High End Product Theft? Solve The Problem And Stop Shoplifting!

Are you scratching your head trying to figure out how to stop shoplifting losses on a high cost item such as leather, women’s handbags or power tools? Shoplifters like to target these items for obvious reasons; one item gets them a very high return. There are solutions to this issue.

Many retailers take the approach that they have to lock up or put this type of item behind the counter. This keeps it away from thieves but it also limits access by legitimate customers. There are also older systems that “tie” the item down with a simple cable or a wire that is alarmed. Those methods are messy, difficult to manage and quite frankly look ugly in your merchandising efforts. Putting item behind glass again does not allow customer access.

Consider another idea. Place an Alpha 3 Alarm Hard Tag on the item and stop shoplifting once and for all. These hard tags protect the merchandise in three ways at the same time. They allow the customer to pick up the item, look at it and carry it around the store. They do not need employee assistance. Oh and by the way the Alpha 3 Alarm Hard Tag is not very big and it is very well built

The three ways this hard tag protect the merchandise are:

  1. Early detection – If a shoplifter attempts to remove the tag by cutting it off or forcing it the tag itself goes into alarm. A built in sounder goes off alerting employees.
  2. EAS protection – If the shoplifter tries to leave the store it will activate your Checkpoint systems or other EAS system. The tag it self will also go into alarm.
  3. Extended Range – If the shoplifter tries to run away the built in sounder stays in alarm until the battery dies which is quite a long time. I like this part. We love to see a shoplifter standing there with the alarm sounding outside the store.

For your good customers once they reach the checkout your employee simply removes the Alpha 3 Alarm Hard Tag to be recycled for use on another piece of your merchandise.

Alpha products work hand in hand with Checkpoint systems or your current EAS to stop shoplifting in your store.

For more information about Alpha 3 Alarm Hard Tags, checkpoint systems or other retail anti theft devices contact us at stop shoplifting or call 1.770.426.0547

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