I have bottle security – take your shoplifting elsewhere

I am thirsty and need a drink.  Not just a drink of water…but a drink of liquor.  So I go into the nearest store and help myself.  The clerk is busy and does not notice me sampling several different types of liquor.  Then I leave, not paying for what I have just ruined.

What is liquor bottle security?  Some business owners may not even realize such a thing exists.  But there is bottle security available for business owners that sell liquor and wine.  By investing in bottle locks, for example, the above mentioned shoplifter would have to quench his thirst elsewhere, at someone else’s expense instead of yours.

Bottle security, such as the EASy bottle cap from Alpha Security, are bottle locks that fit onto your high end or high theft liquors.  They are removed at the time of purchase by employees using a key.  The bottle lock fits over the top of the bottle and prevents a thief from opening the bottle.  By having bottle locks, you can prevent the thefts by people that just walk into your business for a free drink.  You can also deter the thieves that are looking to steal your liquor and wines, because it will be a struggle to get the bottle open, if at all.

I am thirsty and need a drink so I’d like to steal some liquor.  However, if I walk into your business and see that you have bottle security, I’m likely to take my shoplifting elsewhere.

Investing in bottle locks for your high end wine and liquors makes the products available to those who really matter – your honest customers.

Visit the Retail Loss Prevention Store for the best in liquor bottle security for your bottle lock program .

For more information about Alpha security or bottle security or liquor bottle security or bottle locks or EASy bottle or contact us at bottle lock or call 1.770.426.0547.