I was involved in investigating a local employee theft where the employee was stealing donuts on her break. Was it worth the time to investigate? Yes, when you consider that this small theft might have led to her stealing more merchandise. My decision to do an employee theft investigation at the first sign of loss, was my way of being proactive and stopping a thief before her confidence in her abilities to steal grew. And usually, when you discover a loss that is caused by an employee, you will also discover that there have been more instances of theft prior.
Its possible for internal theft to happen at any business, at any time, for any amount. Most employees who steal go for items generally a little larger gain than donuts, and this can negatively impact a business’s bottom line. Employees, whom you hope you can trust, can account for thousands of dollars of loss for your business. If you don’t react to your suspicions of internal theft they may definitely be occurring.
Some business owners mistakenly believe that if they prevent shoplifting in their business then they have prevented shrink from stolen merchandise. But employee theft can add up more quickly and cost you more than the average shoplifter.
Do you have inventory that can’t be located? Is merchandise that was recently received disappearing? Is there merchandise that is considered high theft, such as electronics, that is unaccounted for? Start your own employee theft investigation and figure out when these losses are occurring and determine which employees are in your business at that time. You may quickly realize who is responsible for the loss you are experiencing.
Whether it is donuts, dollars, or diamonds you are losing from your business, you can stop the theft and recoup some of your loss by being aware of, and proactive toward, employee theft.
For more information on employee theft investigation s in Atlanta GA contact us at internal theft or call 1.770.426.0547.
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