Anti shoplifting solution for small retailers on a budget

The Checkpoint Security Systems ValueGuard antenna system is a security system for small retail stores on a budget who are looking to prevent shoplifting. It uses a basic design with many details of Checkpoint Security Systems more advanced antenna systems. The outcome a sturdy  (EAS) Electronic Article Surveillance antenna system that is able to deliver immediate benefits at a lower price.

It is ideally designed for any retail application such as  hard goods stores, liquor stores, grocery stores, book stores, sporting goods and convenience stores just to name a few. This ValueGuard system includes Digital Signal Processing, superior Checkpoint labels and tag discrimination and the power to work well in today’s most difficult retail situations.

The Features Include:

  • Works with the complete range of Checkpoint labels 8.2 MHz RF labels, as well as hard tags.
  • Tuneable for either 8.2 MHz or 9.5 MHz applications.
  • Integrated alarm sounder and alarm indicator light which enables easy alarm identification.
  • Three foot or six foot aisle systems
  • Stainless Steel endcaps help protect the antennas form damage
  • Optional merchandising panels can be used to generate revenue through advertising sales or to promote in-store specials
  • Checkpoint labels can be custom printed by you with your barcode, product or logo information

For more information go to: anti shoplifting /  checkpoint security systems or call 1.770.426.0547

Checkpoint Security System Introduction

A  checkpoint security system will help you reduce your shoplifting losses and increase your profits by keeping more inventory on hand and available for sale.  A Checkpoint security system involves installing devices inside the exit way, “antennas” that will detect inventory that has been “tagged” with checkpoint security system tags which are either Checkpoint hard tags or Checkpoint labels.

This method of anti shoplifting technology is also a great deterrent.  Studies show that installing Electronic Article Surveillance antennas (EAS) at doorways visually says that “this place is protected and secured”, which will scare of a large majority of shoplifters.  These shoplifters then pass the protected store by and move on to another unprotected retail target.

Learn more here:  checkpoint security system

New Checkpoint Labels

Now is the time to take a look at the new Checkpoint tags and checkpoint labels . One of the most exciting is the EP-3210 Clear Poly (Enhanced Performance). This tag is “see-thru”. Checkpoint has really outdone itself this time!
Checkpoint labels can be placed directly over the barcode on a product. The barcode can then be read directly through the tag. But there is more. The EP-3210 Clear Poly pretty much disappears once in place. Yes the circuit of the tag is visible but in the tests we have run the tag blends into many products packaging.
Checkpoint truly is the innovator in the Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) market. The new line of EP tags include two sizes of round tags which are great for small boxes or bottles and have no corners that may have to wrap around the edges. Other sizes include the postage stamp size and the EP-410, which is the same size as the traditional 410 tag.
But why use the new EP tags? This series gives the BEST performance of any 8.2 tags in the market, period end of sentence!
Consider this,  checkpoint labels out perform any other manufacture. The adhesive is aggressive and wont give out and cause the tag to fall off the merchandise. When you deactivate a Checkpoint security tag… it is deactivated. It will not re-activate on it’s own. Reactivated tags are common with non-Checkpoint and cause embarrassing alarms when your customer attempts to exit your store after a legitimate purchase.
Loss Prevention Systems sells all Checkpoint tags including the EP-3210 Clear Poly.

For more information:  checkpoint labels or call 1.770.426.0547

Checkpoint Security System Training

A strong deterrent to shoplifters can be achieved by installing a checkpoint security system. This includes the impulse, amateur and professional shoplifters. But employee involvement is critical. Many retailers believe that they have solved all their shoplifting problems once they have installed a Checkpoint Security System; however, that is one step in the process of solving shoplifting losses.

Employees typically understand how to operate Checkpoint security systems, but  a common problem is that employees are not trained on what to do when there is an alarm, or held accountable for alarms when they occur.

In many cases the Checkpoint system will alarm and an employee will just wave the customer (or shoplifter) through. Even worse they will say the system is not working properly. Because of a lack of training or confidence the employee just told everyone in range that they can shoplift to their hearts content…. and will just be waved on.

Checkpoint security systems installed by Loss Prevention Systems include on site training. We also provide our customers with training documents that allow you to keep the training on going.

How often should you train and provide follow up training to your employees on the use of your system? You decide. It depends on how much money you are willing to loose to shoplifters.

For More Information:  checkpoint security system or call 1.770.426.0547


Retail theft is one of the main concerns of store owners today.  It can be extremely expensive to protect your store from shoplifting .  There are many inexpensive “tricks of the trade” that can help keep theft at your store at a minimum.

The true definition of an anti shoplifting system is “any device or method used to prevent or deter the unauthorized appropriation of items considered valuable.”  Good grief!  What a big jumble of words!  Basically it’s how to keep people from stealing stuff in your store.  Let’s look at a few methods to keep retail theft to a minimum.  Some of these may be things you have never considered.

· Be a neat freak!!  A cluttered or messy store allows places for thieves to hide.  If they feel exposed and out in the open then they are less likely to start shoplifting from you.
· Scare them with lights!!  Much like vampires, lights scare potential thieves.  A great way to prevent retail theft is to have a very well lit store.  Especially pay attention to bright lighting where there are areas that a cashier or store employee cannot easily see from a register.
· Security cameras…even if they just look like a security camera…is a great deterrent.
· Wooden hangers!  These help keep clothes separated on racks and deter theft better than metal hangers.

Retail theft is one of the oldest crimes around.  All types of anti shoplifting devices have been around since people started stealing other people’s possessions.  Most retail theft prevention centers around reducing the opportunity to steal something versus dealing with the thief themselves.

There are many reasons we need to protect our merchandise.  Maybe it’s expensive, perhaps it’s easy to steal, or the item is just very desirable to others (jewelry, electronics, etc.).

Whatever the case may be, contact us about shoplifting prevention or call 1.770.426.0547

Anti Shoplifting solution that works

There are only a few  anti shoplifting solutions that not only work very well but are very cost effective.  The key is to clearly understand the core issue you are experiencing so that you do not throw money into the “winging it” or guessing game.

Probably the most popular “winging it” anti shoplifting solution smaller retailers go to is the installation of a camera system. This is thought to be a deterrent but unfortunately that is not true for the most part.  There are three types of shoplifters, impulsive, amature and professional.  The impulsive shoplifter may be stopped with the installation of a CCTV/ camera system because they think you may be watching them; however, amateur and professional shoplifters know that you are not staring at your CCTV monitor 24 hours a day and they do not care if they are recorded in the act. A CCTV system is used by larger retailers for liability more than anything else such as evidence in a slip and fall suit.

Backing up a step some retailers may think their burglar (or security) alarm is an  anti shoplifting solution.  Technically that is for when you are not there and are subject to burglary; vs. shoplifting which occurs during business hours and your burglar alarm is turned off.

Almost all major retailers us an EAS or Electronic Article Surveillance system for their anti shoplifting solution.  Checkpoint Security Systems offers the most technologically advanced EAS system utilizing RF or radio frequency detection vs. the older technology of AM or acousto magnetic.

These systems involve installing pedestal antennas at entry exit points which will detect protected merchandise when approaching the doorway.  This is an active system that alarms when the event is occurring. The cost is typically far less than a comprehensive CCTV system and the solution will deter theft to the rate of a proven 50% to 70% immediately.

Go here to learn more anti shoplifting or visit Checkpoint Security Systems

CCTV, Retail Theft & The Solutions

So you have a CCTV system. That is not the end of your retail theft problems. CCTV like any other tool is ineffective unless used properly. To deter retail theft consider the following:

Employee Theft – To make the CCTV system more of an active system rather than passive try bringing in an employee every few weeks and discuss with them something you observed. For example, bring in a cashier, show them a short video of them checking out several customers. Complement them on their work. Not only the speed at which they processed the customers through the line but also that they are friendly and appear to be engaging. Make it ALL about complements. When they go back out to the sales floor what will they be thinking and telling others? “Wow, that felt good but they understand that they are being observed”.

Shoplifting – Having a signs that tell customers and shoplifters that you have a CCTV system or that it is live and being watched are fine but not the main way to make the system appear to be active. Try waiting until a customer or a suspicious person is in a concealed area or acting odd and then approach them. Say, “I noticed on our camera system that you seem to need some help. Can I help you with….”? Do this enough and word get around.

Vendor’s – This can be handled by combining the techniques for employee theft and shoplifting above. Bring the vendor or delivery person into your office and with that camera or clip of video playing where they can see it ask them about a discrepancy or issue with a delivery. You should also consider a positive comment such as “I noticed you working carefully and paying close attention to what you delivered. Thank you.” You could even e-mail a short video clip to their supervisor or upper management and complement them on the work this person is doing. That information will spread.

CCTV is a great tool to prevent retail theft if you use it fully in “active mode”!

CCTV In Retail Theft Deterrence

Many retailers have a false sense of security when installing CCTV to deter retail theft. A CCTV system is a powerful tool, but like other tools in the war against theft it has limitations. Many retailers come to believe that once they have installed a CCTV system that their retail theft will drop and they do not have to do anything further. That belief may actually cost them more money.

Here’s how. CCTV systems are passive in nature. They record 24/7 but normally they are not actively watched. Certainly a small business owner may have a monitor in their office and glance at it throughout the day. But unless something is brought to their attention that is the extent of it. You may even have a monitor that a cashier can see. But really how much time does that cashier spend observing? Probably very little, especially after the newness has worn off.


So what is the solution? First you must set your expectations correctly. CCTV can be used to deter, stop and catch several types of retail theft including: employee theft, shoplifting and vendor fraud. Keeping in mind that CCTV is a PASIVE system you must remember that everyone else knows this also including employees, shoplifters and vendors. They know that you are not actively watching and that in most cases it is used to look back at an incident. They know that you do not have the payroll budget to actively watch. They will also test this to see if you are watching.

I will present the solutions to each of these in the tomorrow’s blog.

More info?  retail theft or call 1.770.426.0547

New Pa. law combats organized retail theft

 retail theft  is on the rise and reaching alarming levels


Sophisticated organized crime rings steal $1 billion a year from Pennsylvania stores alone.

Public Comment

New laws are being proposed and passed all around the nation to help reduce retail theft by making penalties more severe.  This video touches on the fastest growing segment of loss for retailers, organized retail theft.

Source: YouTube

Anti Shoplifting Tactics

Shoplifters use tactics to steal from you so how are your anti shoplifting tactics designed to beat them?

Shoplifters use deception to confuse employees. This could be a diversion such as multiple shoplifters partnering to create a disturbance in another part of the store, pulling employees away from the targeted merchandise.

I have seen situations as simple as a screaming child to faked slip and falls to fake “customer complaints” that get loud.

In order to prevent shoplifting you need to train employees to deal with these situations. If an incident occurs only a limited amount of employees should respond. Others should actually stay away from the incident and turn their attention towards the balance of the store and customers.

Another way to prevent shoplifting  is to use your paging system. Make a “ghost call” such as “security to sections 3 and 12”. This will throw the shoplifters off since they do not know where these “sections” are and you have announced two that sound like they are far apart. At that point your legitimate customers could be Security personnel as far as the shoplifter would know.

Click here more info on how to solve these and other anti shoplifting techniques.