Anti Shoplifting – Is Your Return Policy Too Liberal?

In spite of anti shoplifting efforts, according to a recent survey merchandise returns amount to over $219 billion a year. Nearly $12 billion of this is fraudulent.  This category of retail loss is significant.

Why has this category of retail loss kept increasing?

From the thief’s standpoint, obtaining full value of the goods is preferable to fencing the merchandise for cents on the dollar, or attempting to sell it on the brown market for less than the full retail price. There are so many ways to return stolen merchandise to the store: using duplicate or counterfeit receipts; legitimate receipts accompanying stolen merchandise; and buying merchandise from a discounter and returning to a full service retailer, are only some of them.

The source of the stolen merchandise brought back for return may be a result of internal theft, sweethearting, or more likely shoplifters.

It is doubly painful for the retailer to pay retail for his own merchandise that he usually buys wholesale from a vendor.

To become a harder target in this area of retail loss while maintaining great customer relations is a balancing act faced by retailers every day.

Shutting of the supply through anti shoplifting efforts is one way to tip the scales in the retailer’s favor.

Checkpoint Systems’ line of retail theft prevention products allows full access to the customer to inspect the merchandise, but prevents it from being stolen by detecting Checkpoint security tags attached to the merchandise as the shoplifter attempts to exit the store.  This not only announces that merchandise is being taken, but serves as a deterrent to potential shoplifters who know why the Checkpoint security tags are attached.

For assistance with your anti shoplifting strategy, call the experts at Loss Prevention Systems, Inc. at 1-770-426-0547 or click here to contact us.  Please visit our Online Retail Loss Prevention Store for the latest in Loss Prevention products.

New Anti Shoplifting Obstacle – Exit Door

The exit door recently served as an anti shoplifting measure in Macomb County Michigan according to a recent new story in the Macomb Daily.  [Read the article here.]

A thirty-year-old woman was trying to leave a department store with more than $600 in stolen electronic merchandise when the motorized cart in which she was riding became stuck in the door.  Because the door alarm sounded, employees approached the 400-pound woman to ask for receipts for the merchandise.

A store loss prevention agent was called and the woman pushed her and struck her in the face.

Finally a sheriff’s deputy arrived and instructed the woman to place her hands behind her back, when she took a “fighting stance.”  The deputy took his Taser from the holster and repeated the instructions. The woman brought her hand up above her head and looked directly at the deputy, who then used his Taser on her.  The woman then complied and was taken to jail.

Not every shoplifting incident is the entertaining, but each shoplifting occurrence contributes to a growing problem for retailers, in that the cost of stolen goods comes off the bottom line as an expense, eating away at profit.  This is one reason that retailers invest in anti shoplifting devices and programs.

Even if this woman hadn’t become stuck in the doorway, the article reports that she was approached by employees the “door alarm” had activated.

EAS devices like those provided by Checkpoint Security Systems are designed to reduce inventory loss by alerting store personnel when stolen merchandise is being taken out, whether the shoplifter is stuck in the door or not.  There are Checkpoint labels and Checkpoint tags suitable for use on electronics or any other type of merchandise that is prone to walk away with a “sticky fingered” thief.

Rather than depend on a doorway narrower than a motorized cart, it is a sound business decision to protect a store’s assets with efficient and economical retail theft devices from Checkpoint Security Systems.

Find out more about anti shoplifting methods for your retail store at 770-426-0547 or click here to contract LPSI: loss prevention consultants.  To see selections of Checkpoint Security Systems, Checkpoint labels, and checkpoint tags, visit our Online Retail Loss Prevention Store here.

Stop profit loss from shoplifting with Checkpoint Systems

You as a business owner need to figure out a way to reduce your losses and control shrink in your store.  Simple enough, you would think.  But shoplifters, employee theft and vendor fraud make the task more difficult than it needs to be.  When a business is considering anti shoplifting measures, Checkpoint security systems is an option to consider.

Part of a good anti shoplifting plan is making sure that inventory is accurately tracked and accounted for.  Then, when inventory is displayed for customers to purchase, retail anti theft devices such as Checkpoint security systems can be used.  Checkpoint labels can be placed on high theft merchandise so that employees are alerted when merchandise is leaving without going through the registers.  Checkpoint security tags function in the same manner.  Often, simply the sight of anti shoplifting devices such as Checkpoint tags can be enough to deter the shoplifter and encourage them to move on to the next unprotected business.

When you recognize that some of the merchandise you sell is sought after by shoplifters, Checkpoint security systems can help protect it.  You want to be able to still have your high theft merchandise available to honest customers, and Checkpoint systems allows you to still do this but have the merchandise protection to make a profit.  There is no profit to be made when your merchandise is walking out at the hands of shoplifters.

While locked cases can help deter theft, it is probably not practical to lock up every item that you sell.  Checkpoint security systems, including Checkpoint labels and Checkpoint tags, can be used to display the merchandise that you have to offer without worrying about the profits you may lose if the merchandise is stolen.

For more information about anti shoplifting or Checkpoint security systems or retail anti theft devices or checkpoint systems or Checkpoint labels or Checkpoint security tags or Checkpoint tags contact us at checkpoint systems or call 1.770.426.0547.

You can also visit our Retail Loss Prevention Store

Anti Shoplifting Attitude for Employees

Take all the anti shoplifting steps that you can in your store, and you have not optimized them until you have all employees involved.

The way to include all employees in the effort is through education, education, and education.  At every storewide and departmental meeting, the subject of shoplifting should be covered, or at least mentioned.

Reminders such as anti shoplifting posters should be posted in employee break areas, by the time clock, in storage rooms, and even the employee’s bathroom.

Remind all employees to take different routes when they are walking from place to place in the store and not always walk the same way.  When empty packages and hangers are removed from the sales floor, their presence should be reported to management so that a known theft does not become an unexplained inventory loss.

If retail anti theft devices such as EAS by Checkpoint Security Systems are in use, be sure every employee knows its operation, and the action to take if the system is tripped by active Checkpoint security tags or Checkpoint labels.

Train all employees on the correct steps to take if they suspect a shoplifter is in the store.  Have a policy in place and be sure all employees sign off that they understand it before they go to work in the store, and review it at least annually.

Recognize employees who make an extra effort to prevent shoplifting through their ideas or actions.

Repetition and consistency in training and awareness will emphasize and enhance any retailer’s anti shoplifting strategy.

Contact LPSI at 770-426-0547 to help develop your  anti shoplifting attitude or click here for more information about Checkpoint Security Systems technology.  Visit our Online Retail Loss Prevention Store here.

Checkpoint Systems New Checkpoint Academy

Checkpoint Systems has done it again! They are on the leading edge with a new on-line training program for the Checkpoint Systems Retailer. Checkpoint Security Systems Academy is designed for any size retailer large or small. One employee or thousands.

Here is how it works: You purchase a license from us at Loss Prevention Systems. An employee then logs on to the Checkpoint Systems Academy web site and after filling out some basic information begins. There are six modules and they each take about 10 min. There is a short quiz at the end of each module. The last module is a test. Once the employee completes the test and passes they can print out a certificate that proves they took and passed.

I personally took the course and found it to be very interesting and a good learning experience. The Checkpoint Systems Academy does not just cover the use of Checkpoint Security Systems. The course also discusses how shoplifters operate and how to respond to a potential shoplifter. It does not cover state laws or the apprehension of a shoplifter but focuses on prevention and customer service.

The course is comprised of computer graphics and real video. It shows a typical store layout and discusses why the employee should be actively involved in the prevention of shoplifting. The course also discusses alarms and how to respond to them. Checkpoint Security Systems makes this simple and easy for the newest employee. They can take the course from any PC with a high-speed connection, home or work.

This helps make the job of getting a new employee up to speed on your operations quickly and consistently.

The quiz at the end of each module will show you the correct answer if the student misses it.

For more information about Checkpoint Security Systems Academy or anti shoplifting or retail anti theft devices or retail theft prevention contact us at stop shoplifting or call 1.770.426.0547

Visit our Retail Loss Prevention Store

Checkpoint Systems Tagging Compliance

Consistency in tagging compliance is one of the most important factors in protecting your apparel and now Checkpoint Systems has made that easier. Gaps in your process can take place whenever the human element is involved. Maybe it’s Friday afternoon, the boss is gone and the associates in charge of tagging merchandise before it goes to the sales floor are in a rush to get out and start their weekend. Maybe you’ve got a new associate who doesn’t fully understand the tagging process. Whatever the reason the result is inconsistency in your tagged merchandise.

With Checkpoint Systems “@ Source” program you can eliminate this problem completely. Imagine a world where you don’t have to worry about associates doing a thorough job of ensuring the tagging compliance is met. Imagine how much money you can save on your bottom line because you don’t need to provide hours in your budget for this process at all. Imagine the peace of mind that comes with knowing, not just hoping, that all of your merchandise on the floor is properly protected.

When you use the @ Source Program your merchandise comes into the store already outfitted with hard tags and EAS tags on all of the appropriate merchandise. In other words you, the retailer, can simply take them out of the box and put them directly on your sales floor with no steps in between; no opportunity for screw ups and no extra payroll for associates needed to tag the merchandise. It’s a win-win situation for everyone, except of course the shoplifters. The @ Source program is just one of the reasons why Checkpoint Systems is a leader in the loss prevention industry.

For more information about anti shoplifting or checkpoint labels or checkpoint security system or checkpoint security systems or checkpoint security tags or checkpoint systems or checkpoint tags or retail anti theft devices or retail theft prevention or stop shoplifting contact us at Checkpoint Systems or call 1.770.426.0547

Wake up and prevent the theft with Checkpoint systems

So what exactly are you doing to prevent shoplifting within your business?  Do you have any anti shoplifting devices that you are using?  You are a business out to make a profit, which means you had better be considering what you can do to decrease shrink in your store.

Checkpoint tags are a great option in which to invest.  Checkpoint security systems offer solutions to help you protect your merchandise from the thieves that want to steal your profits.  For minimal investment, you can reap huge rewards by preventing theft and loss due to shrink.

Checkpoint tags for apparel are a visual deterrent, which thieves can see when they are scouting out a business from which to steal.  Shoplifters want to be able to steal from you and get away with it, quickly, without the hassle of Checkpoint security tags.  You don’t want to give them what they want, which is your merchandise.  Make their lives difficult with anti shoplifting concepts such as Checkpoint security systems.

Checkpoint tags and Checkpoint labels can be used on merchandise that is high theft in your store.  Items considered high theft vary from store to store and city to city, so with Checkpoint systems it is your choice what you choose to protect.  This allows you to create an anti shoplifting program that fits the needs of your business.

In order to make a profit you cannot just sit back and watch your merchandise walk out of your doors at the hands of shoplifters.

Fight back and use Checkpoint security systems as one of your weapons. Think of the checkpoint security tags and the checkpoint labels as your soldiers

For more information about anti shoplifting or Checkpoint security systems or Checkpoint tags or Checkpoint security tags or Checkpoint labels or Checkpoint systems contact us at checkpoint systems or call 1.770.426.0547.

Retailers Focus is on Selling

While retailers focus on selling their merchandise, which they should, they absolutely cannot ignore retail theft prevention.  Retail theft takes a huge bite out of profits, which negates an enormous amount of sales. So the retailer has to budget time and money away from what’s most productive – merchandising and selling – and devote it to protecting his merchandise and his business.

All retailers know the formula that $1.00 in stolen merchandise equals the profit from $20.00 in sales at a 5% margin.  A shoplifter who gets away with a jacket valued at $100.00 means the retailer has to sell the equivalent 20 more jackets ($2000.00) just to break even.  A lot of sales effort walks out the door with the stolen merchandise.

But suppose instead of letting the merchandise walk out the door there was an anti shoplifting device that would figuratively blow the whistle when a stolen item was leaving the store.

Checkpoint Security Systems makes exactly such a device.  In fact, there are several models of Checkpoint systems that may be used in any retail setting.  Checkpoint tags and Checkpoint labels are available for application on almost any type of merchandise.  The relatively small amount of time and money invested to stop shoplifting as a source of inventory loss is well worth it.

Checkpoint Security Systems is a leader in the manufacture and development of retail theft prevention devices, giving retailers the peace of mind to apply themselves toward the focus of the business – selling.

Retailers can free up time and get a quick return on investment by using Checkpoint Security Systems to guard the door to control or stop shoplifting and grow sales and profits.

A retail theft prevention self-assessment will show the improvement in day-to-day operations of any store.

Call 770-426-0547 to speak with an expert in retail theft prevention or get more information here: Stop Shoplifting.  Click here to visit our Online Retail Loss Prevention Store.

Checkpoint security systems the key to anti shoplifting

Checkpoint security systems are used by many retailers.

Let me restart this… Checkpoint security systems are purchased by many retailers, but lots are not using them to their fullest potential. Checkpoint security systems offer a tremendous benefit to ANY retailers looking to protect their merchandise and boost their profits.

Take for example a chain of drug stores I work for. This company has used Checkpoint security systems for many years. Even in the toughest inner-city stores, Checkpoint security systems provide the need support to maintain the day to day operations of the store.

What bigger anti shoplifting effort could a store provide than by installing a Checkpoint security system. Managers and loss prevention professionals alike are always looking for the next big anti shoplifting device or approach, yet the sometimes fail to use their existing equipment or tools appropriately. A Checkpoint security system can be an effective tool towards anti shoplifting, however, the program and store team must be in tune with the ultimate goals of boosting profits and protecting merchandise.

If you are unfamiliar with Checkpoint systems , imagine you as a manager standing at the front of the store. You see a shoplifter with merchandise in his backpack, in his pocket, or concealed in some other way. You immediately notify all other managers and associates by saying “HEY”. Essentially, that’s what Checkpoint Systems do, when used properly. Managers and associates attach checkpoint tags and checkpoint labels to merchandise. This creates an anti shoplifting environment almost immediately. Most thieves want to get in and out of a store without being noticed. Once they see these checkpoint tags and checkpoint labels on the merchandise, they are deterred. For the shoplifters that just don’t care or don’t see the tag, well, they get a wakeup call once they reach the front of the store. A  Checkpoint security system is a great anti shoplifting tool.

For more information about checkpoint systems or checkpoint tags or checkpoint labels visit us at anti shoplifting or call 1.770.426.0547

Anti Shoplifting Measures – Atlanta Georgia

The most satisfying part of any anti shoplifting program is the actual apprehension and prosecution of a shoplifter.  Although watching a shoplifter taken away in a police car with his hands shackled behind his back gives some of us a personal sense of accomplishment, in some ways it indicates a failure in our effort to stop shoplifting.

For every shoplifter who is caught, how many get away with stolen merchandise?  I know that plenty do, because only the worst or most unfortunate shoplifters are generally caught.  The others, the good ones, do all they can to reduce the chances of taking the sad ride down to the police station.  They look carefully for CCTV cameras, covert lookouts, sales personnel, store loss prevention and any other hindrances to their endeavors that may be obvious.

Any and all these things designed for retail theft prevention may cause a shoplifter to rethink his intention, or move to a different location in the store, or find another store altogether.  This is the purpose of retail loss prevention, to convince the shoplifter that he would be better served to go to an easier target to resupply his empty shopping bags or abandon the idea altogether.

One of the most efficient ways to get your anti shoplifting message across to the potential shoplifter is with the addition of a Checkpoint Security System.  The antennas, though they are unassuming, stand at the entryway as a warning that the retailer at this location cares enough about his business to actively keep shoplifters out.  Shoplifters tend to go to locations where they don’t have to work quite so hard to steal merchandise.  Whenever merchandise with Checkpoint security tags attached passes the antennas, an alarm is sounded, an event the shoplifter had rather avoid.

Get out of the shoplifter business by taking a look at your anti shoplifting program.

For good advice on ways to prevent shoplifting in Atlanta Georgia and elsewhere, call 770-426-0547 or click here:  Retail Loss Prevention.  Visit our Online Retail Loss Prevention Store.