Clothing Security – Irritation or a blessing

Retailers have many stumbling blocks in providing proper customer service while still protecting their assets. Security tags on clothes provide a way for retailers to protect their assets. But one of the major problems that irritate customers is when these Clothing Security tags are not removed at time of purchase. Most customers understand that Clothing security is needed and most customers don’t have a problem. The problem comes when they make their purchase and as they are walking out the Clothing alarm at the door goes off because the clothing security tags have not been removed.

This can cause a customer to feel embarrassed or even annoyed that they have attention drawn to them because the checkpoint tags were not removed from their purchase items. So to ensure that this does not happen employees must be taught to very mindful that that all Clothing security tags must be removed. Retailers count on repeat business from their customers, so delaying their exit from the store due to the security tags on clothes can have a negative impact on their overall shopping experience.

So to avoid these types of situations from happening all it takes is proper training of staff members. Clothing security tags are not supposed to make a customers shopping experience an inconvenience. So protecting company assets with clothing alarm should not forgo the customers shopping experience.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase a clothing alarm or clothing security.

For more information on Checkpoint tags, clothing security, clothing alarm or clothing security tags contact us at security tags on clothes or call 1.770.426.0547