Installing a checkpoint security system at the entry and exit doors of your retail store will deliver much more that a loud beep when protected merchandise that has not been paid for approaches the door. The simple presence of the system, since with a quick look in from the outside you can see the checkpoint system antennas, will cause would be shoplifters to think twice about hitting the store. Studies show that shoplifters will pass by protected stores for one that is unprotected and easier to steal from. Less shoplifting traffic will improve overall traffic quality and customer comfort.
A bonus benefit checkpoint security system users realize that they usually don’t expect is an increase in sales volume. Price Waterhouse Coopers recently studied the effect of installing a system measuring 98 different product sku’s over a period of fourteen weeks. They recorded an increase in sales volume of just under 10%. Sales volume will naturally go up after installing a checkpoint security system because less theft means more inventory available for sale. When inventory is stolen off of the sales floor the impact is not just cost of the lost product it is the lost sale which sends customer to other stores to find the product they want.
To stop shoplifting and boost sales go to: checkpoint security system