One, Two, Three- Internal Theft

It is not uncommon in an internal theft situation that more than one method of theft is uncovered. In one particular case, we had two employees working together, or so we thought.
One employee would ring up the other employee. Upon review, not all of the merchandise brought to the POS had been sold. Instead of all ten items being sold, only one or two would be and the rest of the items would walk out the door. This would cause a shortage of eight items, and of course the items that were sold were the lowest dollar amount out of all of them.
We later discovered that the extra items were then refunded for store credit. In essence, we were getting the hit by the theft of the item, and then the refund of the item. 
Had we stopped our investigation at the pass offs at the register, we would have missed the refunds. We also would have missed that there was a third employee conducting the refunds, because they knew the product was stolen.
Once we started observing these employees, we found out that all three of them were actually stealing product and passing off inventory to the others. 
Without a thorough employee theft investigation, we would never have realized just how far the losses were going. The internal theft we started with was an important stepping stone to see how the entire puzzle would unfold.
For more information on employee theft, employee theft investigation or internal theft contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia
Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase CCTV Systems that can help you stop Employee Theft and Internal Theft problems and help with your Employee Theft Investigation.

It is not uncommon in an internal theft situation that more than one method of theft is uncovered. In one particular case, we had two employees working together, or so we thought.

One employee would ring up the other employee. Upon review, not all of the merchandise brought to the POS had been sold. Instead of all ten items being sold, only one or two would be and the rest of the items would walk out the door. This would cause a shortage of eight items, and of course the items that were sold were the lowest dollar amount out of all of them.

We later discovered that the extra items were then refunded for store credit. In essence, we were getting the hit by the theft of the item, and then the refund of the item. 

Had we stopped our investigation at the pass offs at the register, we would have missed the refunds. We also would have missed that there was a third employee conducting the refunds, because they knew the product was stolen.

Once we started observing these employees, we found out that all three of them were actually stealing product and passing off inventory to the others.

Without a thorough employee theft investigation, we would never have realized just how far the losses were going. The internal theft we started with was an important stepping stone to see how the entire puzzle would unfold.

For more information on employee theft, employee theft investigation or internal theft contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase CCTV Systems that can help you stop Employee Theft and Internal Theft problems and help with your Employee Theft Investigation.


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