The most common stolen item at my store is denim. Until recently we had little to no anti shoplifting measures. It was like a free-for all. Items that were walking out the door just as fast as we were able to fill the shelves because we had no anti shoplifting devices. How are we supposed to do our jobs as loss prevention if the companies weren’t helping us out with any anti shoplifting support?
We recently started using Checkpoint security tags. Which makes sense since we are already using Checkpoint security systems for the store alarm. The Checkpoint security tags are simple and get the job done. You place the pin into the clothing and attach the tag portion and BAM anti shoplifting device to the rescue!
Checkpoint security tags are the king and queen in retail theft prevention. When a company starts using security tags it has a 30% return on investment (ROI) in the first year of installing them. I have worked with Checkpoint systems at other retailers. I have used their camera systems, alarm systems, deactivation pads, EAS (Electronic Article System) towers, and security tags. Checkpoint systems make my job a lot easier.
When scanning cameras looking to catch a shoplifter one of my favorite things to look for is people checking the merchandise for Checkpoint security tags. That is the first indicator that tells us that this person is looking to steal something. Most shoplifters will go through a few stacks of jeans to find one missing its security tag. I once had the Director of Loss Prevention for my company in my store. He had heard that we had been dealing with a lot of denim boosters in our stores and wanted to see the video. When we played it for him he had us pause and rewind it several times. He pointed out how the guys would check the pants for tags as they selected them. He really enjoyed seeing that the extra measures we have taken with security by adding checkpoint security tags to our merchandise were really paying off. When we first started using Checkpoint systems there was a lot of push back from the stores thinking we were going to hurt merchandise sales because of it. The Director of Loss Prevention had us copy the video for him and he played it for others in the company that were skeptical about using the Checkpoint systems. He showed them exactly where we are making an impact to their bottom line. Without these tags we would have lost a lot more merchandise then we did that year. We never heard another complaint after that. Just goes to show that Checkpoint security systems really work for retailers.
Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase retail anti theft devices from Checkpoint Systems.
For more information on Anti Shoplifting , Checkpoint Security System or Checkpoint Security Tags contact us at Retail theft prevention or call 1.770.426.0547