Checkpoint security systems help stop boosters

Checkpoint security systems have been integral part of a stores loss prevention program for many years. The benefits of such as system can be measured daily by simply tracking the activations of the antennae and recording shoplift apprehensions.

Checkpoint security systems have helped my company tremendously. In a heavy customer traffic location, several of my stores deter customer theft daily by simply having a checkpoint security system in place. I hear managers in praise of these Checkpoint security systems and learn their stories of the attempted shoplifter deterred by the mere sight of the checkpoint security system.

Adding Checkpoint systems to your store(s) is a relatively inexpensive way to protect your merchandise. In my opinion, in the long the run, the investment into checkpoint systems pays for itself. I can’t tell you the number of times I have heard or seen the checkpoint systems activate, a former shoplifter dropping the merchandise and fleeing from the store. It happens. Daily.

Properly executing a Checkpoint security system involves the process of attaching Checkpoint labels and Checkpoint tags. Checkpoint labels and Checkpoint tags are tough devices that cannot easily be defeated by the would-be thief. It is well know that shoplifters thrive off of environments where they are not acknowledged. They wanna walk into a store, select the merchandise of choice and walk out of the store virtually unidentifiable. Checkpoint labels and Checkpoint tags take away that privacy and take the shoplifter from covert to overt. In the retail world, it makes no sense to me to see retailers without this form of protection. In a way, I say, good. The shoplifters coming into my store(s) and seeing the protection will deter them and send them over to the unprotected stores.

My advice to anyone without a Checkpoint Security system, INVEST, TODAY!

For more information about retail anti theft devices , retail theft prevention  or stop shoplifting or checkpoint systems visit us at anti shoplifting or call 1.770.426.0547

Checkpoint & A Trained Staff Part 2

Another way to keep false alarms from occurring is to test both the system and the deactivation on regularly. If your deactivation is not working then the system is going to alarm when a purchased item is presented into the RF field created by your Checkpoint security system . Maintaining the equipment is paramount to the success of the system.

This is why it is important to have a preventative maintenance plan. A lot of the issues that arise over time with deactivation are due to the wear and tear of everyday use. I’m sure if you look under one of your cash registers you will find folders and cleaning supplies and books and whatever the cashier thought was imperative for their survival for the day. When these items are pulled out and thrown back in on a daily basis, it takes its toll on the deactivation unit. Wires can come loose, the unit could get turned off, and the tuning adjustments could begin to deviate as well as a whole host of other issues. All these issues are addressed each time a preventative maintenance is performed.

It is also good to know the deactivation range and location. If the cashiers are unaware of the deactivation then they could very easily bypass it without even knowing. A live tag that should have been deactivated setting off a Checkpoint security system is just as bad as a live tag on an item that is being stolen not alarming the system. Either way it causes frustration and makes people start to ignore the system altogether.

Always remember that the Checkpoint security system can only be as good as the staff that is using it. Your security system is an important tool in the fight to stop loss but if not used properly and maintained regularly can become just that thing you tape signs to. A knowledgeable staff saves you and your company a lot of problems, headaches and money.

For more information about Checkpoint security system , retail anti theft devices , anti shoplifting or retail theft prevention contact us at checkpoint systems or call 1.770.426.0547 in Atlanta Georgia.

Checkpoint & A Trained Staff

Although it has become a cliché, knowledge really is power. Having a knowledgeable staff will significantly reduce your losses with the help of a Checkpoint security system . One of the main reasons for false alarms is that a cashier does not deactivate the checkpoint labels or forgets to remove the checkpoint security tags from the item being purchased.

I am sure that it has happened to you a time or two. You are purchasing something from your local hardware store or some one-stop-shop and after the purchase is complete you try to walk out the door. What happens? You alarm the system that is designed to stop shoplifters. But you are not a shoplifter. Now you have to wait for someone to check the items that you legitimately purchased or even worse a cashier that didn’t even scan the items tells you to go ahead and leave.

When this occurs it makes both the customer and employee lose faith in the system and its ability to stop shoplifting . All that is needed to prevent this from occurring in your store is a knowledgeable staff. If the employees understand how the Checkpoint security system works, then they will be more inclined to use it properly because no one wants to make a customer feel like a thief when they have done nothing wrong.

One of the main ways too keep this from occurring is consistency. Set a standard for where and how Checkpoint security tags should be placed. This will help cashiers know where to look to remove hard tags and ensure that soft tags are deactivated upon purchase. Also, it will improve the speed in which employees are able to tag merchandise because it will become repetition and not something new or different every time they are tasked with this job. (To be continued…)

For more information about Checkpoint security system , retail anti theft devices , checkpoint security tags , anti shoplifting or retail theft prevention contact us at Checkpoint Security System or call 1.770.426.0547 Atlanta Georgia.

Checkpoint Systems Label and Tag Placement

Just as it is important to have Checkpoint labels for your store, it is equally important to know where to place your Checkpoint labels on the merchandise. If you are using soft Checkpoint tags to help control loss then here are a few things you will need to know.

First, the Checkpoint tags are tuned to alarm your Checkpoint security system using radio frequency. This means that when you place a Checkpoint labels on merchandise, you will want to avoid metal surfaces. Metal will hinder the effectiveness of your label, if the two are placed directly against each other.

Second, your Checkpoint tags should be placed on a flat surface. When locating a security tag on an item of merchandise, you should look for a place that is flat. The more the label bends or curves the less strength it will have when it passes through the detection field.

Third, keep in mind that you are going to be deactivating your Checkpoint labels when your merchandise is purchased. The easiest way to ensure that the label will be deactivated is to place the label near the barcode. The reason this is a good location is because the barcode will pass across the scanner and within the range of the deactivation field. It also requires no extra movements or time from your cashier’s routine, which will keep production at the high standard you have already set. This will also prevent a work interruption because of a false alarm that could have been prevented by the proper placement of your security tag.

Having the knowledge of where to place your security labels will help to ensure that your Checkpoint security system is an effective tool in preventing loss.

For more information about a checkpoint security system or checkpoint security tags contact us at anti shoplifting or visit our Online Checkpoint & Alpha Store

Protect a wide variety of merchandise with Checkpoint Systems

One of my employees recently caught a shoplifter that was taking all kinds of merchandise, from several different departments in our store.  She was even having her children help her conceal the merchandise in her large purse.  For every shoplifter that we catch – how many more are out there that are doing the same thing and not getting caught this time?  I hate to imagine…but I know the number is high.

What can you do to help prevent theft in your stores?  Investing in Checkpoint security systems is one excellent resource.  Checkpoint systems utilize Electronic Article Surveillance by sounding alarms if merchandise with an active alarm goes near the sensors at the exits to your business.

Checkpoint tags or checkpoint labels are both available and can be applied to nearly every type of merchandise that a business owner may choose to protect.
Some shoplifters are not picky as to what they steal. They just grab what they can fit into their purse or their pockets, whether or not they need the items.  They can also steal a wide variety, from clothing to food to household items.  Music, movies, stereo equipment or TVs are also common targets.

If a shoplifter desires an item enough, there is a way to steal it.

Checkpoint security systems can make a shoplifter reconsider whether or not it is worth it to steal from your business.  Most shoplifters want the quick conceal and get away and do not want to take the time to remove anti shoplifting devices such as Checkpoint tags.  Checkpoint labels can alert employees if a shoplifter approaches your exits with an item that still has an active label.  It should come as no surprise that shoplifters do not like to attract the kind of attention that a Checkpoint security system can bring.

For more information about Checkpoint security systems or checkpoint tags or checkpoint security system or checkpoint systems or anti shoplifting or Checkpoint labels contact us at checkpoint security system or call 1.770.426.0547.

Stop suffering profit loss with Checkpoint Systems

You business is suffering…from shrink.  Loss of merchandise at the hands of shoplifters is a frustrating dilemma for business owners.  However, you do not have to just sit back and accept the fact that shoplifters are targeting your business.  There are options available, such as Checkpoint security systems that can be effective at deterring and preventing losses to your business from theft.
Checkpoint tags are a visible deterrent that shoplifters do not want to have to deal with when they target your business.

Why have the extra hassle of figuring out how to get around a checkpoint security system when there are other businesses that are unprotected?  Checkpoint systems are a proven industry leader in this innovation and are a worthwhile investment to those wishing to explore anti shoplifting options.
As a business owner you need to offer merchandise that your customers desire and are willing to purchase.

When you sell items that are considered high theft, or appealing to those that shoplift, you are taking an additional risk by having these items available to your honest customers as well.  Protecting this high theft merchandise with checkpoint tags allows you to afford to offer this desirable merchandise without having to offset shrink with higher prices.

Honest customers appreciate your investment in retail anti theft devices.  While they may not realize it when they are shopping at your business, you ability to offer reasonable prices and in-stock merchandise is appreciated, and is directly related to your investment in retail theft prevention.

Checkpoint security systems offer the merchandise protection you need to be a competitive business, not a victim of theft.

For more information about Checkpoint security systems or checkpoint tags or checkpoint security system or checkpoint systems or anti shoplifting or retail anti theft devices or retail theft prevention contact us at anti shoplifting or call 1.770.426.0547.

Prevent Or Stop Shoplifting Economically

Since shoplifters come in all shapes, sizes, colors and ages, how can we prevent or stop shoplifting on their part?  We don’t know who is a potential shoplifter and who isn’t.

First of all, most people are not shoplifters, so they shouldn’t be made to feel like one, so we’ll look at the more subtle anti shoplifting measures to take to prevent this crime from happening in the first place.

Look at the arrangement of your store.  Are there out-of –the-way areas or blind spots where even the most casual shoplifter might be tempted to conceal some goods?  Arrange fixtures to maximize the view from the register area or other areas where staff is present.

Train your staff to know your merchandise so that someone intent on changing price tickets or barcodes will have another obstacle to overcome – a knowledgeable associate.  Be sure all merchandise is correctly marked and priced as a way of retail theft prevention.

Keep shelves, bins, and racks full.  Arrange merchandise so that associates will know when any is missing.

Display expensive, small, desirable items like designer sunglasses under lock and key.  When demonstrating them to a customer, limit the number that are out of the case so that you can keep up with them.  This will deter the casual thief, and your customers will understand.

If you use fitting rooms for customers to try on clothing, be sure to keep them clear of merchandise, hangers, and tags.  This lets the shoplifter know that the associates are on top of their inventory, knowing what goes in and what comes out, another way to reduce or stop shoplifting.

The most important deterrent to a shoplifter is exceptional customer service.  Acknowledge each and every customer as they enter you area and anticipate their every need.  A conscientious and alert employee is the single most effective deterrent to prevent or stop shoplifting.

Of course if the measures aren’t effective at your locations, there are retail anti theft devices available.

For further anti shoplifting information, call 770-426-0547 or click here:  stop shoplifting.  Visit our Web Store by clicking here.

Anti Shoplifting Efforts Get a Boost in Atlanta Georgia

Shoplifting that becomes more than a nuisance and has a serious impact on the bottom line calls for serious anti shoplifting efforts on the shop owner.

Shoplifting is so expected among retailers that it affects everything in the retail world from store design to merchandising to number of staff and the number of work hours scheduled.  Shoplifting is even a budgeted item (inventory reserve) because everyone in the business knows that retail theft is a given.

Retail anti theft devices of varying degrees have been found to have a positive impact on the rate of inventory loss for the retailer and proven to be cost effective as a means to stop shoplifting.

Technology has played a great part in the improvement of retail anti theft devices, from closed circuit television to electronic surveillance that detects merchandise as it leaves a store or department without being paid for.

Checkpoint Security Systems manufactures anti shoplifting solutions for almost any application or budget.  Once only affordable by the largest retailers, there are now Checkpoint systems that pay a quick return on investment for any size store or boutique.  Checkpoint tags and Checkpoint labels are designed to be used on merchandise of any size and shape.  Boxes, soft goods, bottles, whatever needs protecting, Checkpoint systems are made to improve the retailer’s profit margin by preventing the dollars to walk out the door courtesy of the five finger discount.

Some retailers restrict their effort to high theft/high value items such as baby formula or leather goods.  The storeowner or manager is the best judge of how to use his anti shoplifting assets, including those made by Checkpoint Systems.

Call 770-426-0547 from Atlanta Georgia or anywhere to discuss solutions for shoplifting issues, or click here to Contact Us.  Be sure and visit our Online Loss Prevention Store to see the latest in retail theft prevention.

Upgrade Your Checkpoint

Do you already own a Checkpoint security system ? Have you had your system for so long that you don’t even notice it until it alarms? Well, it might be time for an upgrade. Whether this is something you have already been thinking about or you feel that your system hasn’t seen its last days, there are a few things that you might want to consider.

Your Checkpoint security system has served you well but there have been several additions since your system was installed. Over the last few years Checkpoint systems have made great strides in improving the efficiency and abilities of the antennas. Here are a few of the new additions.

Checkpoint systems now have the ability to have their firmware upgraded to help improve detection and limit interference. This allows your system to grow with the ever-changing technology and not become outdated. Tuning and programming of the system uses state-of-the-art software for precise adjustments instead of cumbersome manually turned dials. No longer do you have to worry about someone walking around the outside of the antennas because the new Liberty Checkpoint systems detect on both sides of the antenna. Thanks to advances in technology the “pick rate” has improved to over 98%.

There are countless reasons to upgrade your Checkpoint security system but only one reason not to… cost. Good news, the new Liberty antennas are probably backwards compatible with the current layout of your store. Already have deactivation? Works just as well with the new antennas as it does with your current ones. Not sure if you want to deal with the hassle of having your system re-wired? A new system, in almost all cases, uses the same wires that are already in place.

For more information on upgrading your Checkpoint Systems contact us at checkpoint security system or call 1.770.426.0547 in Atlanta Georgia.

Anti Shoplifting Solution Decisions

There is no one in a better position to make decisions about anti shoplifting solutions than the business owner himself.  Of course the decision should not be made without a thorough analysis of the factors that contribute to the inventory shrinkage problem and gaining all the input he can possibly get.  This is one decision that should not be made by intuition alone.

The problem may be obvious.  The owner or manager may receive reports from employees or customers that have witnessed customer theft.  Merchandise may mysteriously disappear from display.  There are any number of signs that may indicate a big shoplifting problem, the most serious of which is inventory loss that translates into lost profits.

One of the most effective anti shoplifting solutions comes from Checkpoint Security Systems.  The proper use of pedestals from Checkpoint Systems, along with Checkpoint tags and Checkpoint labels will not only alert store personnel when an item that has not been paid for is leaving the store or department, but will deter all but the most determined shoplifter from even attempting to steal from the store.

Pedestals from Checkpoint Security Systems can detect merchandise of all kinds, large or small.  There are Checkpoint tags designed to protect everything from eyewear to shoes to golf clubs.  Checkpoint labels are used to safeguard groceries, boxes, packages, and certain types of apparel.   Almost any type or style of high theft merchandise can be protected by a tag or label from Checkpoint Security Systems.

No matter the size of the business, a Checkpoint Security System will be cost effective because the profit gained from selling the merchandise that would have otherwise been shoplifted will quickly cover the cost of the system.

Get help for your anti shoplifting strategy by clicking here:  Stop Shoplifting or call 770-426-0547 in Atlanta Georgia.  Click here to visit our Online Loss Prevention Store.