Clothing security a must to stop large scale theft.

I am surprised as a consumer, and LP Professional, at how many small boutiques don’t use clothing security.  For some, I know that cost is a factor as they are lower volume retailers and don’t have as much money to invest in expensive technology.  For others, I find that it is basically a lack of understanding how much they are targeted by professional shoplifters because they don’t put security tags on clothes.

To address the first group, I would like to introduce you to Checkpoint tags.  While it is not free by any means, Checkpoint tags are cost effective.  The reality is, you can’t afford not to use a clothing alarm.  If you really took a count I would virtually guarantee you are “spending” more in lost product than you would by investing in clothing security.

For the second group, you need to understand how much shoplifters hate clothing security tags.  They hate them for several reasons.  One is that they know Checkpoint tags are going to set off the clothing alarm and get them noticed.  Shoplifters hate to be noticed; especially, the professionals.  The reason is simple.  They want to keep targeting your store repeatedly and they can’t if the employees learn who they are.  Another reason shoplifters hate security tags on clothes is because without the proper detacher they can damage the merchandise which means they can’t wear it or worse; they can’t sell it.

Don’t let your store become a target for professional shoplifting simply because you don’t use clothing security tags.  Force them to “shop” your competitors or dare them to battle Checkpoint tags.  Either way, you can rest easier knowing your profits are safe.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase a clothing alarm or clothing security tags.

 For more information on Checkpoint tags, clothing alarm, clothing security or clothing security tags contact us at security tags on clothes or call 1.770.426.0547