I hope the answer is “Yes”. Criminal background checks and a pre employment screening are vital to ensuring you make the right hiring decisions. We all know how much of an impact our employees have on the success of the business. A good employee increases sales and customer satisfaction. Conversely, a bad employee affects moral, customer service and losses. While many companies have developed insightful interview templates to help find the best candidate, I find that many forget about employee background checks and pre employment screening.
Here are some of the things that background check experts can offer your business. 1) Criminal background checks can help you to be sure you are not hiring someone with proven integrity issues. With the recidivism rates as high as they are you can make an educated guess that someone guilty of one crime will at some point commit another. Why take the risk? 2) Pre employment screening can cover many different avenues. They can be personality tests to ensure you are hiring someone with the right temperament to handle customers and stress. They can also include drug tests which is another important aspect of ensuring you have a trusted candidate. Background check experts can also offer insight into the financial stability of a candidate. Statistically someone in need is much more likely to steal than someone who is flush with money. I would not recommend making a hiring decision simply based on this fact, but it can be an important factor to take into consideration with the other facts.
Employee background checks offer a lot of useful information to assist you in making the right hiring decision. Employees are perhaps our largest investment so doesn’t it make sense to spend the money to get the right one?
For more information on background checks, background check experts, criminal background checks , employee background checks or pre employment screening contact us at the background check company or call 1.770.426.0547