Display merchandise safely with Checkpoint systems

Some business owners or managers would like to simply lock up all of the merchandise that they sell in order to keep it out of the hands of shoplifters.  While that might be tempting in order to stop shoplifting, it is not, of course, practical.

A business could even lose sales by having their merchandise inaccessible to customers.  Shoppers like to look at, touch and hold the items that they are thinking about purchasing.  Staring at desired items through a locked case isn’t as appealing a way to shop.

Retail anti theft devices such as Checkpoint security systems are an option for those merchants wanting to combat shrink and loss but still offer desirable merchandise to their customers.  Checkpoint tags or checkpoint labels can be placed on merchandise, which will then sound an alarm if it leaves your business without being paid for.  And for some thieves, just the sight of anti shoplifting devices is enough to make them change their minds, and either pay for the items they desire or move on to the next unprotected business.

A leader in shrink management, Checkpoint systems provide security and peace of mind for the business owner wanting to protect his or her merchandise without sacrificing sales for security measures. A worthwhile investment, Checkpoint systems work for you to allow for your business to be at the top of its game.  It allows for you to keep merchandise in-stock and available for the paying customers, all the while offering protection from sticky fingered thieves looking for the ultimate discount.

Fight back and stop shoplifting, not by locking everything you sell up, but by protecting it with anti shoplifting devices such as Checkpoint security systems. Remember retail anti theft devices , checkpoint labels and checkpoint tags put money on YOUR bottom line, not the shoplifters.

Visit the Retail Loss Prevention Store

For more information about anti shoplifting or checkpoint security systems or stop shoplifting or retail anti theft devices or checkpoint labels or checkpoint systems or contact us at checkpoint tags or call 1.770.426.0547.

Stop shoplifting and start profiting with Checkpoint systems

Business owners need an option to manage their shrink.  If shrink is allowed to run rampant, then profit becomes non-existent.  Retail theft prevention is necessary to keep shrink at bay.

Anti shoplifting devices are reliable options for protecting the merchandise you wish to have available for your customers.  Shoplifters try to be one step ahead of our efforts, but with options like Checkpoint security systems available, business owners can win the war against shrinkage and theft, and help stop shoplifting within their business.

Recently I was told about an attempted theft at my employer in which a lady tried to walk out with an expensive craft machine.  There was no concealing in her purse, or hiding merchandise in her jacket.  She was simply going to walk out of the door.  An alert employee noticed her and was able to prevent this theft before it happened.

An employee was able to prevent that theft, but what if all of the employees were busy helping other customers?  A similar theft in your business could go unnoticed if employees happened to be busy.  As much as we’d like to have plenty of employee coverage in order to prevent this type of theft, this is not realistic retail theft prevention.  But if you use Checkpoint labels or Checkpoint tags, you can have that coverage to help protect your merchandise.

Checkpoint security systems alert employees when merchandise heads out the doors without being paid for.  Checkpoint labels and checkpoint tags can act as those extra employees that you wish you had, preventing the shoplifting that you know is there.  Retail theft prevention such as Checkpoint security systems is well worth the investment in order to stop shoplifting in your business.

An anti shoplifting will put money on your bottom line not the shoplifters!

Visit the Retail Loss Prevention Store

For more information about retail theft prevention or anti shoplifting or checkpoint security systems or stop shoplifting or checkpoint labels or contact us at checkpoint tags or call 1.770.426.0547.

Anti Shoplifting and the manager’s priorities

Anti shoplifting is an effect looked at by all retailers. How do we better provide anti shoplifting efforts? Day in and day out, shoplifters ravage stores across the world, negatively impacting sales and associate morale. But what can be done to create an anti shoplifting environment in your store?

A man entered a store. It was a 90 degree day, yet this guy is dressed in a bulky coat and wearing sunglasses. The manager on duty had never seen him before. In an anti shoplifting effort, he tells one of the receiving employees to “watch” this customer while he was in the store. The associate attempts to maintain his observations of the customer.

Meanwhile, the manager is at the front of the store, waiting. He does not wanna leave the entrance until this guy is gone. The store is busy. 5 cash registers are up and running and each line has more than 3 customers. There is one or two registers available, yet the manager is focused on the suspected shoplifter.

This store is equipped with a checkpoint security system, yet the manager knows he has be somewhat relaxed to the program and has not ensure the checkpoint security system is executed properly and has not managed the checkpoint labels and checkpoint tags on merchandise.

The receiving associate reports back. He hasn’t seen anything unusual yet, but the customer is in the health and beauty aisle. 1 hour goes by. The manager is still waiting unproductively at the front of the store near the checkpoint security system. Finally, the customer comes out of the aisle and stands in line. He pays for some aspirin and exits.

What a waste. This happens quite often in the retail world. This store was equipped with a Checkpoint security system, they had the checkpoint labels and checkpoint tags, yet the manager still chose to stand and wait instead of allowing the checkpoint security program to do its job.

Visit the Retail Loss Prevention Store

For more informationabout checkpoint labels or checkpoint tags contact us at anti shoplifting or call us at 1.770.426.0547

Checkpoint Security Systems, beating the thieves

Checkpoint security systems have been around for years. Many companies use Checkpoint security systems to help protect merchandise. However, just as many companies using Checkpoint security systems are not using them properly or as effectively as they could.

Checkpoint security systems are for the benefit of the merchant. Protecting their profits, merchandise, employees… all of their assets, are their main function. Yet I have seen many instances where a checkpoint security system has gone unused or checkpoint labels left lying around backrooms and receiving areas. This drives me nuts. I see these examples sometimes even in stores I supervise. As a manager, how can you let an investment like checkpoint systems go unnoticed?

Just the other day, I walked a store that had poor inventory results. The store is now on our target store program for high shrink. In developing a shrink action plan for the store, I spoke with the store manager about tools or ideas he felt could benefit him and his store. He told me he needs help to shoplifting. I asked what kinds of tools he thinks he needs to stop shoplifting. He says, ideally, he’d like someone to stand at the front of the store and let him know of a potential shoplifter. I asked him what the person should do if he finds a shoplifter. The manager replies “let me or my other managers know”.

Ok, so this guy is a little out of it. A checkpoint security system has been installed in his store for over 2 years. He has been equipped with Checkpoint labels and checkpoint tags. These checkpoint labels and checkpoint tags have been sitting in his backroom unused for quite some time.

Could his checkpoint security system have helped control his high shrink number? Absolutely. Had this manager executed the checkpoint security system program the way it was designed to work, the inventory results certainly would have turned out differently.

Checkpoint systems are designed to send the shoplifter down the street…maybe to your competitor who is not protected!

Visit the Retail Loss Prevention Store

For more information about checkpoint systems or checkpoint tags or retail anti theft devices or retail theft prevention or stop shoplifting or anti shoplifting contact us at Checkpoint Security Systems or call 1.770.426.0547

Anti Shoplifting Message – Don’t Do It Here

When a retailer is forced to take an anti shoplifting stand because of high inventory losses and reduced profits blamed on theft, there are a lot of options open, from increased staff, locking displays, CCTV. None of these are cheap and totally effective.  A shoplifter is like any other criminal: motive, means, and opportunity are required for him to complete the crime.  As long as the shoplifter believes he has the opportunity to steal undetected, he is going to go ahead and make the conscious decision to do it.

The retailer has no control over motive and means of the shoplifter; therefore he has got to reduce opportunity.

A premier anti shoplifting solution is offered by Checkpoint Systems.  The retailer decides which merchandise to protect based on his own criteria: price point; theft rate; location; popularity; or even all merchandise on display are legitimate decisions.  Checkpoint tags and Checkpoint labels are attached to the merchandise.  When this merchandise passes the Checkpoint Systems antennas that are located at the entrance/exit of the store, and the salesperson at checkout hasn’t deactivated or removed the Checkpoint tags or Checkpoint labels, and alarm will sound and the customer will be redirected back into the store.

Retailers who have installed and use Checkpoint Systems equipment have experienced a tremendous decrease in inventory loss.  Every potential shoplifter that enters a store protected by Checkpoint Security Systems has to make a conscious decision:  Do I want to take a risk by stealing from this store or do I want to go to a store that doesn’t have a detection device?  Most would choose the easier road.

The installation and use of Checkpoint Systems, Checkpoint tags, and Checkpoint labels is to make an unmistakable anti shoplifting statement:  Go somewhere else to steal.

Call 770-426-0547 to discuss your anti shoplifting strategy, or click here for more information.  Please visit our Online Loss Prevention Store by clicking here.

Tell shoplifters to go elsewhere with Checkpoint systems

Where ever you have a retail outlet, a business, etc., you have shoplifting.  It comes with the territory of owning and operating a business.  However, there are anti shoplifting measures available that can lessen the affect shoplifting has on your business and your customers.

According to the National Association for Shoplifting Prevention, most cases of shoplifting occur by people who otherwise obey the law.  Often shoplifters have no previous record, except for possibly other shoplifting arrests.  Additionally, consumers pay higher prices because of shoplifters.  Businesses that suffer large losses from shoplifters have to raise their prices to compensate for that loss, thus sharing the problem with customers as well.

Anti shoplifting measures, such as Checkpoint security systems, can prevent shoplifting in your business.  While shoplifting is prevalent, it is much harder for a shoplifter to steal when there are Checkpoint labels or Checkpoint tags standing in the way.

Shoplifters are only successful at what they do if they do not draw attention to themselves.  Without getting anyone’s attention, they can steal, and steal, and steal some more.  “Attention” to a shoplifter is when they see that your business has Checkpoint systems.

Shoplifters steal for a variety of reasons, including the “high” or excitement of the steal, and of getting away with it.  They also can feel that they have earned the right to shoplift, or that it is justified due to their own sacrifice.  Shoplifters also have said that they experience a relief from anxiety, boredom, or depression when they steal.

Regardless of how a shoplifter benefits from shoplifting, do not allow your business to be the provider of their satisfaction.  Checkpoint security systems can reduce your losses from these people and send them somewhere else to “get their fix.”  Honest customers are the ones that you want to attract, not the thieves due to your lack of anti shoplifting devices.

Speaking of satisfaction Checkpoint systems ,  Checkpoint labels and Checkpoint tags do not deter your legitimate customers. Their satisfaction comes from your lower prices!

Visit the Retail Loss Prevention Store

For more information about anti shoplifting or Checkpoint security systems or Checkpoint labels or Checkpoint tags contact us at Checkpoint systems or call 1.770.426.0547.

Checkpoint Systems – Anti Shoplifting Answers

What anti shoplifting solution keeps shoplifters out?

Nothing will actually keep shoplifters out of any store, because no can say what a shoplifter looks like.  Could be male or female, any race, skin color or religion, old or young.  Anyone who has been in retail for any length of time knows a shoplifter story that begins, “You won’t believe who we caught shoplifting”, then goes on to describe a preacher, school principal, politician or who knows what.  The point is, anyone can be a potential shoplifter.

So the goal is to let everyone in the store, but don’t let them shoplift.  There are various degrees of deterrence that can used to discourage shoplifting activity, some more successful than others.

One of the most effective and practical anti shoplifting decisions a retailer can make is the installation of one of the retail anti theft devices developed by Checkpoint Systems.

The way it works is not magic, but it can seem like it is.

Sensors – actually pedestal antennas – are placed at the store’s entrance/exit where every customer passes through to enter or leave the store.  All the merchandise – at least the merchandise that needs protection from theft – has a Checkpoint tag or Checkpoint label attached.  The labels are deactivated and the tags are removed when the item is sold.  If the tag or label is not removed, when the label passes through the antennas’ field, the antenna picks up the radio frequency emitted by the tags and sound a local alarm as it flashed a red light.  Not disruptive, but definitely an attention getter.

The Checkpoint Systems device is extremely reliable (it never takes a day off and rarely calls in sick).  Although salespeople should always remain alert for shoplifters, Checkpoint Security Systems can take some of the pressure off and let sales people do what they do – sell merchandise.

Get an anti shoplifting attitude and cut your retail theft losses with a retail anti theft device from Checkpoint Systems.

Call 770-426-0547 or click here for more information.  Visit our Online Loss Prevention Store here.


Anti Shoplifting Action that Works

If anti shoplifting efforts aren’t on a retailer’s mind, then he isn’t paying attention.  Shoplifting, as everyone has heard, is affects everyone in the form of higher prices and an overloaded court system, but the person most directly affected is the retailer himself.

Stealing from a store just isn’t personal to the general public, who seem to look on shoplifting as a victimless crime in many cases.  But it is extremely personal to the retailer, as personal as taking cash out of his pocket, because that is exactly what shoplifting does.  When the store loses, not only the owner loses, but also each employee of the store who may have received a raise, or may not have been laid off, also loses.  In addition to making capital available to operate the business, the store profit is what the retailer depends on for his own living expenses.  So yes, shoplifting is personal to him, and the reason for his anti shoplifting position.

Checkpoint Systems retail anti theft devices are the choices for retailers that are serious about their anti shoplifting efforts.

Every Checkpoint Security Systems piece of equipment, Checkpoint labels, and Checkpoint tags are designed to prevent shoplifting from its many users.  The mere presence of a Checkpoint Systems antenna standing at the store’s entrance is sufficient to subtly warn the potential shoplifter that the risk of being caught shoplifting at that store is too great to take the chance.  For those that do decide to risk theft from a protected store, the attention they will get from a well trained and attentive staff member will certainly affect their intention.

There are Checkpoint Security Systems doing their jobs in the retail environment from the mega stores all the way down to the corner grocery store, and all have experienced greatly reduced instances of shoplifting and are enjoying new found profits.

Need anti shoplifting advice?  Call 770-426-0547 or click here for more information.  Please visit our Online Retail Loss Prevention Store here.

Checkpoint Systems Needed at the Jail

At least Checkpoint Systems might have helped recover the stolen merchandise while it was still usable.

According to the City Pages of the Minneapolis/St. Paul News [link here], a 270 pound female shoplifter was observed squatting on the floor of a fur retailer in Bloomington, and stuffing a fur coat valued at $6500 up her dress, while an accomplice attempted to distract the salespeople.  An alert employee asked the shoplifter what the heck she thought she was doing, whereupon the shoplifter pulled up her dress to show the employee a bare behind.

While the employees tried to recover from the sight, the shoplifter and the lookout drove away with a third person.

Later in the day, the shoplifter was arrested when she was in a car that was pulled over by the police.  She was brought in for questioning, and while she admitted stealing the jacket, she denied having it with her.

The shoplifter was booked into the jail, searched by a pat down and a metal detector and placed in a holding cell. (This is where the Checkpoint Systems antenna and Checkpoint security tags may have come in handy).

The 46 year old spent the entire New Years’ three day weekend in the jail with the merchandise still in her underwear, doing whatever people do when they’re in jail for three days.  I’m guessing a shower wasn’t on the agenda.

She denied having the fur until she was told she was being transported to the county lockup, when she pulled out the coat and handed it over.

The article didn’t say if the boutique got their coat back, or even if they wanted it back.

If the shop had been using an anti shoplifting device such as a Checkpoint Security System, the shoplifter most probably would have picked on a different store, as the system detects checkpoint tags no matter where they are concealed, evening the underwear.

The jail might consider a Checkpoint System to be sure no stolen merchandise is kept in the jail for the weekend.

How can a Checkpoint System help you control shoplifting losses?  Call 770-426-0547 or click here for more information.

Dream of profit, not loss, with Checkpoint systems

Wouldn’t we all like to stop shoplifting in our businesses?  Could you imagine the profit to be made if there was no such thing as shrink?  But unfortunately, such a thought is a dream.  But there are anti shoplifting measures you can take to maximize your profits by significantly reducing your loss from theft.  The next best thing to no shrink is reduced shrink by using retail anti theft devices.

Checkpoint security systems are an option you can use to reduce loss due to theft in your business.  By having Checkpoint security tags on clothing, for example, you can send a clear message to potential thieves that may come into your business.  That message is that you are serious about retail theft prevention, so you protect your merchandise from people just like them.

Checkpoint labels and Checkpoint tags can be placed on your merchandise so that if it leaves your business without being paid for, employees are alerted.  These types of anti shoplifting devices are like having an employee guarding every item you sell, preventing shoplifters from taking the merchandise without paying for it.  It’s a minimal investment that is well worth the expense in order to protect the merchandise you wish to sell.

The ability to stop shoplifting does not have to be a dream.  You can make your anti shoplifting ideas a reality by investing in merchandise protection.  Checkpoint systems can help you in this endeavor by being a deterrent to the would-be shoplifter, as well as an alert when theft does occur in your business.

Live the dream with a profitable business, not one that has to succumb to the loss caused by out of control shoplifting activity. Checkpoint security systems and retail anti theft devices will make that dream come true!

For more information about anti shoplifting or stop shoplifting or Checkpoint security systems or retail anti theft devices or Checkpoint labels or Checkpoint security tags or Checkpoint tags or Checkpoint systems contact us at retail theft prevention or call 1.770.426.0547.