CEO or CE- Who?

There is a pretty big case in the media right now about a CEO of a major Internet company who has been caught lying about his qualifications on his resume. Had it not been for the background checks run by an investment firm, who knows how long this charade would have continued? It makes me wonder if anyone even would have known.

Clearly, a thorough background check was not done when this man was hired on. If it was, a simple verification of their school records would have shown that the degree they stated having, was not actually real.

It is just another reason why employee background checks are so important.

This company has been struggling in recent years, and having a CEO who was not as qualified as they originally thought may be playing its part in the company’s success. It would be impossible to say if someone else would have put the company in better standings, but to lie on a resume at the CEO level puts into question this persons scruples and trustworthiness.

It also puts into question the credentials of every other employee in this company. If the CEO can get away with a falsehood, how many other employees have either lied about their qualifications or previous work history.

Whether or not your company is struggling, every person employed must be held accountable to the standards of qualifications they have stated that they have.

 For more information on background check experts , background checks , criminal background checks , employee background checks or pre employment screening contact us at the background check company or call 1.770.426.0547