How Much Is Not Enough? – Retail Theft Prevention

Many retailers have stopped wasting their time apprehending shoplifting incidents under twenty-five dollars. What they have found is that the time and money spent to apprehend and prosecute these low dollar cases does not outweigh the losses from the crime. So it makes sense, financially, to let those small-dollar shoplifting incidents go.
Unfortunately, when you have too many small dollar incidents, you still risk these losses adding up to a cumulatively large financial loss. 
For the big box stores that are large enough and financially secure enough to absorb such losses, this is not a big deal. What about for the smaller retailer? How much can you effectively absorb before it is too big to handle? 
You might want to focus on smaller dollar losses, so they do not become a bigger issue over time. It might make more sense to you to take care to these little things.
You have to take the time to evaluate your own financial situation to determine how much is still not enough to prosecute? Maybe your store can set a limit at ten dollars; maybe you don’t want to waste your resources unless the crime is over fifty dollars.
Whatever the mark is, understanding both the short term and the long term valuations will determine what makes sense to you.
Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase Anti-Shoplifting devices and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system from Checkpoint Systems to stop shoplifting in your store.
For more information on Anti-Shoplifting, Checkpoint Labels, a Checkpoint Security System, Checkpoint Security Tags, Checkpoint Systems, or Checkpoint Tags and how they can work with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system contact us at Retail theft prevention to Stop Shoplifting in your store or call 1.770.426.0547 

Many retailers have stopped wasting their time apprehending shoplifting incidents under twenty-five dollars. What they have found is that the time and money spent to apprehend and prosecute these low dollar cases does not outweigh the losses from the crime. So it makes sense, financially, to let those small-dollar shoplifting incidents go.

Unfortunately, when you have too many small dollar incidents, you still risk these losses adding up to a cumulatively large financial loss.

For the big box stores that are large enough and financially secure enough to absorb such losses, this is not a big deal. What about for the smaller retailer? How much can you effectively absorb before it is too big to handle? 

You might want to focus on smaller dollar losses, so they do not become a bigger issue over time. It might make more sense to you to take care to these little things.

You have to take the time to evaluate your own financial situation to determine how much is still not enough to prosecute? Maybe your store can set a limit at ten dollars; maybe you don’t want to waste your resources unless the crime is over fifty dollars.

Whatever the mark is, understanding both the short term and the long term valuations will determine what makes sense to you.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase Anti-Shoplifting devices and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system from Checkpoint Systems to stop shoplifting in your store.

For more information on Anti-Shoplifting, Checkpoint Labels, a Checkpoint Security System, Checkpoint Security Tags, Checkpoint Systems, or Checkpoint Tags and how they can work with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system contact us at Retail theft prevention to Stop Shoplifting in your store or call 1.770.426.0547 


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