Checkpoint security system offers bonus benefits

Installing a checkpoint security system at the entry and exit doors of your retail store will deliver much more that a loud beep when protected merchandise that has not been paid for approaches the door.  The simple presence of the system, since with a quick look in from the outside you can see the checkpoint system antennas, will cause would be shoplifters to think twice about hitting the store.  Studies show that shoplifters will pass by protected stores for one that is unprotected and easier to steal from.  Less shoplifting traffic will improve overall traffic quality and customer comfort.

A bonus benefit checkpoint security system users realize that they usually don’t expect is an increase in sales volume.  Price Waterhouse Coopers recently studied the effect of installing a system measuring 98 different product sku’s over a period of fourteen weeks.  They recorded an increase in sales volume of just under 10%.  Sales volume will naturally go up after installing a checkpoint security system because less theft means more inventory available for sale.  When inventory is stolen off of the sales floor the impact is not just cost of the lost product it is the lost sale which sends customer to other stores to find the product they want.

To stop shoplifting and boost sales go to: checkpoint security system


Why This Southern Girl is Anti-Shoplifting

When I was six years old, my grandmother, her name was Irene by the way, made me a true anti shoplifting fanatic.  How you might ask? Well, let me tell you a story………

When I was six years old there was a sewing store that Irene and I used to frequent.  Fabric and cloth stores were much more prevalent in the 1960’s and 1970’s than they are now, and they carried a variety of things that would peak your interest, like buttons.  This place had thousands of buttons in all different shapes and sizes.  You should be beginning to see where I’m going with this story.

One type of button especially caught my eye; it was pearl with a beautiful rose painted on it in pink.  Well, I decided I needed it.  But I didn’t have any money, being 6 years old and all.  So I TOOK it.  Yep, I became a shoplifter.  Well of course when sweet Irene found out, not only did I have to take it back and apologize, but I got the spanking of my life! And bam, instantly I became extremely anti shoplifting. Corporal punishment tends to make believers out of the best of us.

All kinds of people are shoplifting.  Celebrities do it mostly because their personalities lend themselves that they are convinced they will not be caught, or so psychology tells us.  To most people, getting something for nothing is like giving themselves a reward.  There is also a “high” associated with getting away with the theft.

This need to take things in American has led to the development of such anti shoplifting devices as surveillance cameras, security tags on clothing, ink tags on clothing and security guards posted on exits and entrances of department stores.

So are you wondering if I ever got my button?  As a matter of fact my grandmother bought it for me a few months later.  I still have it to this day.  I guess she figured I had learned my lesson.

Do you need help in your small business developing an anti shoplifting program?  Contact us at anti shoplifting or call 1.770.426.0547.

Why Checkpoint Tags Over The Imported Knockoffs?

We get this question from time to time. Genuine checkpoint security tags have a considerable advantage over the knockoffs out there. We hear tales of sales people saying that the tags they have perform as well as Checkpoint tags . Lets clear up some of the myths:

Genuine Checkpoint security tags ARE very different in deactivation. Knock offs in as much as 30% of the time will re-activate on their own after they have been deactivated at the POS and the customer exit. This is because they are cheaply made. Embarrassing and you do not need the customer hassle. Genuine checkpoint tags deactivate each time, every time period.

Genuine checkpoint tags have an aggressive adhesive. They will not fall off even if they have been on the merchandise for some time. This makes it more difficult for the person shoplifting to detect the tag and remove it easily.

Genuine checkpoint security tags do not fade. Discolored tags look terrible and degrade the look and appeal of your merchandise. Knock offs tend to fad or discolor quickly.

Genuine checkpoint tags come with 2000 to a roll or tray that are guaranteed to work if applied properly. The checkpoint security tags that did not pass QC are marked with a red dot. Do not use them. There are 2000+ good labels (non red dot) on each roll or tray.

Genuine checkpoint security tags can only be purchased from a Checkpoint Dealer. Loss Prevention Systems, Inc is a Gold level Dealer and we guarantee the lowest price on your new genuine checkpoint tags.

Do not allow shoplifting or a slick salesman cause you any more losses. Shoplifting needs serious solutions provided by serious companies.

For more information contact us at checkpoint security systems or call 1.770.426.0547

Anti Theft Devices That Make A Difference In Shoplifting

If you are looking for an immediate impact on your retail theft shoplifting problems you want to attack it with anti theft devices head on. To do this you must understand the difference between active and passive systems.

An example of a passive system is Closed Circuit TV (CCTV). Retailers install CCTV cameras through out the store. The cameras are recording on a DVR. The manager may even have a monitor in their office. But unless the cameras are watched at all time the system is passive. It is for after the fact. Some who is shoplifting knows this. They will even test it by concealing an item, move to another location and dump the item to see if anyone reacts. If not, the next time they come in the shoplifting begins.

An example of active anti theft devices is an Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) system such as Checkpoint security systems. Checkpoint tags are placed on merchandise and when someone who is shoplifting attempts to steal tagged merchandise the Checkpoint security systems at the customer doors alarm. Even better than this when someone who is shoplifting sees an EAS system they most likely will simply go elsewhere like your unprotected competitor.

Why is this? It is because an EAS system is active and “watching” all the time. The Checkpoint security tags are always on the merchandise 24/7. They cannot be removed without staff intervention. As long as the retailer keeps the Checkpoint security systems in good working order they are always guarding the merchandise that is tagged.

Other anti theft devices could include glass cabinets or other locking devices to lock up merchandise. That is not as desirable since it does not allow the customers to handle merchandise and then decide at their own pace. In addition customers become frustrated quickly when staff is not right there to unlock merchandise.

Retail theft is tough enough to control without having the correct tools. Checkpoint tags on your merchandise keep your profits on your bottom line.

For more information contact us at retail theft or call 1.770.426.0547

Retail Theft: The Scourge Of Business

Shoplifters and employees that steal are about the lowest forms of life. They cause retail businesses billions of dollars in retail theft. There are several entire industries devoted to anti shoplifting and employee theft. Still these people cause us headaches. As a former Director of Loss Prevention for several major companies I have found that much of the problem of anti shoplifting and employee theft falls with the retailers themselves.

Theses types of retail theft must be attacked daily. You cannot let your guard down. You must have loss prevention program than focuses on prevention. Take shoplifting as an example. Anti shoplifting programs such as Checkpoint security tags do little if the employees are not supporting the program. Seek out employees that are enthusiastic about prevention and their jobs. Use incentives such as bonuses or contests. Make those employees the core of your retail theft prevention effort. If they are into it then others will come along.

One of the key issues that retailers must keep in the forefront of their over all plan is training. Training that is focused on prevention pays dividends beyond just shoplifting prevention. One of the key prevention tactics in anti shoplifting is customer service. Shoplifters hate customer service. They want to blend into your “normal” customer base. They do not want to stand out in any way. If your employees emphasize customer contact and follow up this in itself will shut off a portion of your retail theft. This in turn benefits your overall sales because your good customers like the attention. To stop more hard-core shoplifters you need to practice stronger  anti shoplifting techniques.

Another area that is often overlooked is the use of a tag alarm system such as Checkpoint security tags. Again, it goes back to training and management’s enforcement. How many times have you see a tag alarm go off at the front door and the employee simply waves the customer through? Do you think that this is company policy? Very unlikely. The employee is thinking that they just rang up the customer. They know that they got everything the customer put on the POS. So it must just be the Checkpoint security tags that did not get deactivated right? Wrong, what the employee did not think about is the item that the “customer” had concealed on their person. The tag alarm caught it, the employee didn’t. Training, training and more training. Then hold employees to the standard!

For more information: shoplifting or call 1.770.426.0547

Shoplifting And Pond Scum – Both can be controlled!

Shoplifting is just a fact of retail life, kind of like the “worlds oldest profession”. It is not going to go away. And if you are naïve enough to think that it will not happen to you then don’t read any further since you won’t be in business much longer.  But if you are a retailer you understand that shoplifters are like pond scum, it stinks and is a distraction from the beautiful environment you have created.

The key to preventing shoplifting is no different than any other business problem. You have to control it and minimize the distraction so you can stay focused on what is really important, selling and making a profit. This can be achieved by using an Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) system. And as huge coincidence we happen to be able to sell you a checkpoint security system.

But getting back to the issue. An EAS system is a proactive system. Many retailers are under the impression that if they put a camera system (OK, we sell those also) in that this will deter shoplifters. Camera systems are passive. Unless you are watching it live all the time it will not be effective. In addition the cost to cover every place in the store where a shoplifter may hit you is in most cases cost prohibitive.

Merchandise is tagged or labeled when the shoplifter attempts to steal the item they trip the sensors at the front of the store alerting store staff. The product stays tagged at all times until your people remove or deactivate it. Its proactive, 24/7. No video to watch or review. Shoplifters know what the systems look like and how they work. In most cases they just simply go elsewhere (like your competitor who isn’t protected).

Again, the key is to do this in the most profitable way possible. You have enough to do every day. I guess you can sum it up this way; a checkpoint security system is like having shoplifting prevention on autopilot.

For more information: checkpoint security system or call 1.770.426.0547

Checkpoint labels available in printable price tag form

Retailers looking to cut labor time and increase loss prevention measures are moving towards printable checkpoint labels.  If you are a retailer using checkpoint systems to stop shoplifting problems and you are currently labeling your merchandise you should take a look at your options with checkpoint labels.  Checkpoint systems offers a variety of printable labels both in thermal transfer and direct transfer media.

A thermal transfer label will receive ink from a ribbon in the printer.  This method is preferable due to a couple factors.  The print shows up much better and the labels do not discolor like the direct transfer labels.  Direct transfer labels are coated with a material that reacts through a static electricity type process to make the coating generate an image.  There are no ink ribbons in this type which may seem to be a benefit; however without the ink the image produced is less prominent and the labels can fade as well as discolor due to their nature.

Aside from thermal transfer or direct transfer checkpoint labels you can choose size of label.  There are two that are most popular, the checkpoint 410 and the checkpoint 615.  The 410 is 1.5″ X 1.5″ and the 615 is 1.125″ X 2.25″.

The labels can also be purchased pre printed with your choice of printing on them.  This offers a great disguise such as “Great Buy” or “Sale” etc…  You can even get your logo printed on them.

For more information go to:  checkpoint labels

Newer small option for Checkpoint tags

Checkpoint systems is now offering a small option in its line of  checkpoint tags.  The “pencil tag” is  checkpoint systems smallest anti theft tag measuring .5″ x 2.2″.   Shown below with optional lanyard:

Also available in grey:

These checkpoint tags are small enough for very small merchandise such as bikinis, shoes, hats and accessories.  They offer security without being obtrusive allowing for better merchandise visibility and display-ability.

These and other checkpoint security tags are held in place with pins

Inside of the  checkpoint tags are clutches that grab the pin locking it into place and they can not be pulled out.  To detach the pins a special detacher must be used.  This detacher is mounted to the cash wrap and allows the cashier to quickly and easily remove the security tags to be re used on other merchandise.

There are several checkpoint tags available that come in many shapes and sizes and colors.  They can be used with pins only or also with a lanyard of varying lengths for looping the security tag through or onto merchandise that can not be pinned.

If you have a checkpoint security system the key is to always use genuine checkpoint tags and labels.  There are cheaper copies out there mostly from Asia and there are several issues with the copy cat products.  The copies can be easily broken open at the seams due to cheap manufacturing, the have a high failure to alarm rate and the copycat labels will both not deactivate but also reactivate at a 15% to 25% rate.  This is a huge hassle since failed labels will cause staff to stop and address the alarms that are not shoplifting issues.

For more information visit: checkpoint tags

How Do Checkpoint Security Systems Work?

There are many types of anti theft devices. Checkpoint security systems are one type. They are easy to use and available for every type of product. There are three components to Checkpoint security systems. The first is the checkpoint tags or labels are placed on your merchandise. There are hard tags that can be placed on clothing, or there are sticky label that can be placed on virtually any other type of product.

The second component is the device that either removes the hard tags or the deactivation pads that deactivate the labels. These devices are easy to use so it won’t take long for your employees to get into the habit of dealing with the system.  Checkpoint tags and labels are the highest quality in the industry.

The third component is the EAS (electronic article surveillance) antennas. There are a few designs to choose from giving you the option to have them stand out, which can be a theft deterrent all on their own, or you can have them blend in more so as not to detract from your store’s decor.

Once you have your Checkpoint security system EAS antennas installed you apply the checkpoint tags or labels to your merchandise. If someone tries to remove a tagged item from the store an alarm will sound when they pass by the EAS antennas. This alerts your employees that there is a potential problem and they can stop the person and resolve the issue.

It is extremely important to train your employees on responding to the alarms. If no one responds to the alarm the customer will leave. Studies show that most people only steal when they have the opportunity to do so. By responding to the alarms you take away their opportunity thus reducing your shrink rate and retaining your profit margin.

For more information:  checkpoint security systems or call 1.770.426.0547

Alarm…Alarm Checkpoint Security System Alarm…Now what?

OK, your checkpoint security system at the front door goes into alarm. A customer that just left the point of sale is there with a package. They have stopped and are looking back at you. What do you do now?

How many time have you seen this happen and the sales clerk just waves the customer on? That is the worst thing that can happen. Several things have happened. You have allowed an employee to completely circumvent your anti shoplifting program. You have also sent a message to your customers that your people are not professional. And worst of all you tell shoplifters that they can defeat your checkpoint security system.

A lack of training and enforcement of that training is primarily at fault. Installing the system and believing that your shoplifting problems are over is short sighted. Your employees must know how to handle a checkpoint security system alarm properly and do it every time. Otherwise a person who is shoplifting in your store will simply view it as an inconvenience and create a situation where they can simply cause an alarm and be waved on.

Training is simple: Provide good customer service! Teach your employees that they are not to be afraid to approach a customer/alarm. Make a clear friendly statement like “excuse me sir we must have forgotten to remove or deactivate an inventory control device on your purchase. Let me take care of that for you”.

Anti theft devices like a checkpoint security system will tell you if a tag is present but your employees must resolve the situation. Check the packages for tags and labels. The easiest way is for the employee to ask the customer for their package, the employee then passes the package through the antennas themselves. They should then locate the checkpoint security tags and resolve the situation. If no tags are found in the package ask the customer to walk through the checkpoint security system antennas with out the package. If there is an alarm then again your stores training should tell them what to do next.

Want more information about anti theft devices or shoplifting? Contact us or call 1.770.426.0547