Hi, I’m a 15-year-old girl and my friends and I steal from the mall all the time!
We don’t steal because we have no money; our parents give us shopping money. We don’t steal because we need anything; our parents feed and clothe us. We steal because we want to see what we can get away with.
We usually target stores that sell clothing. Usually it isn’t expensive clothing either, we go for whatever we like. It can be a $20 skirt or a $10 tank top. Whatever catches our eyes goes in our bags or on under our clothes. We often work in teams with a look out and someone to distract the staff. We’re young so we really don’t care about what it costs the store owners when we do this.
The one thing that stops us is Clothing Security!!! The worst is when you’ve taken clothes into a fitting room to put on under what you’re wearing and you can’t get clothing security tags off. I even go through the trouble of hiding clothes from the fitting room attendant so I come out with the same number as I went in with but if the store has security tags on clothes and a clothing alarm I’m not taking that chance! The last thing I want is to get busted by clothing security and a clothing alarm going off and get the cops called. How embarrassing would it be for everyone in the mall to see me carted off in hand cuffs?
Chances are if I go in your store and pass a clothing alarm at the front and see clothing security tags on everything, me and my friends won’t steal from you. But if we don’t see a chance of getting caught, it’s totally fair game!
Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase clothing security, a clothing alarm, and security tags on clothes.
For more information on clothing security, clothing alarm, or clothing security tags contact us at security tags on clothes or call 1.770.426.0547
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