Don’t Pressure Wash Your Checkpoint Systems…No Really!

Your Checkpoint security system is very robust commercial grade equipment. Checkpoint systems R & D has invested millions of dollars in design. It is not a cheap knock off system.

Checkpoint systems are installed by factory trained Technicians that understand not only how to bolt the system down but more importantly the radio frequency (RF) technology that surrounds it. Our Technicians use Checkpoint computer software or an oscilloscope to tune it.

So after all of that please use common sense when maintaining it. Here are a few stories from our files of customer “errors”:

One customer decided to move the system. When doing this they did not power the Checkpoint security system down properly. They simply cut the wiring! This resulted in blowing out two electronic boards that cost in excess of $500 each to replace. Oh and by the way even if he would have successfully powered the system down and moved it. The Checkpoint security system would have probably not worked right since it must be returned for the new location, even if it was only moved a few feet.

Another customer decided that they couldn’t get the anchor bolts loosened on the antennas so they just rocked it back and forth until the antenna snapped off.

Yet another did not see any problem with allowing children to climb on an antenna like a ladder. That Checkpoint systems antenna was a complete loss.

And yes, we had someone use a pressure washer on two antennas. Needless to say both Checkpoint security system antennas were a complete loss. Ouch!

Oh well I guess it is just money?!?

Wherever you are in the U.S. we can send one of our Technicians to take care of your Checkpoint systems.

For more information contact us at: checkpoint systems or call 1.770.426.0547

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