It is starting to get cold!  The lower the temperature the higher the demand for cold weather clothing to beat the holiday chills.  Many shoplifters expect some type of clothing security and prey on the most vulnerable items.  Placing security tags on cloths is a great visual deterrent for shoplifters.

While working for a major retailer there were three (3) types of clothing security tags I used frequently during the busy holiday shopping season; checkpoint tags, a clothing alarm or ink tags – sometimes more than one.

Checkpoint tags are great for securing long sleeve items such as turtle necks, long-sleeve polo shirts and athletic wear.  If I wanted to secure a bulky item such as a jacket, I always used a clothing alarm or ink tag.

A couple of years ago the major retailer I worked for had a problem with homeless customers stealing jackets so they decided to increase clothing security by placing security tags on cloths.  The underprivileged customers would enter the store and select one a jacket before entering a fitting room to remove the price tag.

I placed a 3alarm on our high end leather jackets and ink tags or checkpoint tags on our bulky cold weather jackets.  When a customer attempted to exit the store without purchasing the jacket a door alarm would sound off.  If the customer attempted to remove the ink tag before they left the store they would rupture the ink cartridge.

The fact that the merchandise was protected by security tags on cloths caused would be shoplifters to think twice before stealing.  We finished the quarter with great sales that year and clothing security tags gave us an added layer of protection against jacket theft that helped us reduce the number of thefts by 75% that winter.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase a clothing alarm or clothing security tags.

For more information on Checkpoint tags, clothing security, clothing alarm or clothing security tags contact us at security tags on clothes or call 1.770.426.0547