Protect Clothing with Checkpoint Tags

My team recently attempted to detain a shoplifter that spent just five minutes in our store, but filled her purse with over $100 worth of merchandise.  She ran when approached but was later located by police.  The merchandise was recovered this time, but can you imagine the loss our business would have incurred if customers like this visited our store all day long?  Even at $100 per visit that loss would add up quickly, significantly decreasing our profits.

For businesses that sell clothing, this type of “grab-and-go” theft can still occur.  Since the thefts are often for return fraud or for resale, the shoplifter does not have to even take the time to look at sizes.  Security tags on clothes can help prevent this type of theft by being a visual deterrent to the shoplifter, telling him or her that you are serious about clothing security.

Clothing security tags attach to your high end and high theft clothes, sounding a clothing alarm should the item leave your business without being purchased.  Checkpoint tags are removed by your employees at the time of purchase, and can be reused on items as you sell through your products.  It is a minimal investment that can produce real results, combating loss caused by shoplifters.

Clothing security can help deter these grab and go thieves, or other types of shoplifters that may come into your business.  You and your employees, despite your best efforts, cannot watch every customer the entire time they are in your business.  Security tags on clothes can do some of that work for you by being a deterrent and encouraging the shoplifters to go elsewhere.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase a clothing alarm or clothing security tags.

For more information on Checkpoint tags, clothing security, clothing alarm, or clothing security tags contact us at security tags on clothes or call 1.770.426.0547