Experience Summer Profits with Clothing Security

School is out, summer is here, and people are taking vacations.  They are traveling, maybe taking some time off of work, and may have a little bit of extra free time on their hands.  So that may mean increased customer traffic in your business.  And it could also mean increased loss due to shoplifting. 

The more people that come into your business, the more likely that some of them could be shoplifters.  We’d like to have that increase of business so we can be profitable, but at what cost if so much merchandise, especially clothing, is walking out of the door without being paid for?  Clothing security and security tags on clothes can help increase your profits and your in stock during these summer months, while at the same time reducing the loss you experience due to theft.

Clothing security tags are affixed to the clothing that you sell.  They are a visual deterrent to the shoplifter, showing that shoplifter that you are serious about clothing security.  Your employees can also easily remove security tags on clothes when the clothing is purchased, but they are not so easily removed if the thief wants to hide in a corner of your business and try to remove the clothing alarm.  Most won’t even try, and those that do will probably give up.  It is much easier to move on to the next unprotected business that does not have clothing security.

Take advantage of the summer months by actually having merchandise displayed for your customers, instead of empty racks left behind by your shoplifters.  Clothing security can help you out with that by protecting what you have worked hard to be able to display and sell.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase a clothing alarm or clothing security tags.

For more information on clothing security, clothing alarm, or clothing security tags contact us at security tags on clothes or call 1.770.426.0547