547. 


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