The Best Anti-shoplifting Program

One of the best anti shoplifting programs available to retailers today is a Checkpoint Security system .

Retailers around the globe suffer lost profits everyday as a result of shoplifting customers. Many of these customers shoplift for reasons like, lines are too long, the store has poor customer service, and the pricing is too high, they don’t like to pay for merchandise and many more. These types of thieves are called opportunists. They typically don’t sit at home and plan out a shoplifting spree; they make the decision while they are in the store. These are some of the toughest shoplifters to catch, because they don’t usually give off the same “tells” that other, more experienced shoplifters. A Checkpoint Security system is designed to help your business succeed and deter this type of theft. Imagine a customer that is generally a good person, upset about the price of an item in your store. He decides he want to “steal” the item. He looks around and conceals the merchandise in his waistband. He makes his way to the front of the store and notices the Checkpoint Security system . He panics and heads back to the aisle he stole from. Dumping the merchandise, he leaves the store.

A Checkpoint Security system utilizes checkpoint tags or checkpoint labels attached to merchandise. Once this tag is passed through the antennae, the Checkpoint Security system sets off an alarm to notify store employees and management, creating a “not-so private” environment for the thief. This is anti shoplifting at its best!

Listen, if your business is suffering from retail theft, don’t wait until it’s too late. Develop a solid loss prevention plan, include a Checkpoint Security system . Attach Checkpoint labels or checkpoint tags to your hardest hit items and watch how your profits will increase as the merchandise is still in your stores and available for purchase.

For more information about anti shoplifting training, checkpoint tags , checkpoint labels or retail theft prevention contact us at stop shoplifting or call 1.770.426.0547

Checkpoint Labels , Alpha, Lame Excuses & the Global Retail Theft Barometer

The Global Retail Theft Barometer (GRTB) has uncovered that 20 percent of the 50 most-stolen product lines in North American retail stores remain unprotected! When I think about that I have to wonder what logic a retailer is using to not protect the most stolen items in their inventory? It is not that complicated to stop shoplifting .

Postage stamp size checkpoint labels placed on a piece of that merchandise will virtually shut of the theft of those items. If the theft threat level is even higher an Alpha spider wrap, or 3-alarm tag will handle it.

So why would a retailer not do this and put more money on their bottom line? Many of them do not think they have a problem. We see retailers every day that do not even take an annual inventory let alone do cycle counts on hot items. They think that if they have some money at the end of the day that they are making it. What a shame that they just walk away from better profit margins. They simply surrender and tell the shoplifter that they can have what they want.

I have also seen retailers with the lame notion that checkpoint systems are too expensive. But they have no problem letting a lot more money walk out the door? What sense is that?

Checkpoint labels automatically tell a shoplifter “go somewhere else” (your competitor who is not protected). Alpha raises the bar even higher. The shoplifter is not going to risk trying to get out with Alpha because the built in siren will be going off. Even if they are running down the street the siren will be blasting away.

If you are a retailer you must stop shoplifting or you will not be a retailer for long.  Checkpoint systems will make that happen. Shoplifters are sent a strong message and know that their actions will attract attention.

Don’t be a statistic on the GRTB!

For more information about checkpoint systems , checkpoint labels or retail theft prevention contact us at checkpoint labels or call 1.770.426.0547

Chase away shoplifters with Checkpoint Systems

If there was no shoplifting, we loss prevention and asset protection professionals would be out of work.  Alas, that is not the case.  Shoplifting and employee theft have always existed as long as there have been businesses.

Retail theft prevention has to be part of the equation when operating a business.  The theft will always be there, therefore so must the anti shoplifting mindset.

So what is a business owner to do?  At what cost is good, effective retail anti theft devices ? Checkpoint systems are one option available to business owners to help combat retail theft. Checkpoint security tags are proven effective at reducing shrink and increasing profits for the business owner.  Most business owners would not be opposed to boosting their profits – and Checkpoint security systems can offer the avenue to do just that.

Shoplifters want the easy steal and the quick get-away – no alarms, no retail anti theft devices .  When shoplifters encounter such security measures, they tend to move on to the next business that has none.  That is what you want, and what you want to invest in.

Checkpoint security systems provide the persuasion your business needs to convince shoplifters to move on to the next business. Stop shoplifting in your business and don’t be a thief’s next victim.

For more information about retail theft prevention , anti shoplifting , retail anti theft devices , checkpoint systems , checkpoint security tags contact us at checkpoint security systems or call 1.770.426.256.

Use of checkpoint security system checkpoint security tags an effective method of retail theft prevention

Using a checkpoint security system with checkpoint security tags is a very effective means of retail theft prevention.  Studies show that the presence of anti shoplifting devices and systems will deter 75% of the shoplifting traffic from attempting theft.  85% of retail theft losses through shoplifting are by impulsive shoplifters.  This group will steal when the opportunity is open and they see something they would like to have for themselves.

So you may be wondering who will not be deterred by the presence of a checkpoint security system with checkpoint security tags in use.  Professional shoplifters make up the smallest share of shoplifting losses at about 5% and it takes more than just the installation of a security system to deter them.  Professional shoplifters will usually  “case out the target” before the actual event.  If you have installed  anti shoplifting devices in use and you have a well trained staff getting full use of the systems and other loss prevention procedures you will send a message to would be thieves: “move on to an easier target”.

Using checkpoint security tags on merchandise will reduce losses of higher theft merchandise by making it difficult to get the merchandise out of the store without being noticed.  Although not impossible to remove checkpoint security tags it is a major effort that takes time.  Time is not what shoplifetrs want to waste.  They will only take itmes they can very quickly with slight of hand conceal.

For more information visit: using a checkpoint security system with checkpoint security tags 


Most businesses try to be an anti shoplifting business, but many go about it all wrong. As a retailer, your business plan must include security features to not only make your store a safe place to work and shop, but also to protect your assets and boost your profits.

There are a lot of retail anti theft devices on the market these days, the decision on which to go with should be an easy one. Go with what most retailers and professionals choose. In the companies I have worked for and with, we use Checkpoint security systems .

A trusted name brand, Checkpoint security systems uses the latest technology in retail anti theft devices . One of the most common retail anti theft devices used by many retailers is checkpoint tags . These checkpoint security tags can be affixed to a number of different products and offer an immediate deterrence to the would be thief.

Working for a large drug store chain, we use Checkpoint security systems . I cannot describe the benefits we experience using these systems in our stores, but the feedback we get from Store Management is always positive. I heard all of the stories about shoplifters coming into a drug store and the manager hears the thief trying to defeat the checkpoint security system . I always get a laugh when management tells me of the shoplifters that simply dump the stolen merchandise and run out once the checkpoint security system is activated.

Shoplifting is a pain, but left unanswered, it can destroy a business. When I make recommendations to managers, retailers and business owners alike, I always speak of the benefits to having a solid loss prevention system in the store. This includes a basic CCTV package and always got with retail anti theft devices like checkpoint security systems .

For more information on anti shoplifting , retail anti theft devices or checkpoint security tags visit us at checkpoint security system or call 1.770.426.0547

Use Checkpoint security tags for retail theft prevention

Studies show that the use of checkpoint security tags for retail theft prevention will stop 75% of impulse shoplifters from attempting theft.  And the impulse shoplifters cause the large majority of all shoplifting losses at 85% of all retail theft losses.

There are three types of shoplifters. Impulse shoplifters are those that given the opportunity to steal without threat of discovery will take an item or items and keep them for personal use.  Amateur shoplifters are those that will steal habitually and keep the merchandise for personal use.  Then there are the professional shoplifters who steal often and with the purpose of reselling the merchandise.  On the rise are groups of professionals who work as a team to hit a store for big hits, this is what we refer to as Organized Retail Crime.

Using checkpoint security tags on merchandise for retail theft prevention will drastically slow down any thief.  Time is critical to a shoplifter.  They need to be able to very quickly conceal an item for theft.  If the merchandise has checkpoint security tags the thief has to attempt to remove it which is very difficult to do without damaging the product.  What thieves will do is scan a store to see what type of security exists.  Studies show shoplifters simply see a checkpoint security system installation and move on to unprotected opportunities.

For more info visit: checkpoint security tags for retail theft prevention

Protect you merchandise and your profits, use Checkpoint Security Systems

Checkpoint security systems are a great security feature to add to your store. Consider this as an investment in effort to boost your profits.

I had a of chain drug stores that was looking for the right features to install. They researched the benefits of checkpoint security systems and decided it was the right fit. The stores had been experiencing a lot of shoplifters and were at a loss. They had a loss prevention agent working their stores but he couldn’t be in store all day long. They needed a solution to protect the stores when the stores were least covered. A checkpoint security system was their answer.

The store installed anti theft devices on the areas like aspirin, health and beauty, baby products, and men’s razors. Retail anti theft devices included the implementation of checkpoint tags and checkpoint labels . The checkpoint labels were affixed to the merchandise and placed on the shelves.

In as little as one month, the decrease in the amount of loss was such that their sales increased. How is this possible? Simple. Keeping merchandise in stores means the merchandise is available for purchase. Now that the checkpoint security system was in place, the chain saw a 5% sales increase in this market.

Now I know that a checkpoint security system is not the answer to all of your stores losses, but I’ll tell you from experience, checkpoint security systems work.

Looking at the checkpoint systems from an internal aspect, employee theft can be reduced with the introduction of checkpoint systems . Employees that steal from their employers are like shoplifters, they want privacy. They don’t want to be suspected of theft. They are usually the most “chatty” with management; they’ll look management right in the face and lie about theft. Yet, when an employee decides they want to steal, they’ll also have to spend time thinking about how they can defeat the checkpoint systems .

For more information about checkpoint labels or checkpoint systems contact us at Checkpoint Security Systems or call 1.770.426.0547

Retailers and Checkpoint Security Systems

Checkpoint security systems are a pretty common feature in retailers. However, there are still stores out there that have no Checkpoint Security system .

Let me try to explain a couple of the benefits to having a checkpoint security system in your store. Believe it or not, all retailers suffer from shoplifting. Regular customers steal from retailer’s every day. Checkpoint systems can help deter this type of loss.

From the visual aspect of checkpoint systems , the average shoplifter can be deterred. Shoplifters like privacy; they want to get in and out of a store without being acknowledged in anyway. Walking in to a store, a shoplifter will notice if your store has a checkpoint security system . This will automatically make the shoplifter alter his plans to get your merchandise out of the store. Now as the shoplifter moves through your store and makes his way to the merchandise he wants, he’ll have to deal with retail anti theft devices .

These retail anti theft devices can range from merchandise being locked on a peg hook to merchandise behind a sliding plastic cover. Either way, the shoplifter will again have to think twice, or alter his plans. So let’s say he gets the merchandise and heads to the front of the store. He’ll be thinking of the checkpoint security system as he looks ahead.

Checkpoint security systems offer a great solution to protecting your assets and boosting your profits regardless of the type of merchandise you sell.
I worked for a clothing retailer a few years ago that installed checkpoint security systems in a couple of their stores. The impact it had on shoplifting was very obvious.

The program this company went with as simple as placing security tags on clothes. They selected the most desirable items and started there. Placing security tags on clothes in the active wear section, the men’s department and juniors added extra protection.

For more information on Checkpoint Systems or anti shoplifting visit us at checkpoint security systems or call 1.770.426.0547

Being proactive, boosting profits and impacting shoplifting

Shoplifting is a relatively old process. For years, retailers have been dealing with the act of shoplifting. This form of retail theft can seriously impact a business, and if left unchallenged, can ruin business.

There are many ways to counter shoplifting, but for this example I’ll use retail anti theft devices as my topic. Retail anti theft devices are a common way retailers protect their merchandise. These devices can be very useful, especially when developing shrink action plans.

A business I worked for wasn’t so completely sold on the benefits of using retail anti theft devices and saw no return on the investment. However, this store was not in-tune with the losses occurring. Shoplifting was an everyday occurrence. There was nothing available to deter theft. Management was more concerned with trying to stock the shelves than paying attention to his associates and customers. As a result, he was underwater.

Loss Prevention Consultants were hired to assess the business. Immediately, the loss prevention consultants recommended retail anti theft devices . The store had a Checkpoint Security system installed. Checkpoint Security systems have been around for many years, and provide a great deterrence to shoplifting. These Checkpoint Security systems work when a tag alarm, affixed to product, is passed through the system.

As an example, a store places Checkpoint tags on a particular line of product. A shoplifter conceals this product and exits the store passing through the Checkpoint Security system . “ALARM!”  An audible alarm is sounded.  This is beneficial in many ways, but most importantly it can dramatically reduce instances of shoplifting and is considered a leader in anti shoplifting .

Checkpoint tags are quickly and easily affixed to merchandise by store associates and if used right, can help protect whatever item it may be stuck to. Typically, Checkpoint tags are small squares tag placed in a conspicuous place on packaging. As an amateur shoplifter looks at the merchandise, he’ll either decide not to take it because of the inconvenience the Checkpoint Security system will offer, or he’ll attempt to remove the Checkpoint labels . Either way, this will interrupt the process of a quick or easy “in and out” shoplifters prefer.

For more information about retail anti theft devices , anti shoplifting , checkpoint labels or checkpoint tags visit us at checkpoint security systems shoplifting or call 1.770.426.0547

Checkpoint security tags control losses and boost profits

The use of  checkpoint security tags in a retail store will deter thieves from attempting theft.  The goal is retail theft prevention which will reduce shoplifting traffic and reduce the need to confront shoplifters in the act.

Studies show that casual shoplifters represent 70% of the shoplifting activity.  These shoplifters are opportunistic and impulsive.  The presence of anti shoplifting / retail anti theft devices will stop them from attempting.  76% of shoplifters will not attempt theft when encountering retail anti theft devices such as checkpoint security tags on merchandise.

Another interesting fact is thet 60% of shoplifters return to the same store because they got away with theft there before.  So installing retail anti theft devices such as checkpoint systems will deter theft, keep thieves out  and or from coming back to your store and reduce theft significantly, likely by around 70% or more.

Using checkpoint security tags to stop shoplifting will boost profits, it is simple math.  If you lose one $20 item and have a 2% net margin after all is said and done, you will have to sell $1,000 of merchandise to replace the loss.  This is because it takes profit to buy inventory…if there is only .40 cents of net profit in a $20 item…you can see it takes a lot of sales to fix even one stolen item.

So conversely if you save / stop your losses you will put all those sales dollars directly on to the bottom line profit margin.  Cut your loss by 50% with a 2% net margin and you could see a 50% or more increase in net margin.  This makes the use of checkpoint security tags a no brainer.

Fort more information visit: checkpoint security tags