I have just finished up a very much-needed vacation to France and Germany. Of course it is a bit difficult to shut off completely. Especially when I saw Checkpoint systems in a vast amount of retail stores in both countries. Shoplifting is alive and well in Europe.
Anti theft devices devices abound. However, I did not see as much CCTV as one would think compared to U.S. standards. European retailers have figured it out. CCTV although an important tool is not the first line of defense as anti theft devices goes. Who has time or labor dollars to “watch” CCTV for shoplifting ? This coupled with the fact that covering an average store there or in The U.S. would involve quite a number of cameras. Cameras as anti theft devices are reactive or for after the fact. The person that is shoplifting is long gone before anyone would know. Unless you pay someone to watch CCTV all the time. Checkpoint systems are on duty 24/7.
This seems to apply to both large and small retailers. Even in the larger department stores in major cities I saw limited use of CCTV. What shocked me most was that I did not see CCTV used as anti theft devices at the POS for employee theft issues. In this situation I strongly believe that CCTV is a must. Each POS must have a camera that views the cash register, employee and customer. This camera is then fed into a DVR that overlays the cash register detail right onto the picture. This allows a retailer to view exactly what the cashier is doing. Are they ringing up a pack of gum but bagging up a DVD?
As far as the use of Checkpoint labels and Checkpoint tags the application in Europe and the U.S. seem to be the same. The one difference is that European retailers tend to use Checkpoint tags and Checkpoint labels on merchandise that has a lower price point than U.S. retailers. In many cases I saw hard tags on items priced as low as $2.00. The over all feeling was that if you have the system, use it.
For more information on anti theft devices , checkpoint labels or checkpoint tags contact us at checkpoint systems or call 1.770.426.0547