Checkpoint labels vs Sensormatic “labels”

I think it is funny, compared to the checkpoint labels, what sensormatic calls labels.  The checkpoint labels are flat, paper labels.  Sensormatic uses a plastic strips about 1/8″ of an inch thick that look like a large piece of chewing gum.  And they come in ten varieties, only they are all the same shape, most the same size.  But they do have different colors or printing on them.  Here are a few examples:


Checkpoint labels come in a huge variety of shapes and sizes and even offer blank printable labels that fit in popular printers that retailers use when printing their own price labels.

Some retailers have them custom printed with a logo or use the space to advertise a sale.  Oh, and as you can see since they are on paper, on a roll, they will conform to irregular packaging, unlike the stiff plastic of a sensormatic “label” (I would say sensormatic labels are simply hard tags with adhesive).

If you are considering an anti shoplifting system where you will use labels to protect your merchandise take a hard look at checkpoint systems labels as well as the checkpoint tags which also are available in many shapes, colors and sizes in modern designs.   Checkpoint systems owns Alpha High Theft Solutions as well and there is an extensive line of solutions available for everything you could imagine.

Sop for a comprehensive  anti shoplifting solution look at checkpoint systems and their line of security tags and labels both under the checkpoint name and Alpha.

For more info visit: checkpoint labels 

Checkpoint Systems leader in retail theft prevention, not just for the big boys

Not just for the big retailers,  checkpoint systems has scalable retail theft prevention solutions that will stop shoplifting from occurring through deterrence and boos the bottom line.

Although EAS (electronic article surveilence) systems manufacturer checkpoint systems does secure many larg retailer inventories such as GAP, OLD NAVY, KOHLS, WALGREENS, CVS and many other “big boys” (and girls!), they provide solutions that scale to the single site one single door shop you would see in a small town square or boutique area.

Dealing with inventory loss is quite often an tougher challenge for the smaller retailer who does not have a loss prevention team on staff.  Utilizing an EAS system is a big jump in the right direction to stop shoplifting and develop a retail theft prevention program even if for as few as one, two or three employees.  Quite often there are two people on the clock at any given time in a smaller retail operation like a clothing boutique which leaves one behind the register and only one to watch the floor and help customers.  Installing a checkpoint security system is like having eyes on every piece of merchandise you protect.

Using  checkpoint systems products will stop shoplifting suspects from entering the store, they see the system at the door and walk on by to another unprotected store.  Having tagged/ protected merchandise will stop those who may impulsive steal because they do not want to deal with trying to remove the tags on the merchandise potentially damaging the products.

Simple math: lose less inventory= more available for sale= more sales.  And lossing less to theft means losses are not eating up your profits.  Lose one $20 item with a 5% margin and you need to sell 20 more of those to generate profit needed to buy the one you lost.

To learn more visit: checkpoint systems 

Checkpoint security systems annual report on retail theft

Released by checkpoint security systems and the Center for Retail Research on October 19th, 2010, the Global Retail Theft Barometer reports on several factors of retail theft around the globe. I was surprised by one statistic that was almost a complete flip of the US numbers.

In the US employee theft accounts for about 43% of the retail loss numbers and shoplifting about 36%.  Globally the numbers are 43% shoplifting and 35% employee theft according to the University of Florida’s National Retail Security Survey which is considered to be the most comprehensive and accurate in the industry. A variable that is unknown in the US is how employee involvement in aiding shoplifters affects the numbers.

One interesting finding that the global study highlighted was the apparent correlation between increased spending in security measures and a decrease in theft.  Solutions such as checkpoint security systems will deter theft both externally and internally.  Installing a checkpoint security system creates awareness among all employees due to the use of the anti theft devices such as clothing security tags or other security tags on merchandise that are either deactivated or removed for reuse at the cash register.  Using a system involves training on how to handle shoplifters as well which increases awareness on what to look for and how to “service” potential thieves out of the store.

For more info on how to solve retail theft issues including employee theft and shoplifting problems visit: checkpoint security systems


Checkpoint security tags will save inventory and boost profits

Using checkpoint security tags to protect merchandise from shoplifting theft will keep inventory on the shelves, leaving more available for sale, boosting sales and boosting profits.  You can easily increase your net margins by 50% by implementing a loss prevention security method such as using  checkpoint systems  anti theft devices.

Let’s look at an example of how reducing losses will boost profits.  Take a retailer selling $1mil per year with a net margin of 2% and an inventory shrink rate of 2%.  Most retailers not using a system to protect their inventory are losing more than 2% but I want to be conservative in my example.  2% net margin & shrink means $20,000 net profit and $20,000 in shrink.  By using checkpoint security tags you will see at least a 50% reduction in shrink (many see over 75%).  And let’s say there is no bump in added sales even though typically there is a 5 to ten percent bump there simply due to having more merchandise available for buyers.  The 50% reduction in shrink equates to $10,000, which goes directly to the profit margin side of the books.  An added $10k in profit is a 50% increase on profit margin.  So now you land at a 1% shrink rate and a 3% net margin rate.

Again these numbers are conservative.  We have seen shrink rates well over five percent…imagine cutting a six percent shrink rate in half and how that would add to net margins!  Whatever you save from theft is purely added profit…another way to look at it is it takes your profit to replace your lost inventory.  So consider using checkpoint security tags to protect your merchandise and boost your profits. To learn more visit  checkpoint security tags 

Checkpoint Tags – Tags For Sporting Goods And Electrical Cords

Checkpoint systems which owns Alpha has produced a couple of new retail anti theft devices that are hard tags intended for several merchandise items…corded electronics and tools, golf clubs and baseball bats. These hard tags are one piece that is hinged, wraps around the shaft of the item and locks in place. Each one has a non-slip grip on the interior. This keeps the O-Tag from moving around freely and protects the finish on your product.

They come in two sizes. The easiest way to describe them is that the smaller size fits electrical cords, golf club shafts and fishing rods size items. The large O-tag fits the shaft of a baseball bat.

Of course the O-tags retail anti theft devices are reusable over and over. They require an S-3 Key to unlock them. The S-3 gives them unequaled security. The S-3 key is very unique and keeps shoplifters from using another device to unlock the tag. Remember: your Checkpoint systems S-3’s must always be secured by bolting them to your cash/wrap or processing area in the back.

If you have power tools such as corded drills, circular saws and jigsaws you can now place the smaller O-Tag on the cord and have the unit on display or on the sales floor. The O-Tag does not hinder your products appearance and allows customers to completely interact with it.

The small O-tag is black the large one is gray. They are available in either RF or AM.  They come in cases of 100. Alpha has printed or molded into the plastic  “Electronic Alarm”. This gives a clear visual deterrent to the shoplifter.

The O-Tag is an item that you would be able to use a small quantity to cover some very expensive items.

For more information about shoplifting or checkpoint systems contact us at retail anti theft devices or call 1.770.426.0547

Shoplifting problems? Consider a Checkpoint Security System

All retailers suffer from shoplifting and many turn to a checkpoint security system to get control of the issue.  This type of system is called an EAS system, or an Electronic Article Surveillance system.  A checkpoint security system consists of installing sensors in doorways which will detect hard security tags, many different types of security “keepers” (or cases) and security labels.  When merchandise that has not been through a proper checkout gets to the sensors at exit ways an alarm sounds and lights blink alerting store employees of the potential shoplifting incident.

Something to keep in mind if considering a checkpoint security system is that it is one piece of the loss prevention pie so to speak.  It is critical that there be a more deliberate approach to controlling shoplifting that simply installing a system and thinking it will do all the work.  Sure the presence of the system will deter shoplifting and keep shoplifters out of the store to a degree, but to get the most out of the investment employees need to be trained on how to take an active role in controlling shoplifting.

How to tag up the merchandise properly, what to tag up, how to handle an alarm situation, how to spot a shoplifter and approach them in a non confrontational way etc… are all critical aspects of an effective loss prevention program.

For more info visit: checkpoint security system 

My Checkpoint System Alarmed Now What?

The checkpoint systems are installed, tested and working great. The all the correct merchandise has checkpoint tags or checkpoint labels on them. Now you have an alarm, what’s next?

We should actually step back a few steps first. What else should we do before the alarm? The goal is not to catch people shoplifting but to deter them in the first place. Has the system been connected to your camera system? A simple relay output on checkpoint security systems can be tied to your DVR. This makes sure that you have a record of the incident. You want this not only for shoplifting but also to evaluate your staff, their response and follow through. The recorded footage can be used to support your criminal case against a person shoplifting . It is pretty hard for the person shoplifting to claim something did or did not happen when there is video evidence.

Retailers should also consider the use of high-theft protection devices such as Spider Wraps, Keepers and Ink Tags. These items provide an extra measure of deterrence. Many of these items include additional internal alarms built into them. If a person who is shoplifting attempts to remove the tag while still in the store the tag or keeper itself has a built in sounder.  If they do run from the store with the item the sounder continues to blast for up to 30 minutes.

Have you trained your staff? Not just in a “classroom” environment but on the sales floor. Have you role played with them to help them become more confident handling a checkpoint security system alarm the way you want it done? If you do not take this very important step then you will never achieve the reduction in shrink and loss that you want or need to survive.

Another advantage is that the newer checkpoint security systems can also count customers among other enhancements.

You need to focus on sales and running your business. Let the checkpoint security system help you with the profit margin by reducing shoplifting . It’s like having several dedicated security employees that are on duty 24/7, never gets tired, sick or need a day off.

For more information about shoplifting , checkpoint tags or checkpoint labels contact us at checkpoint security system or call 1.770.426.0547

Checkpoint labels available in 31 options!

Checkpoint Systems tops the EAS (electronic article surveillance) competition with their wide range of checkpoint labels available.  These different labels, 31 options in all, are not simply different colors of the same tag like the Sensormatic offering.  Another benefit of the checkpoint labels over the sensormatic tags is that the  checkpoint labels are flat paper based labels versus the thick plastic tags Sensormatic offers.

The flat paper based checkpoint labels are available on rolls and can be printed on, saving a lot of labor by becoming the price label and the security label all in one.  Any retailer already printing price labels sees the move to the checkpoint labels as a no brainer.

Checkpoint systems offers several shapes of labels as well.  There are round labels designed for health and beauty products.  These round labels fit nicely on the bottoms of round bottles.  There are even clear labels that can be placed over the products bar code so that the product label is not covered and can be scanned through the checkpoint labels.

One very unique product is the meat soaker pad, a security device that is designed for the high theft meat products.  The tag is completely concealed in a meat soaker pad under the meat inside the packaging a truly unique offering from the checkpoint labels line of security products.

For more info visit: checkpoint labels 

Checkpoint Systems Academy The New Retail On-line Training

Checkpoint Systems has released a new on-line training program. This program is designed for retail end users. Now store management can train employees in a consistent manner. Training is designed for you to get more out of your checkpoint systems systems.

When you sign up for this program your employees will log on from any computer 24/7 and progress through the course as work commitments permit. The training can be completed all at once or in stages. What ever suits your needs.

The program trains you and your employees on:

  • What EAS is and why it is so important to the health of the business and bottom line
  • The impact shoplifting has on everyone in the store, and in the community.
  • Which components make up an EAS anti shoplifting program.
  • Best practices for handling Checkpoint tags , Checkpoint labels , and product protection solutions at the checkout.
  • How to effectively deal with EAS activations to deter shoplifting and increase sales opportunities.

The anti shoplifting program consists of audio and visual aids that make the training come alive. It is easy to follow in simple and relevant terms. The interactive and informative content ensures that users are fully engaged. The scored training (SCORM compliant) helps store management and Human Resources identify areas for improvement.

What we like about this program is that there is consistency in the training. It also insures that all of your employees become Checkpoint systems knowledgeable to make your EAS program successful. This in turn reduces shoplifting and increases customer service. All of which contributes to a better bottom line.

You invest a lot of labor and expense in your checkpoint systems , applying checkpoint labels and checkpoint tags . Do not waste your investment or bottom line because of a lack of training.

By the way the pricing for Checkpoint Systems Academy by Loss Prevention Systems, Inc is astonishingly reasonable!

For more information about Checkpoint Systems Academy, anti shoplifting programs, checkpoint labels , checkpoint tags or retail theft contact us at Checkpoint Systems or call 1.770.426.0547

Retail Theft In Europe

From the amount of retail theft controls I saw in a recent visit to France and Germany retail theft must be alive and well there.  I saw extensive use of Checkpoint security systems and some CCTV.  In major department stores there are Checkpoint security systems at every customer entrance and exit.

What I also found very interesting is that they had Checkpoint systems at the escalator on each floor. This seems to be an attempt to keep the shoplifting public from taking merchandise to areas that may provide more concealment.

Retail theft there has as much impact if not more in Europe than in the U.S. Prices there are very high and are set to go higher with the addition of more taxes assessed by the governments. Does this sound familiar of what?

Over all anti shoplifting awareness seems to be extensive in Europe. I saw a considerable amount of signage that talked about what legal actions would be take with a person caught shoplifting . The signs were all in one language. Because those countries have an official language they did not seem to feel compelled to print them in other languages even though there are a considerable amount of people from all over the world living and working there.

In one case several years ago on another visit to Germany I saw a person who had been caught shoplifting being handled very sternly by the German Police. I have a lot of respect for the German Police and have worked with them on a number of occasions. They are not to be toyed with. The average citizen there avoids contact with them as the laws are very strict and they treat criminals like a criminal. How refreshing and what better anti shoplifting program could you ask for?

For more information on shoplifting ,  checkpoint security systems or retail theft contact us at anti shoplifting or call 1.770.426.0547