Use Checkpoint Systems to Stop profit loss from shoplifting

You as a business owner need to figure out a way to reduce your losses and control shrink in your store. Simple enough, you would think. But shoplifters, employee theft and vendor fraud make the task more difficult than it needs to be. When a business is thinking about anti shoplifting methods , a great option to consider is Checkpoint security systems .

Part of an effective anti shoplifting system is making sure that inventory is accurately tracked and accounted for. Then, when inventory is displayed for customers to buy, retail anti theft devices like Checkpoint security systems may be used to further counter shrink problems. Checkpoint labels may be placed on high theft merchandise so that employees are alerted when merchandise is leaving without going through a cashier. Checkpoint tags work in the same manner. Often, simply the sight of the anti shoplifting tools like Checkpoint tags may be enough to deter the shoplifter and encourage them to move on to the next unprotected business.

When you recognize that some of the merchandise you sell is sought after by thieves, Checkpoint security systems will help protect it. You want to be able to still have your high theft merchandise available to honest customers right? Well Checkpoint systems allow you to still do this and have the merchandise protected to make a profit. There is no profit to be made when your merchandise is walking out at the hands of shoplifters.

While locked cases can help deter theft, it is probably not practical to lock up every item that you sell. Also people are more likely to purchase things they can get without the help of a sales associate. Checkpoint security systems such as Checkpoint labels or Checkpoint tags are used to display the merchandise that you have to offer without worrying about the profits you may lose if the merchandise is stolen.

Check out our website to purchase Checkpoint Systems retail anti theft devices, Checkpoint Labels and Checkpoint Tags.

For more information on retail anti theft devices , anti shoplifting , Checkpoint security systems, retail anti theft devices , Checkpoint labels , Checkpoint security tags or Checkpoint tags contact us at Checkpoint systems or call 1.770.426.0547.

Anti Shoplifting Efforts Peak Employee Interest

It has been a challenge for retailers to stop shoplifting since the first shops opened their doors in ancient times. Then, it was nice and easy for shop owners to enforce anti shoplifting measures. People were a lot less likely to steal when the punishment was incredibly severe.

Punishment for the crime has changed over time and unfortunately rates of loss due to shoplifting have gone drastically up. Because of this increase in crime, anti shoplifting strategies are more important now than ever before.  Luckily, in today’s world retail anti theft devices , such as Checkpoint labels and Checkpoint tags are available to help combat and stop shoplifting.

The first time I came in contact with Checkpoint Security Systems, I was an undercover loss prevention agent working in a drug store. I had heard of the Checkpoint Security Systems previously, but had never the opportunity to interact with one. After a brief run down on how these worked and what to look for, I loved the system.  Checkpoint Security Systems were like my partner (even better). With active Checkpoint Security Systems including Checkpoint tags and Checkpoint labels, thieves could not leave our store without being seen and heard.

As the years went on, each store I worked was fitted with Checkpoint systems, and we watched our shrink decrease. The more skilled “pro’s” were still challenged and forced to invent ways to attempt to defeat the checkpoint systems. Soon, many of these “pro’s” were nabbed and their ways were detected. Checkpoint systems offered my stores the anti shoplifting program we needed.

Visit the Retail Loss Prevention Store to purchase Checkpoint Security Systems, Checkpoint labels , Checkpoint Tags and other retail anti theft devices.

For more information on Checkpoint labels , Checkpoint Security systems , Checkpoint tags , Checkpoint Systems and retail anti theft devices  contact us at stop shoplifting or call 1.770.426.0547

If only shoplifters used their powers for good instead of evil…

Early in my career as a retail theft prevention specialist, I received an email detailing a tool an individual had used for shoplifting. Attached to the email was a picture, which the asset protection employees had lovingly labeled a “booster buggy.” It was a child’s stroller, and with a blanket over the front of it, it did not look suspicious at all. But if you lifted that blanket, the crafty shoplifters had built a box in the seat of the stroller, complete with foil lining, black tape on the outside, and a flip lid. It was used to conceal and walk out with quite a bit of our business’s merchandise.

If these shoplifters would only have put their creativity to work for good instead of evil, the world might be a better place. Unfortunately, because of crimes like this, retail prices are higher for the honest customers. Businesses must utilize the resources that are available to stop shoplifting in order to combat this “evil” that all business owners face.

Retail anti theft devices can aid in this battle against “evil”, by deterring those that intend to shoplift from you. Shoplifters want easy access to your merchandise and a quick get-away, and retail anti theft devices take away both of those opportunities. They are a wise resource to utilize on your anti shoplifting crusade.

Checkpoint systems anti shoplifting devices such as Checkpoint labels and Checkpoint security tags help stop shoplifting by alerting employees when sneaky people try to get out of your business with unpurchased merchandise.

Having an effective retail theft prevention program for your business is also a mighty weapon against shoplifting. Educated employees that provide good customer service, checkpoint security tags, key controls, closed circuit television, and a variety of other retail anti theft devices all can help stop shoplifting in your business.

With good retail theft prevention, the “evil” of shoplifting can be defeated in your business, allowing for “good” profits.

To purchase checkpoint systems or checkpoint labels visit our website.

For more information on anti shoplifting , checkpoint labels , checkpoint security tags , checkpoint systems , retail anti theft devices or retail theft prevention contact us at stop shopliftingorcall 1.770.426.0547

Get ready and prevent shoplifting with Checkpoint Systems

So what exactly are you doing to prevent shoplifting within your business? Do you have anti shoplifting devices in your business? You are a business out to make a profit, which means you had better be considering what you can do to decrease shrink in your establishment.


Checkpoint tags can be a great option in for you to invest in. Checkpoint security systems have solutions to help you protect your merchandise from the thieves that want to steal your profits. For minimal investment, you can reap huge rewards by preventing theft and loss due to shoplifting.


Checkpoint security tags for apparel are a visual deterrent, which thieves can see when they are scouting out a business from which to steal. Shoplifters want to be able to steal from you and get away with it, quickly, without the hassle of Checkpoint security tags. You don’t want to give them what they want, which is your merchandise. Make their lives difficult through anti shoplifting systems like Checkpoint security systems.


Checkpoint tags as well as Checkpoint labels may be used on merchandise that is high theft in your store. Items considered high theft vary from store to store and city to city, so by using Checkpoint systems you choose what you want to protect. This allows you to create a unique anti shoplifting system that fits the needs of your business.


In order to make a profit you can’t just sit back and watch your merchandise walk out of your doors at the hands of shoplifters. Fight back with Checkpoint security systems.


To purchase Check Systems, Checkpoint labels, or Checkpoint tags visit our website.


For more information on checkpoint systems , Checkpoint security systems , Checkpoint labels , Checkpoint security tags or Checkpoint tags contact us at anti shoplifting or call 1.770.426.0547.

Retail theft prevention with Checkpoint Systems

I’ve learned after working a few years in retail theft prevention that shoplifters come in all shapes and sizes.  They are all ages, all backgrounds, and all classes of people.  I’ve also learned that while some are obvious as to what their intentions are when they enter your business, others have learned to blend in and do their work virtually undetected.  Your shrink dollars and unaccounted for merchandise tells you that they have been there – but you are only left reeling in their wake.

Anti shoplifting devices such as Checkpoint labels and Checkpoint tags can help deter these shoplifters when you might not otherwise be able to.  A business can be fully staffed and still employees can miss the tell-tale signs of a potential shoplifter.  Or that shoplifter might just be well rehearsed with his or her technique for stealing.  With retail anti theft devices such as Checkpoint security systems, your merchandise itself can protect your assets and increase your profits.

Checkpoint labels and Checkpoint security tags can be affixed to your high ticket and high theft merchandise.  With Checkpoint systems in place, your merchandise can essentially defend itself.  The sneaky shoplifter who might otherwise steal from you will reconsider when they see that you have invested in retail theft prevention measures.  Checkpoint tags and Checkpoint labels are nearly impossible to remove without a key from the register and will sound a loud alarm when they leave your store without being removed. This is certainly attention that potential shoplifters don’t want.

Any person who walks into your business could be a shoplifter.  They aren’t all shoplifters, but there are more than you might suspect.  By utilizing anti shoplifting options such as Checkpoint systems, you can let the retail anti theft devices do the work of reducing the shrink and loss experienced at the hands of these people.

Visit the Retail Loss Prevention Store to purchase Check Security Systems, Checkpoint Security Tags or Checkpoint labels.

For more information about anti shoplifting or checkpoint security systems or checkpoint labels or checkpoint systems or retail anti theft devices or retail theft prevention or checkpoint security tags contact us at checkpoint tags or call 1.770.426.0547.

Checkpoint Systems … protect almost anything you sell!

I made the mistake of not investing in a Checkpoint security system. One of my employees recently caught a shoplifter that was taking all kinds of merchandise, from several different departments in our store. She was even having her children help her conceal the merchandise in her large purse. For every shoplifter that we catch – how many more are out there that are doing the same thing and not getting caught this time? I hate to imagine…but I know the number is high.

What can you do to help stop shoplifting in your store? Getting Checkpoint security systems can be one excellent step to stop shoplifting. Checkpoint systems use Electronic Article Surveillance by sounding alarms if merchandise with Checkpoint tags or Checkpoint labels gets to close to the sensors at the exits to your store. Checkpoint tags and checkpoint labels , both of which are available through our website, can be applied to nearly every type of merchandise that a business owner may choose to protect.

Checkpoint systems make a shoplifters reconsider whether or not it is worth it to steal from your business and help stop shoplifting. Most shoplifters want the quick conceal and get away and do not want to take the time to try to remove Checkpoint tags and Checkpoint labels. If you are utilizing a Checkpoint security system the common thief stands no chance of getting out of your business without an alarm sounding and drawing unwanted attention. It should come as no surprise that shoplifters do not like to attract the kind of attention that the Checkpoint security system will bring.

Check out our website to buy Checkpoint systems, Checkpoint tags, and Checkpoint labels.

For more information contact us for Checkpoint security systems , checkpoint tags , checkpoint security system , checkpoint systems , anti shoplifting , Checkpoint labels or please call 1.770.426.0547.

Employee theft causes shrink whether it’s donuts, dollars, or diamonds

I was involved in investigating a local employee theft where the employee was stealing donuts on her break.  Was it worth the time to investigate?  Yes, when you consider that this small theft might have led to her stealing more merchandise.  My decision to do an employee theft investigation at the first sign of loss, was my way of being proactive and stopping a thief before her confidence in her abilities to steal grew.  And usually, when you discover a loss that is caused by an employee, you will also discover that there have been more instances of theft prior.

Its possible for internal theft to happen at any business, at any time, for any amount.  Most employees who steal go for items generally a little larger gain than donuts, and this can negatively impact a business’s bottom line.  Employees, whom you hope you can trust, can account for thousands of dollars of loss for your business. If you don’t react to your suspicions of internal theft they may definitely be occurring.

Some business owners mistakenly believe that if they prevent shoplifting in their business then they have prevented shrink from stolen merchandise.  But employee theft can add up more quickly and cost you more than the average shoplifter. 

Do you have inventory that can’t be located?  Is merchandise that was recently received disappearing?  Is there merchandise that is considered high theft, such as electronics, that is unaccounted for? Start your own employee theft investigation and figure out when these losses are occurring and determine which employees are in your business at that time.  You may quickly realize who is responsible for the loss you are experiencing.

Whether it is donuts,  dollars, or diamonds you are losing from your business, you can stop the theft and recoup some of your loss by being aware of, and proactive toward, employee theft.

For more information on  employee theft investigation s in Atlanta GA contact us at internal theft or call 1.770.426.0547.

Checkpoint Systems: The New Frontier

Checkpoint security systems have come a long way since their humble beginnings in Philadelphia. You might not know this but Checkpoint Systems was originally designed for libraries and it wasn’t until later that they became the retail anti theft devices that you know today.

A Philadelphia library was having a problem with patrons leaving the building with books that they had not checked out. This was causing a significant amount of loss of books and ultimately money. Checkpoint systems realized that something needed to be done and designed a contraption that used RF (radio frequency) energy to detect Checkpoint tags that had been placed inside the library books.

The original Checkpoint security systems looked similar to the metal detectors that you have to walk through at the airport. With advancements in technology, came smaller and better antennas. These are probably the ones you are most familiar with. I still see this style of Checkpoint security system antennas or Checkpoint labels on clothing in television shows and movies.

As well as the “legacy” equipment worked, there was always one constant flaw. The Checkpoint tags and Checkpoint labels would pickup differently depending on how they were facing. If the tag were facing sideways or horizontal it would be detected better than if it were forward facing. This would cause a gap or a hole in the system making it easier for items to leave the premises without being detected.

With the release of the new Evolve antennas, this problem was finally resolved. The Checkpoint security systems Evolve antenna is designed with 360 degree rotating detection field. This means that when tagged items go through the retail anti theft devices, they will be equally detected no matter which way they are facing. This new design truly is a game changer. With the use of an Evolve Checkpoint security system, preventing loss just got a whole lot easier.

To purchase retail anti theft devices visit our website.

For more information on Checkpoint systems, Checkpoint labels, Checkpoint tags, Checkpoint security system, retail anti theft devices or Checkpoint security systems, please contact us online or call 1-770-426-0547

Checkpoint Systems “For Dummies” (part III)

Knowing where to place these Checkpoint labels is key. If the label does not pass through the deactivation field they will not be deactivated. The general rule of thumb is to place any Checkpoint labels near or under the barcode. This is why Checkpoint systems offers such a wide variety of thermal transfer labels that allow the end user to print their barcodes directly on the tag itself. It is vital that cashiers and anyone else who will be responsible for this task be properly trained on how to scan an item to ensure the tag has been deactivated. When the system is installed the technician should discuss the size and location of the deactivation field because it is invisible. Also, there is a device that can be purchased that can be used to identify the parameters of the field.

Because Checkpoint labels are made from a coil of metal on a sticker, they should not be placed on metal surfaces. This will make the tag go unnoticed by Checkpoint security systems. Also, you will want to keep the label on a flat surface. When a label is bent it will cause the label to change its “queue” or frequency and decrease the chance that it will alarm the Checkpoint security systems.

Understanding how a Checkpoint security system functions and how it should be properly used will tremendously help your effort to stop shoplifting and might save you a few headaches along the way. Remember, a Checkpoint security system can do an excellent job preventing shoplifters from hurting your bottom line but it is only one weapon in an arsenal of loss prevention devices and techniques.

Visit the Retail Loss Prevention Store for your checkpoint systems needs anywhere in the United States.

For more information on Checkpoint security systems, Checkpoint labels or Checkpoint systems contact us at Checkpoint security system or call 1-770-426-0547

Use Checkpoint Security Systems… Stop suffering from shoplifters

Your business is suffering…from shrink. A Checkpoint Security System may be the solution you have been looking for.  There are options available, such as Checkpoint security systems that can be effective at deterring and preventing losses to your business from theft.

Retail ant theft devices such as Checkpoint tags and Checkpoint labels are a visible deterrent that shoplifters do not want to have to deal with when they target your business.  Shoplifters thrive on not being noticed. Why have the extra hassle of figuring out how to get around a checkpoint security systems retail anti theft devices when there are other businesses that are unprotected?  Checkpoint systems are a proven industry leader in this innovation and are a worthwhile investment to those wishing to explore anti shoplifting options.

As a business owner you need to be able to openly offer merchandise that your customers desire and are willing to purchase.  When you sell items that are considered high theft, or appealing to those that shoplift, you are taking an additional risk by having these items available to your honest customers as well.  Protecting this high theft merchandise with checkpoint tags and checkpoint labels allows you to afford to offer this desirable merchandise without having to offset shrink with higher prices.

Honest customers appreciate your investment in retail anti theft devices.  While they may not realize it when they are shopping at your business, your ability to offer reasonable prices and in-stock merchandise is appreciated, and is directly related to your investment in retail theft prevention and anti shoplifting systems.  With a Checkpoint security system you can  offer the merchandise protection you need to be a competitive business, not a victim of theft.

To purchase Checkpoint Systems, Checkpoint labels or Checkpoint Tags visit our website!

For more information on Checkpoint labels , Checkpoint security system , Checkpoint Tags , Checkpoint Security Systems , or retail anti theft devices contact us at anti shoplifting or call 1.770.426.0547.