Post Christmas Blues

theft (10)Well, the 2014 Holiday Season is over; now we are dealing with the post-Christmas issues, returns, inventory and tallying up how we did! Even without official numbers you probably have an idea. Are returns higher than what you expected? Did shoplifters get more than what you were prepared to lose? One of the problems, we as business owners face, is that we get ramped up for sales but we tend to put off preparing for loses. We tell ourselves that we will get to it later. Then when that B or C priority rises to the level of serious loss, it is too late. But we all do that, with many things. It is part of running a business.

Eventually we get tired of dealing with something over and over again and decide to break the cycle. What is the saying? “Doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result, is the definition of insanity”. Thieves will not go away, in fact they will only get worse unless you deal with them head on with real business solutions. Shoplifting and employee theft are actually very simple issues to address. You will never eliminate them completely, however, you can reduce them to an expected level balancing the cost and effect.

Many retailers do not realize that they can and should attack both issues internally first. Take a look at your procedures. Step back and look at them – I mean truly LOOK at them, hard. Why are you doing something the way it is done? Is that the reason for your losses? A good example may be your cash handling procedures.  Is your till generally short? How much? Why? If your policy is that you do not make an issue out of a drawer that is $15 or less short, then you have sent the message to your employees that they can steal or be careless up to $15. Fifteen dollars multiplied by 365 days a year is A LOT of money to any retailer, large or small. All of this because of your “procedure” or attitude.

How about shoplifters? Do you really know how to prevent and stop them? Do you teach this to your employees? If you don’t you can never expect to be as profitable as you can and should be. Shoplifters will react to your efforts by going elsewhere. That is what you want. This allows you to spend more of your resources and human capital on your paying customers. Sell more, lose less should be your motto!

If you want help, we are here for you. If you do not, that is OK also. But you can fix your losses.

We wish you a great and prosperous 2015!

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