Employee Theft And Proper Employee Theft Investigations

An unfortunate reality of the retail business is that internal theft will occur.  By some estimates, internal theft accounts for over half of all loses across the retail sector.  Many companies are well equipped with teams of investigators to deal with employee theft.  For many smaller retailers this investment is not a reality.  Fortunately, there are companies out there are available for employee theft investigations.

These companies can provide your business with a thorough and conclusive employee theft investigation.  The process used is standard across the retail industry.  It has been developed and honed to produce consistent and measureable results.  When internal theft occurs, it is most often discovered after the fact.  This is why it is important to have a well-trained investigator complete the employee theft investigation.  The investigation should produce key information.  The first being who is responsible and the second being how the internal theft occurred.  These two pieces are invaluable to have when investigating employee theft.

These two pieces of investigative information are essential in developing a strategy for the interrogation/interview of the subject causing the employee theft.  It is during this phase of the employee theft investigation that it is discovered why the employee theft has occurred.  This is an important part of the overall process, as it allows the owner to discover what areas of their business are lacking.  Finally, at the end of the interview, the investigator can elicit information as to who else is involved in internal theft.  This gives the owner a greater return on their investment.  This is a proven process that is used by the industry leaders in the retail to investigate employee theft and internal theft.

 For more information on employee theft , employee theft investigation or internal contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

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