Minimize Wine and Liquor Theft By Maximizing Liquor Bottle Security

Bottle security is something that all businesses engaged in liquor and wine sales can take for granted.  Bottle theft is very common in the food and beverage industry because a server, cook or dish washer can quickly remove inventory from a stock room while everyone is busy on the sales floor.

Locking inventory in a closet to control access is a great first step but we all know the stockroom will be unlocked at times. EASy Bottle bottle locks by Alpha Security are a great tool for reducing theft through deterrence.

A hotel restaurant I once worked for didn’t have liquor bottle security in place during the busy holiday season.  They hired about 10-15 seasonal support staff members during this time so it was tough to make money because tips were split between so many people.

Dinner was the busiest shift and we started noticing high-end vodka disappearing in the evening.  Everything was locked in a stock room but it was hard to keep the door secured because so many people needed ready access.  Servers didn’t have time to wait for a key holder because customers’ meal orders were already delayed because of the evening rush.

A bottle lock was placed on each high-theft item before they were placed in the stockroom.  When the vodka stopped walking out the back door the red wine started disappearing.  The restaurant manager decided to place an EASy bottle bottle lock by Alpha Security on each bottle before it was placed in the stockroom.

The access key to the bottle locks was kept at the server station for ready access.  Implementing liquor bottle security stopped out inventory from walking out the back door.  It was learned that one of our seasonal cooks was stealing from the stock room while servers were on the sales floor and liquor bottle security helped management identify the thief.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase EASy Bottle bottle locks from Alpha Security. 

For more information on Alpha Security, Bottle Locks, Bottle lock, Liquor Bottle Security, bottle security or EASy Bottle contact us or call 1.770.426.0547