Retail theft prevention should be in the forefront of the minds of any retailer. However, there are still a few out there that haven’t yet bought into the fact that retail anti theft devices will help stop shoplifting .
Shoplifters are an everyday occurrence in every retailer, regardless of others opinions, shoplifting happens everywhere, everyday. Managers I have worked with in the past seem to think that because of their products, demographics, employees, and many other poor reasons, they don’t have issues with shoplifting. Yet looking at their business they have highly desirable and merchandise with a high resale value, most certainly puts them in position to suffer severe losses due to shoplifting.
At least one of these businesses I’ve worked with had to learn this reality the hard way. They almost refused to believe shoplifting was happening in their stores. They didn’t believe in retail anti theft devices , and/or any other form to help prevent and stop shoplifting .
Retail theft prevention is relatively simple to understand. You have a business; you don’t want theft or losses. Many of the retail anti theft devices on the market don’t meet the necessary standards to truly impact and prevent shoplifting. Checkpoint security systems installed in many of my stores, provide the means to help control losses and helps prevent future occurrences. Checkpoint security systems , when used properly, will help prevent shoplifting and will boost store profits.
Stores with Checkpoint security systems have shown a dramatic decrease in the amount of shoplifting incidents and have proven to management that shoplifting is occurring and Checkpoint security systems are helping to prevent shoplifting and stop shoplifting . Shoplifters want privacy. They want to get the merchandise they need or want, and get out of the store undetected. checkpoint security systems take away the privacy of the shoplifter.
If retail theft prevention is part of your business strategy, look at retail anti theft devices and a checkpoint security system .
For more information about a checkpoint security system , retail theft prevention , retail anti theft devices or to stop shoplifting visit us at anti shoplifting or call us 1.770.426.0547