Checkpoint Systems In Europe

I have just finished up a very much-needed vacation to France and Germany. Of course it is a bit difficult to shut off completely. Especially when I saw Checkpoint systems in a vast amount of retail stores in both countries. Shoplifting is alive and well in Europe.

Anti theft devices devices abound. However, I did not see as much CCTV as one would think compared to U.S. standards. European retailers have figured it out. CCTV although an important tool is not the first line of defense as anti theft devices goes. Who has time or labor dollars to “watch” CCTV for shoplifting ? This coupled with the fact that covering an average store there or in The U.S. would involve quite a number of cameras. Cameras as anti theft devices are reactive or for after the fact. The person that is shoplifting is long gone before anyone would know. Unless you pay someone to watch CCTV all the time. Checkpoint systems are on duty 24/7.

This seems to apply to both large and small retailers. Even in the larger department stores in major cities I saw limited use of CCTV. What shocked me most was that I did not see CCTV used as anti theft devices at the POS for employee theft issues. In this situation I strongly believe that CCTV is a must. Each POS must have a camera that views the cash register, employee and customer. This camera is then fed into a DVR that overlays the cash register detail right onto the picture. This allows a retailer to view exactly what the cashier is doing. Are they ringing up a pack of gum but bagging up a DVD?

As far as the use of Checkpoint labels and Checkpoint tags the application in Europe and the U.S. seem to be the same. The one difference is that European retailers tend to use Checkpoint tags and Checkpoint labels on merchandise that has a lower price point than U.S. retailers. In many cases I saw hard tags on items priced as low as $2.00. The over all feeling was that if you have the system, use it.

For more information on anti theft devices , checkpoint labels or  checkpoint tags contact us at checkpoint systems or call 1.770.426.0547

Checkpoint security tags available in a variety of shapes and sizes

If you are considering the use of retail anti theft devices take a look at checkpoint security tags.   Checkpoint Systems is the world leader in EAS (Electronic Article Surveillance) systems likely due both to their ability to keep up with trends and their use of industry leading technology.

Whether you are protecting handbags, leather jackets, shoes, boutique apparel, men’s, women’s or children’s clothing, accessories, hardware such as electric drills and expensive tools, CD music, DVD’s & Blue Ray discs, ipods, memory cards, health and beauty products such as cosmetics, razors, drugs or baby formula, even liquor bottles…in other words anything you can sell in a retail setting can be protected by checkpoint security tags and or with their Alpha High Theft line of anti theft devices.

Some of the tags are called 3 alarm.  They will not only set off the alarm at the door, they have tamper sensitivity and built in sirens that will go off at any time the tag is tampered with…and that same siren will go off if the product is taken out of the store bringing attention to the shoplifter in a big way. You may have seen some of these in what are called “spider wraps”… security devices with cables wrapped around boxed items such as GPS units, small LCD digital photo frames etc…

If you are in the retail business you are losing inventory due to theft.  There is no way to avoid the presence of thieves, but what you can do is send them on to unprotected store by using anti theft devices such as checkpoint security tags and Alpha High Theft security products.

For more info visit: checkpoint security tags or Alpha High Theft Solutions

Checkpoint Systems Tricks And Tips

There are some little known anti shoplifting features built into your Checkpoint Security system . One is that the antennas have a built in relay output. This output can be connected to any low voltage device that can take a momentary trip. So let’s say a customer that is shoplifting trips the checkpoint security system . The relay could be used to send a signal to your camera system to begin recording. Most new Digital Video Recorders (DVR) have a buffer built into them and when it is tripped it will grab that 5 to 10 seconds of video in the buffer before the relay trips it and record that plus real time going forward.

This relay can also trip a remote sounder or chime in the back room or office. In the past some customers have asked us to connect the checkpoint security system relay to a mag lock on the door so when the system alarms the front door automatically locks. Although this sound likes a great idea there are several problems with this. One is that it is against fire code. As a loss prevention professional with 30 years of experience I can also tell you that it is probably not a good idea to lock a potentially angry or hostile criminal in with you.

The relay could also be attached to a programmable sounder that plays a pre-recorded wav file message.

The newer Checkpoint systems can also be configured to count customers both coming in and going out the same door. Another feature is Metal Point. This detects “booster bags” that are used in shoplifting to steal merchandise. A booster bag is a foil-lined bag.

Another trick to deter damage and wear to your Checkpoint security system antennas is to install bumper guards. The new bumper guards are real slick looking and keep shopping carts from hitting the antennas. In most cases they prevent people from accidentally kicking or running into the base of the antenna.

Are you having problems with people walking around the outside of the Checkpoint systems antennas? Another anti shoplifting technique is to purchase a couple of dollars of PLASTIC chain at a hardware store and attach it from the antenna to the door-frame, display or wall.

For more information about shoplifting , anti shoplifting devices or checkpoint security systems contact us at Checkpoint Systems or call 1.770.426.0547

Checkpoint Systems Deactivation

Deactivation of checkpoint labels is an important part of any successful EAS program – achieves its full potential with radio frequency (RF) technology. No other EAS deactivation technology comes close in a feature-for-feature comparison. For retailers focused on customer service, Checkpoint Systems patented RF-EAS deactivation technology streamlines throughput so that checkout proceeds rapidly and deactivation takes place discreetly.

With deactivation heights unmatched in the industry, RF deactivation ensures that RF labels – no matter what the orientation are deactivated. For retailers, this means the virtual elimination of the number one cause of false alarms: failure to deactivated, common with other EAS technologies. For a retailer’s customers, this means no embarrassing moments as they leave the store with legitimately purchased merchandise.

Checkpoint Systems continues to enhance and refine RF deactivation technology. The only EAS technology to truly integrate scan/deactivation, RF deactivation blends into existing operations without the need to invest in costly check stand renovations or the burden of on-going training. Scanners are available today directly form the manufacture, with built-in checkpoint systems RF deactivation capability.

Checkpoint security systems has expanded the role of RF-EAS deactivation to address other areas of shrinkage. Interlock, which allows deactivation after a valid scan, addresses cashier sliding; POS-scanner verification, which locates non-deactivated labels after the scanning verification process, can alert the cashier that checkpoint labels are not deactivated. Post-scanner verification can also be used to alert the store manager that an internal theft attempt might be occurring, or activate a CCTV system to record the event.

Integrated scan and deactivation from Checkpoint Security Systems revolutionized the security aspects of retail point-of-sale transactions. As one of the many revolutionary and evolutionary developments of RF-EAS technology developed by checkpoint systems , RF deactivation streamlines the retailer’s POS operation. Deactivation heights up to 15 inches above the checkpoint security system deactivation pad are common and increase store staff’s confidence in the systems performance.

Checkpoint Security Systems RF deactivation electronics are integrated into the most popular bar code scanners, from manufactures such as NCR, ICL/Fujitsu, PSC/Spectra-Physics, Symbol Technologies, Scantech and Metrologic. Today, many popular scanners can be purchased with built-in Checkpoint Systems RF deactivation capabilities.

The Counterpoint pad deactivates RF labels at a range of up to 15 inches above the pad. In addition, deactivation at speeds of more than 100 products per minute is possible with integrated scan/deactivation. And, Checkpoint Security System RF deactivation solutions work with Checkpoint Security Systems complete range of EAS sensors. Retailers using RF deactivation are using the power of RF technology to streamline POS operations, speed customer throughput and enhance customer service.

For more information on deactivation or checkpoint labels contact us at Checkpoint Security System or call 1.770.426.0547

Why use Checkpoint tags over the copies (and more)

If you are using a checkpoint security system in your retail operation to reduce inventory shrinkage you may have wondered about the cheap aftermarket checkpoint tags available out there on the Internet.  Or maybe you are not using a system yet and you are considering the checkpoint security systems product line.

At the risk of sounding cliche, you do get what you pay for…but hold on I have more than that.  Let’s take the checkpoint mini hard tag for example, probably the most popular of the Checkpoint tags. If you look closely at the edge of a genuine Checkpoint tag you will see no open gaps and it appears one piece with looking very closely.  This makes it impossible to crack open.  The cheap tags popularly made in China (and be careful they are advertised as Checkpoint mini hard tags…you have to look closely to see that Checkpoint is not the manufacturer) have a wide very noticeable seal along the edges where the front and back pieced are put together.  You can pop these tags open in seconds and remove the internal parts that set of the alarm.  The  checkpoint tags are impossible to pop open.

Another reason to use genuine checkpoint security systems security tags is that they work consistently to set off the alarm.  Cheap imported copies are known for having a low pic rate (pick up in the system) and may only set off the alarm 75% of the time.  So you may save $.05 on a cheap tag but lose a $250 jacket because the tag is ineffective or easily defeated.

For more info visit: checkpoint tags 

Alpha EASy Guard’e Anti Shoplifting Bottle Cap

If your liquor store is experiencing shoplifting and “customers” opening and taking a drink then you need some new anti theft devices . For example one of the most popular targets of the shoplifting public is Grey Goose. Put an EASy Guard’e on the top of your Grey Goose bottle caps and the shoplifter will go elsewhere.

Alpha is a division of Checkpoint systems who produces the best anti shoplifting devices made

These anti theft devices fit over the top of the bottle and encase the cap and upper bottleneck in a very tough hard plastic. The top of the EASy Guard’e is clear so you can see Tax ID stamps.

The slim clear top allows for a much cleaner looking display. In will not interfere with your display. Besides being anti theft devices the EASy Guard’e will prevent customers from opening the bottle until it has been purchased.

These Checkpoint systems anti theft devices come in different sizes to insure a snug fit that provides maximum protection. They are easy to use and can only be removed by your staff with an S3 key.

The EASy Guard’e comes with either a RF or AM tag embedded inside. This non-deactivatable tag cannot be reached or damaged. The EASy Guard’e has the word “alarm” printed on the front to let the shoplifting customers know that they are playing with fire.

The new S3 EASy Guard’e combines the highest level of protection with optimal merchandise aesthetics. This sleek design is perfect for high-end displays and maximum merchandising.

Bring your liquor anti shoplifting program to new heights and start keeping your hard earned money on the bottom line.

For more information about Alpha, checkpoint systems , anti theft devices  contact us at anti shoplifting or call 1.770.426.0547

Checkpoint Security Systems – Alarm Handling

Checkpoint security systems are one of the most effective anti shoplifting tools in the market. Some retail employees are unsure how to handle tag alarms. We have put this guide together to assist you in training your employees how to handle a tag alarm.

Both an incoming and outgoing tag alarm are handled by asking a series of questions.


1.  “Do you have a security access card?”

Some security access cards can on occasion can cause a tag alarm. (although this is rare).

2.  “Have you purchased something in another store with a system like this?”

Other retailers use Checkpoint security systems and may not properly deactivate the purchase.

3. “Are you returning an item for exchange or refund?”

Recent purchase may not have been deactivated.

4.  “Is there any reason you can think of for our inventory system to alarm?”

This lets the customer offer input as to why your Checkpoint security systems are alarming.


1.  “Excuse me sir/ma’am, our Inventory Control System has been activated, we may not have checked out your purchase properly.”

This approach is Customer Service orientated and most customers are glad to help fix the situation.

2.  “Do you have a security access card?”

Same as incoming alarms.

3.  “Have you purchased something in another store with a system like this?”

Same as incoming alarms.

4.  “Is there any reason you can think of for our inventory system to alarm?”

Same as incoming alarms.

What should be recorded in your Checkpoint security systems log?

(If you do not have a log please contact Loss Prevention Systems. We will provide you one free of charge.)

  • Daily testing of the system
    Insures the system is operating correctly.
  • Failure to deactivate
    Can help identify system issues or employees that may need training.
  • Access Cards
    May be system issues that require tuning.
  • Returned merchandise
    Can also help identify system/retraining issues.
  • Other Store Merchandise
    Identify retailers in the area that my not be deactivating product.
  • All shoplifting attempts
    Help identify local trends. You can use this information to insure that you’re anti shoplifting program changes with new threats.

Management should review the logs on a periodic basis to insure tests, alarms and other issues regarding your Checkpoint security systems are being logged.

Remember an effective anti shoplifting program can only be attained with your internal employee training.

For more information on anti shoplifting programs or Checkpoint security systems contact us or call 1.770.426.0547

Checkpoint Tags And Checkpoint Labels

There seems to be some confusion about what are checkpoint labels and checkpoint tags . Both are checkpoint security systems  anti shoplifting devices .

Checkpoint tags are usually hard plastic. They come in a variety of shapes and colors. Checkpoint tags are attached to clothing, hats, shoes, accessories and any other cloth type merchandise. A pin that is inserted through the merchandise material and then into the tag itself normally accomplishes this. Checkpoint tags can only be removed by the use of a detacher. There are several levels of detachers. They are generally broken into type by the strength required to unlock the clutch that holds the  checkpoint tags pin in place. Detachers should be bolted or secured to the cash-wrap to prevent theft of the detacher.

Checkpoint labels are paper-thin and they are broken into several categories. The first is deactivatable and the second is non-deactivatable. Both types of labels are placed directly on to the merchandise or packaging. When merchandise with Checkpoint labels that are deactivatible are sold then the cashier passes the merchandise over a deactivation pad that causes the label to become inert. Normally deactivation is electronically tied to the POS scanner. Non-deactivatable labels cannot be deactivated. The label can be reused over and over.

Checkpoint labels come in a variety of sizes and shapes. The retailer, in most cases using the same printers that are used for printing price or barcode tags, can directly print on some checkpoint labels . Some have an inert barcode printed on them. Genuine checkpoint labels have a very aggressive adhesive and are not easily removed. Loss Prevention Systems also provides custom printing for a very reasonable price. This allows a retailer to print something such as their logo on checkpoint labels in small or large quantities.

Checkpoint security systems also include the Alpha line of products. This opens a whole additional world of hard tags, wraps and more.

For more information on checkpoint labels or checkpoint tags contact us at checkpoint security systems or call 1.770.426.0547.

Checkpoint Security System Service Checklist

Prior to placing a Checkpoint security system service call to Loss Prevention Systems (LPSI) please check the following:

Check system with a test tag. (Should be done daily). If you do not have a test tag contact us and we will send you one free of charge.

PHANTOMS – (no one near the system)

1. Check for tagged merchandise within 3 feet of the system. This could also be a tag that has been kicked under the Checkpoint security system antennas.

Also look for changes in the environment such as Christmas trees and holiday decorations. Has your display footprint changed? Is a display with checkpoint tags or labels on the merchandise to close?

2. Turn the system off and wait 5 minutes and turn the system on.  If the problem continues, turn the system off and place a service call.


1. Check the green light on the power supply. Is it on? If not contact Loss Prevention Systems right away. The power supply is probably working.

2. Turn the system off and wait 5 minutes and turn the system on.  If the problem continues, turn the system off and place a service call.


Check deactivation units with the test tag or DV-1000. (Should be done daily)

1. If one pad is not properly deactivating tags.

A. Check the chassis power supply and make sure it is plugged in and green indicator light is on. (Located under check stand)

2. If everything is on and the pad is still not deactivating shut down that particular register and call LPSI for service.

A. Do not put a cashier on that register until service has been completed.

Your Checkpoint security system is a commercial grade system. It is built for many years of service. However, like your car it needs attention from time to time. Please use common sense when working around a Checkpoint security system. Do not allow water or other liquids to get on it. Keep the antennas and deactivation units clean and free of debris. Do not allow anyone to climb or lean on the antennas.

If you need to order more checkpoint labels or checkpoint tags. Remember we have a “hot line” to order checkpoint tags and labels. 1.770.426.0547 x105.

For more information contact us at: checkpoint security system or call 1.770.426.0547

Checkpoint security tags send shoplifters away

Using anti theft devices and loss prevention security such as checkpoint security tags sends a message to shoplifters that studies show will simply send them elsewhere to unprotected targets.  This is a win, win, win, win situation.

Win number one; the presence of the anti theft devices means less retail theft, reducing shrinkage.  Typically retailers see a reduction in inventory losses of over 50% when implementing systems such as a checkpoint security system.

Win number two; the reduction in losses will translate over to boosted profits.  Losing product directly affects net margins.  A $10 item lost will take $200 to replace in a 2% net margin situation.  Keep that $10 item and you just added $200 to the available profit & net margin.

Win number three; less retail theft means more stock on the shelves available for sale. Retailers using products such as checkpoint security tags see a measurable increase in sales.  Price Waterhouse Coopers recently studies a chain of supermarkets over a fourteen week period and found that after the implementation of the checkpoint security system the net sales increase by over 9%.

Win number four; less riff raff in the store.  Sending shoplifters elsewhere and keeping them out of your store creates a better environment for staff and customers.

For more information visit: checkpoint security tags or call Loss Prevention Systems at 1-770-426-0547