Checkpoint Systems are a Shoplifter’s Nightmare in Atlanta, Georgia

Checkpoint Systems are a Shoplifter’s Nightmare in Atlanta, Georgia

What does a shopper think when he enters a retail store that has a functioning Checkpoint Security System at the entrance to the store?  Does she think that shoplifting must be running rampant in the area, or that the use of Checkpoint Systems shows a concern for keeping prices low and theft by customers under control?

The sad fact is that shoplifters are everywhere a piece of merchandise is put on display, from the swankiest boutique to the corner convenience store.  The statistics are out there; retailers lose a huge amount of merchandise to thieves, which translates into a loss of profit, meaning higher prices for consumers.

So the addition of Checkpoint Systems is generally a good decision for a retailer to make.  There is no inconvenience to the legitimate customer, and it not only alerts employees when a piece of merchandise protected by checkpoint security tags exits the premises, it also serves as deterrent to the potential shoplifter.

How does it accomplish this?  First, suppose that a customer intends to go into a store for the purpose of stealing several items of merchandise.  When he approaches a store protected by an anti shoplifting device such as a Checkpoint Security System, his first thought is to find a softer target, one that has no such retail anti theft devices.  Like a speeder who knows where the traffic cop sits, the shoplifter will avoid places where he knows he might be caught.

But what about the casual shoplifter, one who impulsively steals merchandise simply because the opportunity arises?  The thought of the Checkpoint Security System standing silently at the exit will probably affect that person’s decision, and stop him from taking an unnecessary risk.

In addition to deterring the hard-core shoplifter, the Checkpoint System gives the impulse shoplifter second thoughts.

For information on Checkpoint Systems in Atlanta, Georgia, call 770-426-7593 or click here.  Outside Atlanta, call 770-426-0547.


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