Anti shoplifting a top priority for many retailers

Anti shoplifting efforts can sometimes go unnoticed by many managers in the retail world. It is just as important to protect your assets as it is to making the sale.

A small grocery store was having issues with inventory disappearing from their shelves. This store was a specialty market dealing with international foods. In this single store chain, they were having a very profitable year. In preparation for inventory, they noticed merchandise missing, processes and procedures they had establish were not being followed. Shoplifting was a big problem in their store too. Focusing their preliminary efforts on anti shoplifting, the store requested and implemented a loss prevention agent program. The agent’s responsibility was simple: Apprehend shoplifters and stop shoplifting. Over the course of the next month, the stores anti shoplifting results were proven. Shoplifter after shoplifter was apprehended, some of the customers this store thought were the best and most trusted, had for years been ripping them off.

Next, the store decided to go with a Checkpoint security system. After they personally reviewed the product, and after recommendations from a loss prevention consultant, the store felt a Checkpoint security system was a great choice for a continued anti shoplifting program. Once the Checkpoint security system was installed, the store noticed a dramatic decrease in instances of shoplifting. The loss prevention agent witnessed potential shoplifters deterred as a result of the checkpoint tags placed on high theft items. Checkpoint tags were an obvious and visible deterrent, and the store now had the proof.

As time went on, the store realized the importance of having an anti shoplifting program that included a Checkpoint security system and continued to drives sales with better results. Installing the checkpoint tags on merchandise was fast and easy, and helped maintain the sense of security and customer focus.

Visit the Retail Loss Prevention Store today and stop shoplifting

For more information to help you stop shoplifting contact us at anti shoplifting or call 1.770.426.0547

Fool me once… Don’t get ripped off buying a Checkpoint Security System

A few days ago I received a service call from a new client who needed service on an existing Checkpoint security system. The problem he was having is that two days after the system was installed it started to false alarm. After talking with the gentleman I found out that he had purchased the system from an uncertified company that was selling “refurbished” Checkpoint systems.

He had attempted to contact the company he had purchased the Checkpoint security system from but they were giving him the runaround and were not making any efforts to resolve his problem. After being unsuccessful with the “reseller of his refurbished system” he contacted Loss Prevention Systems, Inc. We promptly setup a service call scheduled for the following day. Upon arriving onsite the technician discovered what the problem was… everything.

The problem with an uncertified “reseller” is that they have not been adequately trained nor do they have the correct equipment to install a Checkpoint security system properly. If you have someone who does not know what they are doing, you risk a similar situation. From the unique type of wire that is used to the software that programs an antenna, only someone factory certified on Checkpoint systems will be able to ensure that your system will operate at its highest efficiency.

The “reseller” also sold this gentleman what he thought were Checkpoint labels. The problem was that the Checkpoint labels he bought were actually an aftermarket knockoff. These knockoff labels are very unreliable. Checkpoint labels are very hard to copy, these company’s that try to duplicate a label usually have at least one of two problems. Either a large number of labels will not alarm the system or it’s what is referred to as a “stubborn” label, which means that the label will not deactivate at the time of purchase and causes a properly purchased item to alarm a Checkpoint security system when your client leaves the store.

If you are considering purchasing a Checkpoint system, don’t make the mistake of using an uncertified reseller. Let us help you get the right parts at the right price the first time.

Visit the Retail Loss Prevention Store and stop shoplifting once and for all with a real retail theft prevention program.

For more information on a genuine Checkpoint security system, Checkpoint systems or Genuine Checkpoint labels. Please contact us at anti shoplifting or call 1-770-426-0547

What anti shoplifting efforts are effective?

Anti shoplifting is the topic around many retail water coolers.

Honestly, one of the most impactful anti shoplifting devices anywhere is a savvy manager. Knowing what tools he has and needs and making a conscious effort to execute each appropriately can be the best for anti shoplifting.

Outside of the savvy manager, the next best tool for anti shoplifting is a Checkpoint Security system.

About 5 years ago, I walked a store that just had a Checkpoint Security System installed. Walking the various aisles, and inspecting the different merchandise, it was very apparent this store was using checkpoint labels and checkpoint tags. The Checkpoint Security System was up and running.
Weeks before, I had been in this store. Literally, it was being overrun with shoplifters. I walked in the front door, and was immediately confront by the manager on duty who told about a thief that just ran out of the back door with a bag of merchandise. Incredible? Indeed.

Too often I heard of this store getting ripped off by thieves because the store had no anti shoplifting program. The thieves knew this, and took advantage.

Almost immediately after installing the Checkpoint Security System and placing checkpoint labels and checkpoint tags on merchandise, shoplifting decreased. In some estimates, instances of shoplifting were reduced by as much as 70%. This was huge for this store.

A Checkpoint system can save you from a lot of headaches in your business. As a professional in the field of loss prevention and an advisor, I would recommend nothing less than solid store management that communicate company expectations, execute programs and ensure compliance. These managers would have the notion to ensure each of their stores was secured with a Checkpoint Security system.

Visit the Retail Loss Prevention Store for checkpoint labels and checkpoint tags and stop shoplifting once and for all!

For more information about retail anti theft devices or retail theft prevention contact us at anti shoplifting or call us 1.770.426.0547

Checkpoint Security Systems save retailers bottom line

Checkpoint Security Systems have been around for years. Their effectiveness has been proven time and time again. However, there are still businesses out there they are either not using a Checkpoint Security System or not using the Checkpoint Security System effectively.

It’s one thing to invest your money into a product that has little value or that is disposable but will give you quick profit if marketed, merchandise and positioned appropriately. It’s another thing to invest your money into a product and not use it. True with many retailers today, a product like Checkpoint Security systems not being used or used effectively.
Checkpoint Security Systems offer the merchant visible presence to deter the professional and amateur thieves.

A manager and I were monitoring the Checkpoint Security System from his office one day. We saw an unusual looking customer enter his store. This guy was talking on his cellphone, paying more attention to the employees than the merchandise. He walked down aisle after aisle. Making his way back, he stopped at the health and beauty section of the store. He picked up a box of aspirin, looked at it and put it back. He picked up another. We weren’t sure what he was doing. On his third inspection of the aspirin box, we noticed him trying to peel the checkpoint labels attached to the product. Checkpoint labels make a great visible deterrent. The customer moved to another aisle, hair care. He picked up a bottle of shampoo, another one with Checkpoint Labels. Obviously upset, the customer uses his cellphone. Whoever he is talking with, he was not happy.

After reviewing footage from other theft incidents at this store, it was determined the customer we observed had been suspected in merchandise theft previously. Now that this store had a Checkpoint Security System, this customer lost his livelihood.

Visit the Retail Loss Prevention Store

For more information about retail theft prevention or retail anti theft devices or checkpoint tags or checkpoint systems or anti shoplifting contact us at Checkpoint Security Systems or call 1.770.426.0547

Increase profit and sales with Checkpoint systems

I helped investigate a case in which a group of individuals were targeting several different stores in the retail chain that I work for, stealing high dollar electronics.  These individuals would distract employees near the front of the business and simply walk out of the store.  In my own store, they walked out with ten electronics items over the course of two hours, making several trips in and out of the store.  They were eventually caught in my store when retail anti theft devices alerted employees and the thieves were recognized from their previous thefts.

Many of the electronics items these individuals stole did not have anti shoplifting devices on them.  They were not shipped with this protection by the manufacturer.  However, if the merchandise had been protected by Checkpoint labels or Checkpoint tags, employees would have been alerted much sooner that these thefts were occurring.  A loss similar to this in your business could be prevented by utilizing Checkpoint security systems.

Checkpoint tags and Checkpoint labels can be secured to virtually any type of merchandise that you choose.  You know your merchandise and what is being stolen or unaccounted for due to shrink, so Checkpoint systems offer the freedom to choose what merchandise you wish or need to protect.

Businesses need to offer what the customer desires, and that is difficult to do if your shelves are often bare from stolen merchandise.  Better instock is an additional benefit of anti shoplifting devices such as Checkpoint systems.  Increased profit and increased sales can result also…there is nothing wrong with that!

Minimal investment, decreased loss, increased profit – these are all benefits of a reliable anti shoplifting approach such as Checkpoint security systems.

For the best in retail anti theft devices Visit the Retail Loss Prevention Store

For more information about anti shoplifting or checkpoint security systems or checkpoint labels or checkpoint systems or retail anti theft devices or contact us at checkpoint tags or call 1.770.426.0547.

Keeping up with the Jones’

Have you purchased a Checkpoint security system? If you have, do you have a preventative maintenance agreement? If you don’t, you should, and here are some reasons why.

A Checkpoint security system, like most technology, is designed to grow and improve. With regularly scheduled maintenance you will be able to ensure that your system has the most recent firmware and is tuned properly. The environment around your Checkpoint security systems is ever changing. As your door opens and closes, wind vibrating the windows of your storefront or the temperature from day to night. These are all things that over time can affect your EAS system. Having a technician keep your Checkpoint security system working at its highest level also extends the life of your investment. In today’s economy, there is no room for wasteful spending. A Checkpoint system will continue to pay for itself over and over again by saving you lost revenue.

With the high turnover of employees in the retail industry, these visits will help to keep your staff knowledgeable about how the equipment works. The technician will inspect to make sure that the Checkpoint labels are being placed in the proper locations and are being deactivated prior to leaving the store.

These visits by a certified technician will also help to ensure that as you stock different merchandise, you are using the best Checkpoint labels or Checkpoint security tags. Knowing which Checkpoint security tags or labels are available can help with both efficiency and aesthetics of your location. There is a wide range of products and new styles being released as well as different ways to attach the labels and tags to the products.

Remember, with regularly scheduled maintenance you will be able to save money, increase efficiency, avoid costly service calls and ensure you have the most recent and best software available for your Checkpoint security systems.

For more information about Checkpoint security systems, preventative maintenance plan, Checkpoint labels or Checkpoint security tags contact us at stop shoplifting or call 1.770.426.0547

Ease your mind with Checkpoint Systems

Retail theft prevention is on the minds of all business owners, perhaps now more than ever.  In an economy that has been challenging, to say the least, businesses may be seeing an increase in theft and loss due to shoplifting.  There are ways that business owners or managers can stop shoplifting within their businesses, and reduce some of that loss that is being experienced.

Anti shoplifting concepts might seem overwhelming to a business owner who is just starting to look into retail theft prevention.  However, retail anti theft devices can be an excellent deterrent to shoplifting for businesses that are experiencing out of control loss due to theft.

Checkpoint security systems, for example, are a proven leader in the anti shoplifting world.  By having Checkpoint security tags on items that a business sells, merchandise can be protected from the variety of ways that customers choose to steal.

Checkpoint systems also alert employees when merchandise is being stolen by sounding an alarm when the tagged merchandise is leaving your business without being purchased.  This concept in itself can deter shoplifting, in the fact that shoplifters do not want the attention that Checkpoint tags may offer.

In the battle against shoplifting, business owners teach employees to acknowledge all customers and take note of their actions.  But there are more customers than there are employees, so this task can sometimes be challenging.

By employing Checkpoint security systems, you can offer additional protection of your merchandise for much less than adding an excessive amount of additional employees.

Checkpoint labels and checkpoint tags applied to your high theft merchandise do the job of many employees by helping protect what could be lost.  Expect increased profits and reduced loss should you utilize anti shoplifting measures such as Checkpoint security systems.

Checkpoint systems in combination with checkpoint labels and checkpoint security tags IS your all seeing guard at the front door! So stop shoplifting TODAY!

Visit the Retail Loss Prevention Store for the best in retail anti theft devices

For more information about retail theft prevention or anti shoplifting or checkpoint security systems or stop shoplifting or checkpoint labels or checkpoint systems or checkpoint security tags or retail anti theft devices contact us at checkpoint tags or call 1.770.426.0547.

Grocery store to increase anti shoplifting efforts

Anti shoplifting efforts really aren’t meant to be greatly publicized. Most businesses prefer to be low key when utilizing anti shoplift efforts and want to showcase merchandise and customer service instead.

A small, start up grocery chain I once worked was having a real tough time with shoplifters. They were very successful in the local community but were also a big target. Large stores, very busy, little to no obvious or visible security and/or protection… somewhat a thieves paradise.

The management wanted an anti shoplifting program that could go in unannounced, meaning that not even the regular store employees would be aware of the new store security features.

I introduced this store to an anti shoplifting program and showed them a Checkpoint Security system. Something the store had seen in other retailers but was unaware of the effectiveness of a Checkpoint Security system in the world of grocery retail. Since this store carried general merchandise as well as grocery, a Checkpoint Security System could do this business good.
Over 2 days, the Checkpoint security system was installed in the store, deactivation pads were placed at the checkstands, EAS antennas were placed at the exits and entrances to the restrooms and management was educated on the proper use of the checkpoint systems.

Over the next few months, a store that once suffered from the negative effects of shoplifting was seeing the benefits of their new checkpoint systems.  As time went on, the checkpoint systems paid for themselves. The store saw an immediate decrease in grab and run type thefts, and other instances of customers simply leaving the store with unpaid merchandise and unchallenged.  As the inventory cycle came around, the store saw a decrease in shrink taking the store from near 5% to less than 3% in just one year.

Are Checkpoint Systems good for your business? Do really wanna wait another inventory cycle to find out?

For more information about retail theft prevention or retail anti theft devices contact us at anti shoplifting or call us at 1.770.426.0547

How Are You Attaching Your Checkpoint Tags?

How would you like to attach your Checkpoint tags? Pins, lanyards, ink or audible alarms? These are a few of the choices; let’s decide how many of these are right for you. Keep in mind that none of this will effect the detection of your Checkpoint systems.

Pins are the standard attachment devices used with Checkpoint tags. The tag is placed on one side and the pin is pushed through the item and into the tag. Once the pin is inside the tag it will not come loose without using a detacher. This is a very good way to keep checkpoint security tags on items to stop shoplifting. The downside with using pins is that you have to make a tiny puncture in the item that you are tagging. This is why lanyards are being used more and more everyday.

Lanyards allow for you to attach Checkpoint tags to merchandise without have to pierce the item. If you own a clothing store and you have a blouse with a very shear fabric, a lanyard works great. You would just wrap the lanyard around a loop or sleeve of the clothing and attach it to the tag. Lanyards are made out of hardened steel that makes it very difficult cut. You would need industrial wire cutters to have a chance at getting through the metal.

Do you need a more physical response to help stop shoplifting? Ink Checkpoint tags work great to stop shoplifting before it happens. The ink packet works as the pin attaching to a hard tag. If someone tries to remove the tag, the ink packet will break causing permanent ink to spill on him or her and the item. No one wants to steal ruined merchandise.

If you would like to draw more attention to a shoplifter than just Checkpoint systems alarming, I would recommend what is called a “Screamer” tag. It is the car alarm of the retail world. These checkpoint security tags have a very loud sounder attached to them. When a shoplifter tries to steal an item with one of these attached it not only sets off the Checkpoint systems but also goes into alarm itself. The sounder will alarm continuously until an authorized person disarms it.

Visit the Retail Loss Prevention Store

These are a few options that are available. For more information on how to stop shoplifting, Checkpoint systems, Checkpoint labels or checkpoint security tags contact us at Checkpoint systems or call 1.770.426.0547

Labels, Labels, Labels Everywhere…Which Checkpoint Labels Should I Use?

Need help deciding which Checkpoint Labels you should use to help retail theft prevention? Here are a few things to think about from a Checkpoint security system certified technician’s point of view. The first decision you will need to make is whether you need non-deactivating hard Checkpoint tags or deactivating Checkpoint labels.

Hard Checkpoint tags will be able to be detected better from a further distance than a Checkpoint labels. This does not mean that you have to have hard Checkpoint tags for your system to work properly. The system is designed and tuned to detect Checkpoint labels without a gap in the system. The benefits of using Checkpoint Tags are that they are a visual deterrent. When a customer picks up an article of clothing or a handbag and they see the tag they know that if they try to steal that item an alarm will sound. These tags are also more durable and reusable.

The downside of using Checkpoint tags is that they are easy to see. While it will help with retail theft prevention, it may also not be as aesthetically pleasing as some people would like. There are also some products that it is not logical or cost effective to use hard tags on.

The benefits of using Checkpoint labels are ease of use, cost effective and with a plethora of different shapes and sizes, are ideal for most applications. With the release of Checkpoint’s new EP (enhanced performance) label, you are able to receive the same detection capabilities that you would have gotten with a much larger tag in the past. Although the Checkpoint security system is the same, changes in the design of the label has improved the efficiency of the system. You can apply these sticker labels to almost anything that you want to keep from leaving the location without you knowing. Also, these tags will not have to be removed at the time of purchase. When the item is scanned at the point of sale the tag is automatically deactivated, causing a seamless transaction and not adding anytime to the routine of your cashier.

There are a few things to keep in mind when using Checkpoint labels. They are not as durable because they are in sticker form and are not in a hard case. The labels are also more prone to being tampered with. Also, for the label to be most effective it needs to be placed on a flat surface. If you place the sticker label on a significantly curved surface it can cause the tag to not be detected properly from the Checkpoint security system.

These are just a few retail theft prevention items to keep in mind when deciding what label or tag is right for you.

Visit the Retail Loss Prevention Store

For more information about Retail theft prevention, a Checkpoint security system or checkpoint security tags or retail anti theft devices contact us at retail theft prevention or call 1.770.426.0547