Clothing Security a Thing of The Past?

Is clothing security something retailers have to worry about anymore? Judging by the political climate, the economy and the general attitude of people today, do we really need to worry about clothing security?

Clothing security is more in demand now then it has ever been. Retailers have noticed a recent increase in external theft activity prompting them to tighten up their clothing security program and observe the latest trends. Retailers dealing in softlines or apparel good should really look closely at their clothing security program and incorporate clothing security tags part of the effort to protect profits.

Clothing security tags have been upgraded in technology, are easier to use than ever before and offer the latest in technology. Clothing security tags pin directly to the garment, providing the visible deterrent to would be thieves yet maintaining the aesthetics of the merchandised garments.

After watching video of reported merchandise theft at a local clothing retailer, it was easy to see what would help. This stand alone store in a chain of 5 had never really felt the need to go with clothing security tags until recently. An inventory count was completed, and the store was missing lots of merchandise. They launched an investigation into dishonest employees and were able to successfully close out cases involving employee theft, yet 30% of their losses were unaccounted for. The reality was external theft. This store lacked the proper tools to prevent theft, including clothing security tags. Simply installing security tags on clothes could have made a bigger dent in their inventory loss, yet the store chose not to implement such a program.

Later, and after advice from their peers, this store ordered security tags on clothes and had their instore team install the devices. At the next inventory cycle, the store saw a large improvement from the loss the experienced just 12 months prior. The biggest contributor to this loss reduction, security tags on clothes.

Visit the Retail Loss Prevention Store for you clothing alarm needs

For more information contact us at clothing security or call 1.770.426.0547