Clothing security tags with a clothing alarm really do increase profits. There are many managers out there that either don’t wanna see the profitability or can’t see it. To those managers, I say they are using Clothing Security tags incorrectly.
Clothing security tags work to secure profits a couple of different ways. From the visual aspect of clothing alarm and clothing security tags to the actual protection of merchandise, clothing security boost your profits.
Recently, I visited a store where the manager refused to follow the clothing security program as required by the company. He was somewhat rogue, maybe even a bit cynical, whatever it was, and it didn’t work to his benefit. I walked several areas of the store and noticed roughly 75% of the merchandise that need clothing security tags was untouched. I completed a quick cycle count of merchandise and looked at the sales for these items. I found on the men shirts rack that at least 10 shirts were missing. After walking the stockrooms and looking for the items, the explanation was clearer. Theses shirts arrived to the store 3 days earlier, and according to the workload schedule, the shirts were definitely put out on the salesfloor. These shirts retailed at $49.99 each and were suppose to be fitted with some form of clothing security. Not at this store. The manager didn’t see any value in security tags on clothes. In fact, he believed the merchandise was better to stuffed out onto the salesfloor and sell it quick. It’s a nice theory if we lived in a perfect world. However, without security tags on clothes and a clothing alarm the merchandise would leave the building quicker than by selling it.
Security tags on clothes woulda have worked to protect this merchandise better. However, without complete employee/manager buy in, no clothing security program can work. Security tags on clothes takes a team effort, and is important if any business wants to succeed.
Visit the Retail Loss Prevention store.
For more information contact us at clothing security tags or call 1.770.426.0547
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