Almost a tradition, Clothing security tags and a clothing alarm have long defended the retailer against shoplifters. At times the competition is all out war. Fortunately for many companies, clothing security tags are winning the battle. Yet, there are still others that have one hand tied behind their back attempting clothing security.
I once read a book about shoplifting or shoplifters, the name of the slips my memory, but it was written from the shoplifter’s point of view. Included in the text was “how to shoplift”, “what to do if you are approached by managers or security” and much more. There was a whole chapter dedicated to clothing security. The author details specifics about retailers clothing security processes, what they do and don’t do. On several occasions the author tells the readers to stay away from stores with clothing security tags, as they make the task of stealing more difficult. At the time this book was written, the technology of clothing security tags was in its infancy. Mostly, the large box retailers used security tags on clothes.
I found this book interesting and laughable, yet a tool for retailers to use to build a solid defense and clothing security. To this day, it gives good tips on shoplifting activities as the basics of shoplifting have not changed. They want the merchandise, and they want it easily.
Shoplifting is a huge problem for clothing retailers. If you are still operating your stores without security tags on clothes, your time will come. Even if you feel your store is in a “nice” area and don’t experience shoplifting, you’re kidding yourself. Security tags on clothes are your defense and your ticket to increased sales through merchandise protection.
Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase a clothing alarm or clothing security tags.
For more information on clothing security or clothing alarm contact us at security tags on clothes or call 1.770.426.0547