At the retail store I work at, our leather items are the most expensive and sought after by thieves. The high price tag equates to a higher resell value for those who want a five finger discount. This is why we always ensure we place clothing security tags on those pricey leather jackets. These Checkpoint tags are an indispensible resource for keeping those items on the shelf. Without security tags on clothes, thieves think it’ll be worth the risk of getting caught if they can get away with a $300 jacket.
In my experience, the 3Alarm clothing alarms are an excellent fit for any heavier jackets especially with the winter months fast approaching. The cable lock system slides right down the jacket arm and securely locks at the bottom. The great part about the 3Alarm is the ability for your customers to be able to try on the jacket without removing the clothing security tag. This enables an ease of access for the customer while maintaining a sense of control to tempted shoplifters.
The Checkpoint tags are tough, too. Not only does the size of the clothing alarm allow for easy access for the customer, but the clothing security tag material is not easily tampered with. Shoplifters are familiar with clothing security and they know the time spent attempting to remove the security tags on clothes only increases the risk of getting caught. That risk is not worth the reward, so next time the shoplifter will choose the store without clothing security. Don’t be the store that’s not protected. Make it tough on the shoplifters and force them to go somewhere else.
Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase a clothing alarm or clothing security tags.
For more information on Checkpoint tags, clothing security, clothing alarm, or clothing security tags contact us at security tags on clothes or call 1.770.426.0547