Large retailers are seeing an increase of bold walkout thefts, where the suspect loads up a shopping cart and tries to sneak out of the business without being noticed. This type of theft is often successful, and can add up to a significant loss in just one walkout. The world of retail theft prevention always has to be on its toes and on top of the latest trends of shoplifting, in order to stay ahead and earn a profit.
Anti shoplifting systems can help deter this type of walkout thefts by sounding alarms should the merchandise leave your business without being removed or deactivated. A Checkpoint security system is an option for retail theft prevention. Checkpoint security tags attach to your high ticket and high theft merchandise, alerting store employees should a customer attempt to leave your store without paying for the merchandise he or she has selected.
Checkpoint systems are a leader in the anti shoplifting world, and can make a significant difference in the losses that your business is suffering. When a shoplifter is choosing a business to conduct a walk out theft, he or she looks at a variety of different factors. These include the placement of merchandise to your doors, attentiveness of employees, number of employees, and also whether you have anti shoplifting devices. Trying to remove the Checkpoint security tags are nearly impossible, so shoplifters often decide that it is not worth the trouble to steal from businesses with these devices.
Your business needs to be able to make a profit to survive – not allow your goods to leave without being purchased. Retail theft prevention is an important component of your business plan, and part of that plan should include a Checkpoint security system.
Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase retail anti theft devices from Checkpoint Systems.
For more information on Anti Shoplifting , Checkpoint Security System or Checkpoint Security Tags contact us at Retail theft prevention or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia