When you are in a retail establishment that is a high shrink area, it is easy to be distrustful of the customers coming in to shop. After a while you or your staff may just start to assume that everyone is a crook. When that mentality starts to take over, the level of customer service that everyone receives starts to go down.
When service diminishes, more than likely, so do sales. Now the theft problem becomes even bigger as it rips away even more of your profit, as the sales are not compensating for the shrink losses.
One of the best ways to bring back that level of service, and redeem your dwindling sales is to employ the use of liquor bottle locks with your liquor bottle security.
Alpha Security makes a line called the EASy Bottle, because it really is easy. They are easy to use, easy to audit for compliance, and easy to ward off the crooks in your store.
Once your liquor bottle security is in place, you can easily go back to providing customer service, without judgment, to your clientele. You can let the locks protect your inventory without you needing to maintain constant vigilance and suspicion.
Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase EASy Bottle liquor bottle locks by Alpha Security and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system.
For more information on Alpha Security, Liquor Bottle Lock, Liquor Bottle locks, Liquor Bottle Security, EASy Bottle or Liquor Bottle Security and how they can work with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system contact us or call 1.770.426.0547