One of the best anti shoplifting programs available to retailers today is a Checkpoint Security system .
Retailers around the globe suffer lost profits everyday as a result of shoplifting customers. Many of these customers shoplift for reasons like, lines are too long, the store has poor customer service, and the pricing is too high, they don’t like to pay for merchandise and many more. These types of thieves are called opportunists. They typically don’t sit at home and plan out a shoplifting spree; they make the decision while they are in the store. These are some of the toughest shoplifters to catch, because they don’t usually give off the same “tells” that other, more experienced shoplifters. A Checkpoint Security system is designed to help your business succeed and deter this type of theft. Imagine a customer that is generally a good person, upset about the price of an item in your store. He decides he want to “steal” the item. He looks around and conceals the merchandise in his waistband. He makes his way to the front of the store and notices the Checkpoint Security system . He panics and heads back to the aisle he stole from. Dumping the merchandise, he leaves the store.
A Checkpoint Security system utilizes checkpoint tags or checkpoint labels attached to merchandise. Once this tag is passed through the antennae, the Checkpoint Security system sets off an alarm to notify store employees and management, creating a “not-so private” environment for the thief. This is anti shoplifting at its best!
Listen, if your business is suffering from retail theft, don’t wait until it’s too late. Develop a solid loss prevention plan, include a Checkpoint Security system . Attach Checkpoint labels or checkpoint tags to your hardest hit items and watch how your profits will increase as the merchandise is still in your stores and available for purchase.
For more information about anti shoplifting training, checkpoint tags , checkpoint labels or retail theft prevention contact us at stop shoplifting or call 1.770.426.0547