Retailers that sell clothing have to consider what type of clothing security they would like to use for their business. There are many options out there for the business owner to choose from – from absolutely nothing to top of the line EAS systems.
Potential shoplifters look at such security measures when deciding whether or not to steal from your business. They can be more alert and savvy than we give them credit for. Clothing is an extremely common shoplifted item: it can be easily concealed within a purse, in a coat pocket or even worn out of your store by the thief. Utilizing clothing security is a smart business move that can substantially boost your business’s profits.
There are ways to remove or “beat” clothing security tags; ways that are easily found on the internet. This can be a challenging task for the thief, however, when he or she is within a retail environment with EAS alarms at the doors and employees just around the corner. If a potential shoplifter notices that your items have a security device, they will move on to the next retailer that does not. Clothing security is a win-win for minimal investment and it can have a tremendous impact on your net profit.
For more information visit: clothing security or call 1.770.426.0547.