CLOTHING SECURITY Necessity not Nuisance

We’ve all seen them; we’ve all heard their piercing sound, those annoying little devices known as security tags. Security tags on clothes can be especially inconvenient in the fitting room. But if we remove the inconvenient annoyance factor and actually look at the bottom line, make money and prevent loss; these tags will soon become the norm. Security tags or Checkpoint tags were created to prevent loss and help protect a company’s assets.

High dollar items are always the first to be protected. This makes sense considering the dollar amount for this particular inventory. Checkpoint tags are good for items of high dollar. What about items of lesser value? Why not protect all assets of high or low value with checkpoint tags?

What about clothing security tags? Clothing security is not always priority but once considered over a period of time how much loss in clothing adds up; one might see the need for security tags on clothes. Clothing security is important considering consumers will always need clothes. Next to food, clothes are a necessity which means companies will always make money and always lose money from this particular kind of merchandise. The bonus to clothing security tags or security tags on clothes is tagging can be very discreet and less annoying if thought through and placed properly on or within the item.

Keeping clothing security tags and other security tags on and within items keeps an honest man honest and sends a shoplifter somewhere else. If you take away the opportunity and use all preventive measures to protect all assets, profit made will most certainly outweigh loss.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase a clothing alarm or clothing security tags.

For more information on Checkpoint tags, clothing alarm, clothing security, clothing security tags or security tags on clothes contact us or call 1.770.426.4567