Checkpoint has released several new clothing security tags this year. They are a breath of fresh air in the hard tag market. Given that the importers try to copy and in most cases do a very poor job of coping Checkpoints clothing security tags . I guess you know who the real leader is when everyone tries to copy you.
But lets get to the new tags. They three tags represent several different areas in the clothing security tags arena. This is clothing security on steroids.
First up is the G3. It has the same lines as the mini hard tag but has some visual and physical differences. The first thing you notice about the G3 is the color. It is a combination of off white and light gray. The colors are elegant and will clearly be a complement to any style clothing. The technology changes are first class and what you tend to expect from Checkpoint. The G3 is a physically stronger tag as if the original mini was not enough. The seam of the mini was on the side. The G3 has what I can only describe as a hidden seam. It makes these clothing security tags very tough. Checkpoint has also made the G3 a bit more aggressive in detection.
Next up is the pencil tag. It is a slim tag about two inches long and very thin. The lines are clean and it clearly is designed to take the wear and tear that clothing security tags must endure. This tag will virtually disappear on small clothing items such as ladies swim wear and lingerie.
Last but clearly not last in the offerings is the button tag. These clothing security tags are the hottest things that have been released in some time. It is round about 1.5” across. It is dark gray and has a height profile of about 0.5”. This is a very new tag design. The button tag is very compact and like the pencil tag will disappear on your merchandise. One of the best features is that the button tag is very difficult for the shoplifter to grip. Because of the round smooth lines and surface shoplifters will become very frustrated in their attempts to pull on them.
Both the G3 and the button tag have the raised ring that makes the pin extremely difficult to get at with cutters. All of the tags are well engineered and have smooth lines. They so not have any edges that will snag clothing including very delicate fabrics.
Take your clothing security to a new level. If you would like a sample please contact us.
For more information on clothing security tags contact us at clothing security or call 1.770.426.0547